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UvA and NFI open forensic research lab 'AI4forensics'

Algorithms can support forensic experts. For example in speaker recognition, facial comparisons, and in tracing criminal money flows. In the AI4forensics lab that opened last week, four PhD students and a postdoc conduct research into artificial intelligence for forensics. The lab is a collaboration between the UvA and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI).

Automatic detection of hidden chemical information in drug samples is going to help fighting drug crime

The numerous samples that are analysed daily by Dutch forensic laboratories for the presence of drugs often have a characteristic chemical fingerprint, from which useful information can be obtained about the raw materials used, the production, and the transport of the drugs. The new FIDBID consortium, led by UvA, aims to make better use of this hidden information. Three PhD students will, together with the Netherlands Forensic Institute and the Dutch police, develop a system that enables the laboratories to extract this information in a fully automated manner. For this, the consortium has received a grant of more than 1 million euros from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).