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'Directly after completing my degree...

I found a research position at the Academic Medical Centre (AMC). It was a good job, but I wasn’t quite sure in what direction I wanted to continue. During my work at the AMC, I was trained as an epidemiologist. Since 2007, I’ve been working at Onze Lieve Vrouw Gasthuis (OLVG) hospital in Amsterdam as research coordinator and epidemiologist. Together with a colleague of mine, we guide the doctors and nurses in setting up and conducting scientific research (epidemiological and statistical) and in writing scientific articles. In addition to that, I contribute to the hospital’s policy on scientific research. In my role, I also give lessons in statistics and Evidence-based Medicine/Practice, and produce a journal on scientific research for OLVG.

During my studies, I learned a lot in the Teaching and Communication courses...

That’s when I discovered I really enjoyed giving lessons. The courses on statistics laid the foundation for my interest in statistics and epidemiology. I use the medical knowledge I gained during my programme mainly to be able to quickly make sense of the various medical research that is going on. It’s difficult sometimes for researchers to develop just the right research plan and it can be frustrating for them if it turns out their research cannot be conducted here. On top of that, research requires a lot of work and it takes a while before results can be seen. That’s why I think it’s important in my position to be persevering, stress-resistant and enthusiastic.'