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Research within Economics and Business covers the broad field of econometrics, economics, business economics and business administration. Our high position in international rankings and the awards and grants we receive underline the excellent quality of our academic research.

With our research, we make the connection between academia and society. We aim to contribute to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Amsterdam and beyond, drawing on our institutional strengths, evidence-based policy evaluation, advanced analytics and responsibility.

Research within 2 Schools

Our researchers at the Amsterdam School of Economics specialise in actuarial science & mathematical finance, experimental economics, applied micro economics, markets & organisation, econometrics, nonlinear dynamics, macro & international economics and fiscal economics. They regularly appear in the media to share their expertise on these topics.

Our researchers at the Amsterdam Business School specialise in accounting, business analytics, entrepreneurship & innovation, finance, leadership & management, marketing, and strategy & international business. They also regularly share their knowledge and expertise in newspapers and other news media.