A robust grounding in social and cultural theory and commitment to empirical work
Anthropology is characterized by a robust grounding in social and cultural theory; a unified focus on the problem of scale, particularly the tensions between global and local dynamics, as well as other levels of analysis that intervene; and a commitment to empirical work, particularly in basing analysis and interpretation on field research. The members focus on a variety of topics at the core of theoretical debates in contemporary anthropology.
Research is organised in 3 Anthropology programme groups, which are part of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research:
The Department of Anthropology provides education in Religion and Society, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Anthropology, Sociology and History of Asia:
Roeterseiland Campus
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam
Email: secr-antr-fmg@uva.nl
Phone: +31 20 5252504