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The Master's programme in Brain and Cognitive Sciences provides you the necessary theoretical, intellectual and empirical tools to pursue an academic career (PhD programme) in cognitive and neurosciences or in a related discipline. Besides an academic career, graduates of the Brain and Cognitive Sciences programme also find work in applied research.

Interdisciplinary skills 

Graduates of this programme are especially suited to work in highly interdisciplinary areas due to their experience learning and conducting research in several disciplines. Other skills acquired by graduates, including the ability to work in a team, communication, reflection, evaluation, ability to learn and adapt, serve them well in a variety of fields.

“I always wanted to become a scientist”

Meet Doris! She is now a PhD student at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience at the vision and cognition lab. 

International PhD position

About 70% of our alumni have obtained PhD positions soon after graduating at institutions, including:

  • University of Amsterdam, NL
  • Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
  • Leiden University, NL
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE
  • Max Planck Institute, DE
  • Princeton University, USA
  • University College, London, UK
  • Bangor University, Wales, UK
“Stay in touch with former professors & students”

Meet Lucas! He is currently teaching Biomedical Science at the Vrije Universiteit. How did he experience the transition to the labor market?

A career in other fields

Students who decided not to continue in academia continued their career in the following fields:

  • IT-sector (interaction design, usability, computer-supported cooperative work, knowledge management, etc.)
  • Consulting
  • Human resources
  • Science writing
  • Education
“I have the freedom to be my own boss”

Meet Iris! She is currently working as a science writer. 

Meet our students and alumni

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