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The article of Political Scientist Rosa Sanchez Salgado discusses the power of emotions as a potent lobbying tool in European politics. It explores how emotions have been largely overlooked in lobbying efforts, despite their effectiveness in marketing and advertising. Additionally, it explores the subtle ways in which emotions are utilized by various stakeholders in lobbying campaigns, including business groups and industries.
Foto: Roel Wijnants

The article of Political Scientist Rosa Sanchez Salgado discusses the power of emotions as a potent lobbying tool in European politics. It explores how emotions have been largely overlooked in lobbying efforts, despite their effectiveness in marketing and advertising. Additionally, it explores the subtle ways in which emotions are utilized by various stakeholders in lobbying campaigns, including business groups and industries.

Dr. R.M. (Rosa) Sanchez Salgado

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Political Economy and Transnational Governance