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PERSUADE’s main goal is to understand, explain and improve persuasive language in institutionalized communication (law, science, health, politics). How is institutionalized language employed for persuasive purposes, why do some discursive strategies facilitate communication and others impede it, how can we improve persuasive communication?

Key objectives

PERSUADE’S main objectives are to:

  • develop theoretical tools for the rigorous analysis of prominent discursive strategies employed to convince addressees
  • set up suitable evaluation frameworks that help us assess discursive quality and improve communication
  • understand the design and optimization of communication, its persuasive effects, the development of communication skills and their improvement where needed


  • monthly research colloquium (last week of every month), open to all members of the group, students of MA Communication and Information Sciences and students of the Research Master Linguistics and Communication
  • two annual ACLC lectures initiated by the group
  • annual symposium around a particular institutional setting (law, politics, etc.)
  • a special issue based on the symposium or an edited volume
  • talks in conferences; peer-review papers in international journals
  • training programs (for PhDs and professionals)
  • policy papers

Coordinator and group members

Corina Andone (coordinator), Bart GarssenJean WagemansJose PlugCharles ForcevilleMenno Reijven, Emma van Bijnen, Saskia Leymann