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This programme follows a coherent set of strongly interrelated courses. They prepare you for legal service in European and international private practice or corporate entities, as well as in any EU institution and in the public administration of Member States dealing with economic regulation.

Programme structure

This track allows students to specialize in competition law as well as to study the broader regulatory framework applicable to European economic activities in fast-moving and progressively digitalised markets. You can combine the study of broader legal and theoretical perspectives on EU competition law and market regulation with its practical application. The programme offers students also a wide range of extra-curriculum activities.

The quality of the programme is enriched by UvA’s close academic partnership with the Amsterdam Centre for Law & Economics (ACLE) and the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG).

  • Principles and Foundations of EU Law
    Period 1
  • European Competition Law
    Period 1
    Period 2
  • Law of the Internal Market I: Free Movement of Goods and Services
    Period 2
  • EU Regulated Markets
    Period 4
  • Current Challenges of EU Law
    Period 5
  • Restricted-choice electives
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
  • Free-choice electives: Extracurricular
    Period 1
    Period 2
  • Master's thesis
    Period 1
    Period 2
    Period 3
    Period 4
    Period 5
    Period 6
UvA Course Catalogue: European Competition Law & Regulation

The information on this website is valid for the current academic year and may change for next year. In May the Course Catalogue is updated for the next academic year.

Discover the Master’s Honours programme

Are you looking for more challenge and academic depth? In that case the new Honours programme Academic Excellence track could be interesting for you!

  • Compulsory courses (36 EC)
  • Electives (12 EC)
    • Consumer Rights in the Digital Single Market (6 EC)
    • European Law Moot Court (6 EC) (ALP course)
    • Amsterdam Law Clinics (6 EC) (ALP course)
    • Internship (6 EC) (ALP course)
    • EU Migration Law: Free Movement of Persons within the EU (6 EC)
    • Individual Research Project European Public Law and Governance (6 EC)
    • EU Legal Remedies (6 EC)
    • Globalization of Cartel Law (6 EC)
    • International Investment Arbitration (6 EC) (ALP course)
    • International Trade Law and Domestic Regulation (6 EC)
    • European Competition Law Moot Court: Herbert Smith Freehill (6 EC) (ALP course)
    • Advanced EU Competition Law (6 EC)
    • Europe and the World: Climate Change, Trade & Investment (6 EC)

    You can find the specific course information in the Course Catalogue.

  • Experiential education: the Amsterdam Law Practice

    You can choose from the different skills courses below that are part of the Amsterdam Law Practice, our unique, award winning experiential education. A contemporary way of learning, in which reflection on your own experiences and the development of a professional identity are central. The education programme received for this a Dutch Higher Education Award 2022 for innovative higher education.

    The following compulsory or restricted-choice elective courses are part of the Amsterdam Law Practice:

    • Principles and Foundations of EU Law (6 EC)
    • European Law Moot Court (6 EC)
    • International Investment Arbitration (6 EC)
    • Internship (6 EC)
    • European Competition Law Moot Court: Herbert Smith Freehill (6 EC)
    • Amsterdam Law Clinics

    You can find the specific course information in the Course Catalogue.

  • Free-choice electives: Extracurricular (0 EC)

    The 6 EC for Legal English do not count for the 60 mandatory EC's of this master, but are extracurricular.

    • Legal English (6 EC)

    You can find the specific course information in the Course Catalogue.

  • Master’s thesis (12 EC)

    The Master’s degree programme is concluded by writing a Master’s thesis

LLM tracks in European Law

Thinking of studying EU Law at the Amsterdam Law School? Staff and students explain the difference between the LLM tracks in European Union Law and European Competition Law and Regulation.

Experience the programme

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is the Amsterdam Law Practice? 

    The Amsterdam Law Practice (ALP) is a unique experiential education programme for all law Master's students. In the Amsterdam Law Practice, you learn by reflecting on who you are as a lawyer and how you want to contribute to society in the future. You apply your academic knowledge of law and your learned skills by stepping into the shoes of a lawyer in real or simulated cases.

    As part of your LLM programme, you must take at least one ALP course of 6 ECTS and a maximum of 12 ECTS. You can take these ALP courses in the form of clinics, where you participate in real cases, or in a moot court or law Lab, where practice is simulated.

    The Amsterdam Law Practice won a Dutch Higher Education Prize for innovative education in 2022.

  • What Master's degree will I get after graduation?

    The quality of this Master’s programme has been positively assessed by the Accreditation Organisation of The Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). This means that upon successful completion of the programme, students will receive a legally accredited Master’s degree in International and European Law and the title Master of Laws (LLM).

  • Can I follow this Master’s part-time? 

    It is possible to follow this Master's programme on a part-time basis; the programme then lasts 2 years. Most courses, however, are not offered in the evening. For more information, please contact the Education Desk.

  • What is a track? 

    European Competition Law and Regulation is a side track in the Master's programme International and European Law which you can choose. Other tracks of this Master’s programme are European Union Law,Public International Law and International Trade and Investment Law

  • What does an academic year at the UvA look like?

    The education days and holidays can be found in the academic calendar. The academic year at the UvA is divided into 2 semesters, each with 3 blocks of classes and exams. Most courses are offered once a year. Check the academic calender