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The ELLIS unit Amsterdam honours programme is open for excellent MSc students obtaining a degree in artificial intelligence, computer science, computational linguistics or related fields.

The programme allows UvA students to connect with leading researchers and top-tier academics in their field. ELLIS honours students will conduct a research (thesis) supervised by two ELLIS Society members: one member from the ELLIS unit Amsterdam, and one member from an ELLIS unit eslewhere in Europe. The students will also make an ELLIS-Amsterdam-sponsored visit to their co-supervisor.


ELLIS - the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems - is a pan-European AI network of excellence which focuses on fundamental science, technical innovation and societal impact. ELLIS builds upon machine learning as the driver for modern AI and aims to secure Europe’s sovereignty in this competitive field by creating a multi-centric AI research laboratory. ELLIS wants to ensure that the highest level of AI research is performed in the open societies of Europe and follows a three-pillar strategy to achieve that.