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The International Criminal Law programme combines the study of theoretical aspects and foundations of International Criminal Law with its practical application, by offering a course that simulates the experience of pleading before an international(ised) tribunal and providing opportunities to engage in the Amsterdam Law Clinics.

Programme structure

Amsterdam Law School students and Columbia Law School students complete the programme as a group, spending the first semester at the Amsterdam Law School and the second at Columbia Law School. The programme consists of both compulsory and elective courses.

  • Comparative Criminal Law and Procedure
    Period 1
  • Jurisdiction and Cooperation in Criminal Matters
    Period 1
  • International Criminal Law Practice
    Period 1
    Period 2
  • International Criminal Tribunals - Procedural Aspects
    Period 2
  • International Criminal Tribunals - Substantive Law
    Period 2
UvA Course Catalogue: International Criminal Law - Joint Program

The information on this website is valid for the current academic year and may change for next year. In May the Course Catalogue is updated for the next academic year.

Discover the Master’s Honours programme

Are you looking for more challenge and academic depth? In that case the new Honours programme Academic Excellence track could be interesting for you!

Second semester at Columbia Law School

In November you will find a link here to Columbia Law School for up-to-date information regarding its courses.

Experience the programme

Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is the Amsterdam Law Practice?

    The Amsterdam Law Practice (ALP) is a unique experiential education program for all law Master's students. In the Amsterdam Law Practice, you learn by reflecting on who you are as a lawyer and how you want to contribute to society in the future. You apply your academic knowledge of law and your learned skills by stepping into the shoes of a lawyer in real or simulated cases.

    As part of your LLM programme, you must take at least one ALP course of 6 ECTS and a maximum of 12 ECTS. You can take these ALP courses in the form of clinics, where you participate in real cases, or in a moot court or law Lab, where practice is simulated.

    The Amsterdam Law Practice won a Dutch Higher Education Prize for innovative education in 2022.

  • What Master's degree will I get after graduation?

    The quality of this joint programme from Amsterdam Law School and Columbia Law School leading to an LLM from Amsterdam Law School has been positively assessed by the Accreditation Organisation of The Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). Upon successful completion of the programme, students will thus receive a legally accredited Master's degree and the title Master of Laws from Amsterdam Law School (LLM).  

    Listing the joint ICL Program on CVs and Social Media

    Finally, a note about the correct way to list your ICL program on CVs and social media. Confusion in the past has at times resulted in difficulties that we would like to avoid in the future. Please cite the program as follows: 

    LLM, International Criminal Law, Amsterdam Law School, University of Amsterdam
    Certificate in International Criminal Law, Columbia Law School


    Amsterdam Law School, University of Amsterdam, LLM, International Criminal Law, 
    Columbia Law School, Certificate in International Criminal Law

  • What is a track?

    Joint Program - International Criminal Law is a side track in the Master’s programme International Criminal Law which you can choose. Another track of this Master’s programme is International and Transnational Criminal Law.

  • What is the Amsterdam Law Hub?

    In the Amsterdam Law Hub, students and staff of the Amsterdam Law School collaborate with social partners, legal entrepreneurs and institutions to develop legal solutions and innovations which meet the needs of a rapidly evolving society. You can gain practical experience and easily make contact with legal institutions for internships.

  • What does an academic year at the UvA look like?

    The education days and holidays can be found in the academic calendar. The academic year at the UvA is divided into 2 semesters, each with 3 blocks of classes and exams. Most courses are offered once a year. Check the academic calender.