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Research into ethical and sustainable digital transformations that leads to responsible growth.
Research Highlights and Impact

About Responsible Digital Transformations

Our researchers investigate the theme Responsible Digital Transformations in a broad sense, including business, economic and technical econometric aspects and their interactions. Examples of research topics vary from Explainable AI, pricing algorithms in Marketing Analytics and Visual Business Analytics.

Impact Centres

To genuinely create impact, our researchers collaborate on this theme in several transdisciplinary Impact Centres.

  • AI4FinTech
    The AI4FinTech community focuses on academic research on AI methods developed specifically for FinTech and their use and regulation.
  • Analytics for a Better World
    Research from Analytics for a Better World (ABW) contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the application of analytics, combining the power of non-profit organisations, academics and businesses. For more information, please contact Dick den Hertog.
  • Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation
    As a partner institute of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation (ACBI) develops and disseminates new knowledge to improve the innovation performance of companies, sectors and regions. The ACBI is also the initiator of the Dutch Innovation Monitor, a well-known annual monitor. For more information, please contact Henk Volberda.
  • Amsterdam People Analytics Centre
    The Amsterdam People Analytics Centre (APAC) facilitates research partnerships between companies and academic institutions in the field of people analytics. This is a data-based approach to HR, aimed at systematically identifying and quantifying the impact of people on operating results. For more information, please contact Corine Boon.