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Course offer for exchange students

Education at UvA Economics and Business (EB) falls under two Schools: The Amsterdam Business School (ABS) and Amsterdam School of Economics (ASE). These schools offer three-year Bachelor’s programmes and one-year Master’s programmes in for example Economics, Business Administration, Finance, Econometrics, and – as the only institution in the Netherlands – Actuarial Science.
Both schools also offer post-doctorate programmes and other forms of education such as custom-made programmes for companies, master classes, professional training courses, and lectures. Due to its international orientation, almost all programmes are in English.

A selection of the UvA EB Bachelor's and Master's courses are open to exchange students. Please refer to the links below for more information.

Erasmus+ short term blended exchange programme: Amsterdam Sustainability Challenge

We offer this programme to students of our Erasmus+ partner universities who wish to do a short-term blended exchange at UvA Economics and Business.

  • The Amsterdam Sustainability Challenge allows students to combine the advantages of online education with a team-based experiential project in Amsterdam (including a company visit).
  • Students participate in three preparatory online meetings from their home country in November – December and will come to Amsterdam for the intensive on-campus part of the course in the 3rd period.
  • Social activities will also be part of the programme.
  • The courses are targeted at a mix of short-term incoming exchange students and regular UvA EB students. 

Bachelor’s students with at least 90 EC in Economics or Business related courses.

Students will receive guidance when looking for student housing (unfortunately there is no guaranteed placement).

Erasmus+ grant
You can apply for an Erasmus+ grant for short-term blended exchange programmes like the Amsterdam Sustainability Challenge.