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This series introduces us to a different employee each week. Find out what they love about their job and learn things you might not know about them yet. This week: Liban Bille, programme manager with the Post-Master Accountancy.

What do you like most about your job?

What I like most about my work as a programme manager/programme coordinator is that it gives me the chance to work with motivated and enthusiastic colleagues when organising and offering the Post-Master Accountancy courses. And that there’s so much variety in my work: ‘variety is the spice of life’. The pleasant work environment within the Institute of Executive Programmes is also worth mentioning.

Which project from the past year are you most proud of?

What I’m most proud of is organising the PMA certificate ceremony on 1 December. It was held at an exclusive location. 200 people were present, including 40 alumni. When presented with their certificate, each alumnus was given the opportunity to speak into the microphone to share their thoughts on their achievement. Some thanked their families, partners, friends or lecturers for all the support and assistance provided to help them complete the programme. It was a personal touch that was appreciated by those attending, and our team received compliments for this after the event. Even though that wasn’t necessary, it’s always nice to be appreciated.

What might your colleagues not know about you?

I’m a big fan of the South African thriller writer Deon Meyer and his series of books about the character Bennie Griessel. Griessel is a brilliant police inspector from Cape Town who struggles with alcoholism. I recently started reading part 7, Donkerdrif. I’ll be adding the recently released newest book De Leeuw to my collection soon.