For the September start, you must obtain your diploma before:
Please note that February 2024 is going to be the last time our Research Master's has a February intake. From September 2024 onwards, we will only have a September intake.
The Research Master's programme is more focused on research and as such offers more thorough preparation for motivated students who are looking for an excellent education in Communication Science. The Research Master’s is not only to pursue a career that is specifically targeted at doing research. Research Master’s graduates have, without exception, found employment in academic as well as professional organisations. Graduates are also in an excellent position to apply for a PhD. Whereas the Master's programme must be completed within one year, the Research Master's takes up to two years. Selection is more competitive.
The Research Master's programme is a selective programme for students with an above-average interest in and aptitude for the study of Communication Science, and the conduct of empirical research in the field of Communication Science in particular. That is why, above and beyond the other admission criteria, the Admission committee also considers each applicant for the Research Master's programme on the basis of courses taken and grade marks obtained so far, including those courses in the student's application file that involved empirical (and especially quantitative) methods of data-collection and data-analysis.
The Admission Committee will assess each applicant for the Research Master's on his or her individual merits, whereby proven interest and motivation play a role. However, as a general rule, applicants to the Research Master's programme should have obtained grade marks in their Bachelor's and/or Master's programme(s) so far that exceed the level of a 'minimal pass', including those courses that involved quantitative methods of data-collection and data-analysis.
If you are admitted to the 1-year Master’s programme, you cannot switch to the Research Master's programme, unless you are able and willing to start anew. This means that, should you switch to our Research Master's programme after having participated in our 1-year Master's programme, the coursework taken up in the Master's programme so far cannot and will not serve as a basis for exemptions for the coursework in the Research Master's programme. Consequently, you will have to stay enrolled for an additional two years, with associated costs.
Only if you are in the pre-Master’s per February and initially admitted to the 1-year Master’s programme per September, you can switch to the Research Master's programme if you qualify and apply before the deadline of 1 May (to start the Research Master's per September). Also, you must pass your pre-Master’s programme with above-average grades.
Do you wish to apply to switch to the Research Master’s programme while you are still in the pre-Master’s programme? Then you will follow the steps for application and admission just as if you are a new student who wants to start the Research Master’s programme, with a few minor adjustments in the application. Please follow the next steps:
Please read our FAQ through the button below.
If the FAQ does not answer your question, you can reach out to our Admissions Office via the following forms.