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A Master of Science degree in Artificial Intelligence gives you a strong foundation for working in key positions, in knowledge-intensive research centres or business. The career perspectives for AI graduates are good. Most alumnus found a job or started a business within three months after graduation. 

Examples of positions our alumnus currently hold are: 

  • Software Engineer at Google 
  • Data Scientist at Airbnb /
  • Project Manager at Volvo Car Group
  • Computer Vision Expert at Eagle Vision 
  • PhD student at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm  

alumnus views

Read where these former students of Artificial Intelligence ended up working after finishing the Master's programme:

Find out what you want to do and do that. Don’t limit yourself into thinking your grades aren't high enough or that you lack specific skills. Skills can be learned. Cassandra Loor, alumnus Artificial Intelligence Read about the career of alumnus Cassandra
To do a PhD, I think it is important to be curious, creative and persistent – a lot of my work involves thinking of a research question and then digging deeper into it until I have an answer. Sindy Löwe, alumnus Artificial Intelligence Read about the career of alumnus Sindy