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On June 3rd, Prof. Arnoud Boot (University of Amsterdam, Finance Group) and chairman of the Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL), presented an open SFL letter “Towards a sustainable recovery after corona” (Duurzaam herstel na corona. Voorstellen aan de Nederlandse politiek voor een duurzaam beleid) to members of the Dutch parliament.

The SFL letter states that the corona virus has revealed the fragilities within our complex and globalised society that focuses on efficiency and maximisation of short-term profitability. Our society has shown not only to be vulnerable for the current pandemic, but also to be ill equipped to deal with social tensions and environmental disasters.

The SFL’s call to the Dutch government and political parties outlines the contours of a policy towards the recovery of the economy by strengthening the resilience in society. Key is a strong focus on a transition towards more sustainable fundamentals for the economy. This involves, among other things, a more prudent financing of businesses away from over-indebtedness, pricing of ecological externalities (e.g. an effective CO2 tax), a social benefit system that better covers the uncertainties associated with the modern labor market, reinforcement of communities and an international orientation that seeks to mitigate geopolitical tensions.

The SFL stresses the necessity of a sustainable economic development as the only viable option for securing a prosperous future.

Apart from prof. Arnoud Boot, prof. Herman Wijffels (Utrecht University and former CEO Rabobank), Peter Blom (CEO of Triodosbank), the letter was signed by all fifteen members of the Sustainable Finance Lab.

Sustainable Finance Lab

About the Sustainable Finance Lab: The aim of the Sustainable Finance Lab is to contribute to a healthy role of finance (and financial means)  in society with a stable and robust financial sector that that serves the economy and humanity without depleting its environment. To this end we develop ideas and provide a platform to discuss these, thus bridging science and practice.