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Is Brain and Cognitive Sciences for you?

  1. You are eager to understand cognition, whether by studying the brain, behaviour, language or computational models.
  2. You aspire a career in academic research and would like to take part in research projects led by internationally renowned researchers.
  3. You want to obtain deep expertise in a particular subfield of brain and cognitive sciences, but are also interested in learning about adjacent subfields.
  4. You hold a Bachelor’s degree that demonstrates a solid basis in cognition and/or neuroscience and a strong preparation for empirical research.

Applicants with another Bachelor's degree may also be admitted to the Research Master, provided they have an adequate academic background in neuroscience and/or cognitive sciences.

Become an expert

Become an expert in your specific subfield of brain and cognitive sciences, with a clear understanding and appreciation of the contributions made by other subfields.

Interdisciplinary skills

Understand the contributions and research methods of the large variety of disciplines that contribute to the field of cognition and learn to combine their insights.

Preparation for PhD and research

Benefit from the wide-ranging, leading expertise available at the Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Center (ABC), the different research labs at the UvA, and from the opportunity to take part in hands-on research projects.

Summer School

Take part in an annual summer school, which focusses on innovative topics in an intensively interdisciplinary setting.
Meet our Students and Alumni

"Describing a ‘regular’ week of the Research Master's in Brain and Cognitive Sciences is almost impossible. Because of the large freedom to choose your own path, the programme is unique for everyone."

Meet Floor and other students or alumni.

Close collaboration

The Research Master's programme in Brain and Cognitive Sciences is offered by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies (IIS), in close collaboration with the Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Center (ABC).

Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Regular study programme
120 ECTS, 24 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
RIO code