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Psychologists excel in understanding human behaviour and mental processes. With a Bachelor of science in Psychology, you can enter the job market directly, but you can also consider further specialisation that contributes to even better career perspectives. Psychology offers diverse paths, such as research, organisational psychology, developmental psychology, and more.
Subsequent Master's programmes
  • Psychology

    Within this Master’s programme you can choose between 11 tracks. Read more about the different tracks of the Master’s in Psychology.

  • Health Care Psychology

    This Master's degree in Health Care is for you if you want to specialise in clinical psychology at the UvA. If you're considering further studies like the post-master's degree in GZ psychology (health care psychologist) or other post master programs such as the post-master's degree in psychotherapy, this programme is a great fit. It offers 4 different tracks to choose from. 

    Please note: The 4 Master tracks in healthcare psychology are only offered in Dutch. In the Netherlands, post-graduate training is required to become a registered health care psychologist ‘Gezondheidszorgpsycholoog’ or registered Clinical Psychologist ‘Klinisch Psycholoog’. These post-graduate programmes are also only offered in Dutch. At other Dutch universities English taught clinical master programmes are offered.  

    Read more about the tracks of Health Care Psychology. 

  • Research Master Psychology

    The primary focus of the Research Master’s programme is developing critical, scientific thinking skills and teaching scientific knowledge and skills that are crucial for conducting high-quality psychological research.

  • Other UvA Master's programmes

    Would you like to pursue another master's degree (within or outside the UvA) after your bachelor's in Psychology? Ensure that your bachelor's degree meets the admission requirements of that programme. Some master's programmes you can start immediately, while others may require: 

    • Completing a pre-master’s programme first 
    • Having a specific bachelor's degree for admission 

Where do our graduates work?

With a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, you can enter the labour market. However, many positions often require a completed master's degree. 

Graduates with a Master's degree in Psychology find themselves in a variety of roles, depending on their chosen field: 

  • Mental health psychologist 
  • HR consultant 
  • Trainer 
  • Sports psychologist 
  • Test developer 
  • Advisor/consultant 
  • Educator 
  • Market researcher 
  • School psychologist 
  • Recruiter 
  • Career counsellor 

Our graduates end up in the following fields of work, among others: 

  • Organisational consulting 
  • Marketing and research 
  • Training and development 
  • Mental health care (as a practitioner or psycho-diagnostician) 
  • Education 
  • Business