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Exchange agreement

The Faculty of Humanities participates in several exchange programmes, such as the Erasmus programme. Please check the steps below if you are interested in doing an exchange at the UvA Faculty of Humanities.

  • Step 1: Check whether you are eligible for an UvA exchange

    The first step in the application procedure is to check whether there is a valid exchange agreement between your home university and the University of Amsterdam. 

    Contact your home university's exchange or international office for information on how to apply for an exchange at the Faculty of Humanities at UvA. 

    The Faculty does not accept free-movers nor students from universities without a bilateral agreement and is not likely to start new exchange agreements.

  • Step 2: Choose your courses

    Exchange students can choose courses from the complete range of study areas within the Humanities. Learn more about which courses are open to exchange students on both a Bachelor's and a Master's level here

  • Step 3: Application procedure
    • First, apply for the Exchange Programme at your home university. They will then nominate you to our Admissions and International Office Humanities.
    • Consequently, you can fill in our online application form. 
    • Once you have been admitted and your enrolment has been finalised, make sure to register for your courses. 

    Find the entire application and admission procedure here, including which documents you will need to attach to your application form.

  • Step 4: Sort out practical matters
    • Read more about finding accommodation in or near Amsterdam and make sure to begin your house-hunt early on.
    • Consult our student website for a wealth of information on all sorts of practical matters. You can choose 'Exchange programme Humanities' in the dropdown menu for tailored information where applicable.
    • Check out the Exchange Ambassador Programme, in which you can connect with your fellow local and international students and play an important role in representing your university.

    Find the above info in much more detail on our Practical matters page.


Please check the factsheet for more information on our Exchange Programme in Humanities.


The home of the Faculty of Humanities lies in the University Quarter: a square kilometre dedicated to knowledge and culture, in the bustling, historic heart of Amsterdam.

Explore your campus

Want to see where you will be studying? Explore the campus in our virtual map, or plan a visit and experience it yourself using the interactive app.

Facts & Figures
30 ECTS, Various months
Language of instruction
Dutch, English
Starts in
February, September