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The Van der Schroeff Award 2019 for the best lecturer at UvA Economics and Business was awarded to Dr. Pushpika Vishwanathan and Dr. Georgia Romagnoli for their efforts and success in innovation at both the Bachelor's and Master's level. The Joop Hartog Dissertation Award for the best thesis at the Amsterdam School of Economics was awarded to Dr. Zhen (Merrick) Li.

It’s the first time in that the first place of the Van der Schroeff award was shared by two lecturers. Dr Koen Vermeylen came in third for outstanding lecturing, teaching practices and his devotion to student success at the Bachelor's level.

The jury

This year’s members of the Van der Schroeff Award jury were: Han van Dissel (Dean), Peter van Baalen, Massimo Giuliodori, Mark van der Veen and Sergey Kryachkov (Chair of FSR FEB). They combined the submitted nominations with the results of the course evaluations to select three outstanding lecturers.

The purpose of the  award is to stimulate the quality of education at UvA Economics and Business. The award is named after Prof H.J. van der Schroeff as a tribute to his exceptional lectures on a wide range of economics and business subjects.

Joop Hartog Dissertation Award 2019

Li. Merrick Li, wrote his PhD thesis: “Econometric Analysis of High-frequency Market Microstructure, with promotores Roger Laeven and Michel Vellekoop, and Peter Boswijk as co-promotor. Merrick is currently a postdoc at Cambridge. His approach has led to a new class of Realized Moments of Disjoint Increments (ReMeDI) estimators. These can be used to obtain measures for effective bid-ask spreads while traditional restrictions no longer need to be imposed.