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The Executive Board is charged with the general management of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The Executive Board is responsible for the efficient management of the UvA.

Members of the Executive Board

The members of the Executive Board are appointed, suspended and dismissed by the Supervisory Board of the UvA. The Executive Board currently consists of three members: Edith Hooge, Peter-Paul Verbeek, Jan Lintsen.

Prof. E.H. (Edith) Hooge

President of the Executive Board

Prof. P.P.C.C. (Peter-Paul) Verbeek

Rector Magnificus

Drs. J.W. (Jan) Lintsen MBA

Vice-President of the Executive Board

  • Secretary General of the UvA

    The Secretary General of the university is responsible for the management and coordination of the policy agenda of the Executive Board and deans, the coordination and organisation of the integrated planning and control cycle, as well as the management and monitoring of the project planning of the administrative staff.

    Secretary General: Leon van de Zande
    Phone number: +31 (0)6 514 71 804
    Email address:

  • Student assessor
    Angelina Senchi (photo: Erik Borst)
    Angelina Senchi (photo: Erik Borst)

    The student assessor takes part in deliberations on centrally executed policy at the UvA, with a focus on teaching and student-related matters. The student assessor attends meetings of the Executive Board and advises the Executive Board, and contributes points for discussion to the administrative agenda. The student assessor liaises closely with students inside and outside of the representative advisory bodies, acting as a link between management and the student community.

    Student assessor: Angelina Senchi
    Email address: 

  • Executive Board Secretariat

    Personal assistant Edith Hooge: Davinia Dekker
    Telefoonnummer: +31 (0)6 280 40 968
    Email address:

    Personal assistant Peter-Paul Verbeek: Lisenka Holt-Broekman
    Telephone number: +31 (0)6 143 30 896
    Email address:

    Personal assistant Jan Lintsen: Marianne Koolhof
    Telephone number: +31 (0)6 420 48 955
    Email address: 

    Personal assistant Leon van de Zande: Connie van Laarhoven
    Telephone number: +31 (0)6 514 71 804
    Email address:

    Management Assistant to the Executive Board: Wieneke Rollman
    Telephone number: +31 (0)6 390 12 136
    Email address:

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