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The programme aims to provide students with different dramaturgical skills and competencies. As a graduate you will be ideally suited for a career in which you serve as a bridge between theory and practice, complementing artistic and cultural processes and initiatives, as well as facilitating meaningful collaborations and exchanges across the world.

The programme focuses on practices of cultural translation, cross-cultural mediation and curation. As a graduate of the programme, you will be able to research the transformations of the profession and functions of the dramaturge in an international context and through transnational collaborations.

Graduates will be in a position to work in diverse cultural, artistic and/or academic sectors. These range from a dramaturgical position in theatre and performance companies and organisations to being art critics or cultural commentators, programming and coordinating functions or academic research.

Given the growing demand for cultural professionals with the skills of working in transnational and multilingual settings, the programme offers a qualification that is grounded in theatre and performance but with a wide applicability in other domains of the arts and culture. 

Do you have ambitions to start your own business? The Humanities Venture Lab is the place for the humanities entrepreneur starting out. As a student or alumnus, you can find training, coaching, inspiration sessions, and a workplace here. Watch the video’s below to see what the Humanities Venture Lab can do for you.

What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
What can the Humanities Venture Lab offer you?
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab
2 alumni about the added value of the Humanities Venture Lab

Your diploma is not a farewell

After graduating, you don't have to say goodbye to the University of Amsterdam! We are happy to help you develop your career. You can join the young alumni programme, which will assist you in mapping out your career. And as an alumnus, you can also still use the Student Careers Centre.