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Who was/is your Role Model and why?

My Role Model is my mum and anyone who has inspired me through my life journey. 

There is not a specific character or persona as we are all imperfect human beings but we can get inspired by the strength, failures, successes and downfalls of others. In every phase in life there is a lesson to be learned and an achievement to reach. Being attentive to our surroundings and brave enough to listen and encourage ourselves is the best remedy. So do I have a role model, Yes! It's Everyone I can learn from.

What advice would give your 17 year old (or younger) self, reflecting on your personal or professional challenges, experiences or successes?

The advice I would give my 17-year-old self is graduating a year later from high school didn’t mean I wasn’t capable or a failure. In my case perfecting my German so I can finish my Gymnasium with good grades in order to be accepted into the University I wanted is exactly what I needed. As a young person we tend to compare ourselves, but my path is unique and different from everyone else, just like my fingerprints are unique. Make decisions and walk the pathways that work for you. Life throws us challenges but as long as we don’t quit and keep going, that’s what defines our character.

In our sufferings and failures is when we produce perseverance and perseverance produces character. and if you are like me, you add hope in the mixture. Enjoy every phase you are in both through the peaks and the valleys because it only gets better as you grow and get to know yourself better.