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The Economics and Business Ethics Committee (EBEC) has the following tasks and responsibilities:
  • Promoting research integrity at UvA EB;
  • Evaluating the ethicality of research proposals submitted for the Ethics Review in the RMS portal;
  • Promoting that research involving human subjects complies with relevant institutional, national, and international ethics regulations and legal requirements;
  • Providing solicited and unsolicited advice to the UvA EB Faculty Board, Research Directors, Educational Directors, faculty members, staff, and students on issues related to research integrity and collaboration with third parties;
  • Proposing changes to the UvA EB Ethics Instructions.

The EBEC consists of 4 members, including 1 chairperson. The members are tenured associate or full professors at UvA EB. 2 members are affiliated with the Amsterdam Business School and 2 are affiliated with the Amsterdam School of Economics. EBEC members are appointed by the UvA EB’s Dean for a period of 3 years, with the option of renewal for 1 period.

The EBEC members are:


Prof. dr. V.S. (Victor) Maas

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Accounting


Prof. A.H.B. (Annebel) de Hoogh

Faculty of Economics and Business

Sectie Leadership & Management

Prof. dr. E.J.S. (Erik) Plug

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Microeconomics

Prof. dr. J. (Jeroen) van de Ven

Faculty of Economics and Business

Section Microeconomics


For questions about the EBEC and about issues related to research ethics, please contact the ebec via