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Want to check if the Master's in Heritage and Memory Studies is the right fit for you? Find out by participating in our upcoming events.
Meet & Ask Heritage and Memory Studies (nov 2021)
Watch the recording of the Master's week informationsession

In case you have missed the informationsession during the Master’s Week, you can watch the recording here.

Experience of a student: Anna

In the interview Anna will tell you more about Heritage and Memory Studies and why she chose this Master's programme.

Student blog: Heritage and Memory

This blog is created by students from this Master's. Each year, a new cohort of students take over the site, share their thoughts, and reflect on the relationship between Heritage & Memory Studies and everyday life.

Prof. Rob van der Laarse

'Heritage allows us to visit the past. We 'read' cities and landscapes with the aid of clues derived from film and fiction. Of all of the cities in the Netherlands, Amsterdam has the most museums and listed buildings, all within a distance of roughly half a kilometre from each other. It is therefore a perfect location for academic research into heritage.'