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Anthropology is the most prominent research and teaching programme of its kind in the Netherlands, in terms of its international visibility, its research productivity, the size of its academic staff, and its success in attracting and retaining students at all levels.
Antropologie beeldmerk

Anthropology is characterized by a robust grounding in social and cultural theory; a unified focus on the problem of scale, particularly the tensions between global and local dynamics, as well as other levels of analysis that intervene; and a commitment to empirical work, particularly in basing analysis and interpretation on field research. The members focus on a variety of topics at the core of theoretical debates in contemporary anthropology.


Research is organised in 3 Anthropology programme groups, which are part of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research:

  • Exploring Diversity
  • Health, care and the body
  • The (international) mobility of people, goods, power and ideas


The Department of Anthropology provides education in Religion and Society, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Anthropology, Sociology and History of Asia:


Roeterseiland Campus
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam
Phone: +31 20 5252504 

Roeterseilandcampus - building B/C/D (entrance B/C)

Room Location Department Anthropology
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam