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With the new DigIQ tool, all Dutch people aged ten years and older can test their capability on the internet. How do you critically assess information, keep devices safe and use AI responsibly? Important knowledge and skills in these times of cybercrime, misinformation and the rise of ChatGPT.

Importance of digital skills

Dian de Vries, a communication researcher working on DigIQ: 'Digital skills are extremely important. They enable us to use the countless possibilities that the internet offers in a safe, healthy and social way. However, not everyone masters these skills.'

Personal advice

The DigIQ tool offers the opportunity for all Dutch people aged ten years and older to test their digital knowledge and skills. The questions in this tool have been carefully tested by researchers at the UvA on a diverse group of people. What makes DigIQ unique is that it provides personal advice to improve digital skills and knowledge. It points users to relevant courses, videos and articles to further develop their skills. 'Whether you already know a lot about online matters or still want to learn a lot, this test is helpful for everyone.' emphasizes De Vries. 'We do not collect any personal data, it is purely intended to provide self-insight.'

Close the gap

The tool is the result of a successful collaboration between scientists from the University of Amsterdam and external parties, and is financially supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (MinBZK). Jessica Piotrowski, founder of DigIQ, is pleased with the collaboration. 'Scientific research works best when it is directly applicable. You close the gap between science and society.'

Organisations and schools

DigIQ applies not only to individuals, but also to organisations and schools that want to strengthen the digital competencies of their employees or students. The flexibility of the tool allows them to adjust the website code to match their own corporate identity and learning plans. This opens the door to wider applications in both the educational and business sectors. 'A lot of work has been digitalised over the years, but have the employees moved along with it? DigIQ gives organizations the opportunity to investigate this and act on it,' according to Jessica Piotrowski.

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