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The MSc programme in Logic is a research-oriented programme. Most graduates of this programme continue their scientific education with PhD study. Many also carry out research in academic or industrial contexts, are teachers at schools or universities, work in the fields of publishing or journalism, or work in the software industry and management consulting.

Alumnus views

Yfke Dulek

‘What I like about the programme is that students from all over the world with different backgrounds gather in Amsterdam to study logic, but also form a tight community. Without any exceptions everybody works hard, which was very stimulating for me. Also, the programme is quite small-scale – courses generally ranged from 5 to 25 students – which means there is a lot of opportunity to interact with the teachers and learn about their research.'

Read the story of alumnus Yfke

Inés Crespo

‘I am still related to the UvA as a PhD candidate. Very soon after graduation I was asked for the job of teaching assistant. During six months after my graduation I assisted different courses. I had applied to a number of PhD-positions, but things did not work out as expected. There was nothing clearly available in Amsterdam. But one thing led to the other and in February 2010 I started with my PhD-position at the UvA. I was already acquainted with the people I work with now. My supervisor supervised my Master's thesis.