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Academic integrity is essential for the quality of research, the reliability and validity of research results at Economics and Business (EB).

All parties, both within and outside the university, must be able to trust that we conduct our work with integrity. In various ways, we ensure academic integrity and ethical behavior in research.

Academic Integrity at the University of Amsterdam

Research is a human endeavour, and countless decisions, both big and small, are constantly being made. Academic integrity encompasses all these choices, with it being of fundamental importance that all involved adhere to the general principles of professional scientific conduct.

EB Ethics Committee (EBEC)

At EBEC, researchers and students can seek advice on ethical questions related to their research proposals involving data collection. EBEC assesses the ethical aspects of all research proposals at Economics and Business that involve human participants.

Dutch Code of Conduct for Scientific Integrity

In conducting research at EB, the principles and norms of the Dutch Code of Conduct for Academic Integrity are leading. This code of conduct was developed on the initiative of the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL), with 5 principles forming the foundation of ethical research:

  1. Honesty
  2. Carefulness
  3. Transparency
  4. Independence
  5. Accountability