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Dr Alexander Alexiev (ABS Entrepreneurship and Innovation section) presented the article ‘From sponsor to partner: The evolving relationship between museums and businesses’ to the Consultative Association of Amsterdam Museums (OAM).

This organisation represents the commercial interests of almost all museums based in Amsterdam.

The OAM commissioned Alexiev to explore the development of sponsor relationships between museums and businesses. This was done with the assistance of Lizelotte de Bruijn, a recent graduate of the MSc Business Administration Entrepreneurship and Management in the Creative Industries (EMCI) track. De Bruijn also wrote her master’s thesis on this topic. Alexiev and De Bruijn looked at the themes and issues that could potentially have an impact on business operations.

More than just money

One of the important findings of their work is that corporate sponsorship is about more than just donating money. By entering into long-term relationships with companies, museums can set more ambitious goals and be more innovative. In this context, it is important that the museum’s board and the development department demonstrate strategic initiative.
The OAM will now decide if it wants to commission more extensive research on this topic.