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Research that is carried out in the various research institutes within the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, is extensive and innovative and has a strong international focus. Faculty members are actively involved in externally financed projects and joint international research programmes. The Faculty's research institutes conduct fundamental research within the broad field of the social and behavioural sciences.

Gaining Insight into Societal Change

To understand the world, high-quality knowledge is essential. Addressing significant societal issues requires solutions from a broad scientific perspective. The research of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences provides insight into changes in society. This includes the impact of media and communication on individuals, global urbanization, the role of political institutions, understanding the human mind, growing inequality, and diversity issues.

Integration of Multiple Disciplines

The Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences (FMG) is a prominent knowledge institution with four academic domains: psychology, pedagogical and educational sciences, communication science, and social sciences. Through research themes within and beyond these domains, leading scientists and teams collaborate to generate innovative insights.