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Through various outreach initiatives the Faculty of Science reaches out to the general public to demonstrate the value of our research and to make tricky scientific principles accessible. Through numerous outreach activities thousands of schoolchildren get acquainted with science which helps them to prepare them for their own academic pursuits. We give you a small sample of the sort of activities organised in 2022-2023.
Urban Scientist

A free two-day weekend festival focusing on experimentation Amsterdam Zuidoost for children aged 6 to 12.

Expedition NEXT

The storyline of the science festivals in Franeker and Middelburg were about Professor Nova Next, she traveled from the future to ask the young festival visitors for help. 

Summer Week Outreach

During the Summer Week, primary school students visited Science Park for 4 days. They attended science lessons on DNA and warmth and visited Startup village Amsterdam to learn about quantum. An astronomy workshop from the mobile planetarium completed the programme.

Zwarte Cross, a motocross festival

In front of the UniversiTent and the body of a teddy bear was found! Children that were around, or better, young forensic scientists got to go to a scavenger hunt to collect clues and take the body's temperature to figure out the time of death.

Buurthuis (Community centre) Project

Students teaching science lessons and organising the after-school activities for Stichting Dock in the community centre Claverhuis in Amsterdam-West.

Festival ROEF

Two students and two PhD candidates performed at the ROEF roof terrace festival: a workshop on the possibilities of solar energy and a demo about muons.