Gert Rijlaarsdam holds a position (status January 2025) as full professor at the University of Amsterdam
During his appointment to the University of Amsterdam
He started as a non-certified teacher at the age of 20, teaching Dutch Language and Literature at a school for secondary education. Here he taught for 17 years, mostly parttime, combining teaching, other jobs and studies.
He studied at Leiden University, parallel to his teaching in secondary education:
He did his PhD research at the University of Amsterdam, parttime, with a grant of the National Foundation for Research (NWO), when still teaching Dutch in secondary education. His dissertation was on Effects of peer feedback on writing processes, writing performance and attitudes (1983-1986).
Other jobs
Until 2007 you could find Gert on Saturdays on soccer fields in the region as a certificated soccer referee (KNVB), milder in his decisions than you may expect. In his free time he trained a German shepherd dog, called Beer (Dutch for Bear). On the photo in the intro above, he is preparing the other dog, the Dutch shepherd dog Storm, for a round of ski wandering in Bodmen, Oberwallis (Switzerland). Storm died in July 2007.
On the left handed photo; Beer is looking for something, while his friend Anak walks away, giving up. Beer never gave up when he was searching. Click for more Beer below; Beer in Switzerland, October 2007.
Gert and Hetty owned an old-timer Mercedes Camper bus and travelled --slowly slowly -- through Western Europe.
He likes organizing events. He co-ordinated the SIG WRITING of EARLI (1995-1999), organized with Huub van den Bergh the EARLI SIG WRITING 1994 in Utrecht. In August 2009 he was conference programme manager of the EARLI 2009 conference in Amsterdam. See photo's at EARLI conference website, link below. In August 2014, he organized with Amsterdam & Utrecht colleagues the EARLI SIG WRITING Conference and Research School: Conference & Research School on Writing Research. With Monica Koster, Renkse Bouwer, Huub van den Bergh, Saskia Rietdijk & Martine Braaksma. It was the 25th anniversary of the SIG WRITING. The credo was: Writing is fun! In 2018 he is involved in organizing the SIG WRITING Research School in Ghent as member of the organizing committee. With Luuk van Waes en Denis Alamargot he established the Journal of Writing Research. With Eric Esperet (France) he developped the book series Studies in Writing, now published by Brill (the Netherlands), with now more then 30 volumes.
In 1996, with Ken Watson (Australia), he set up the international Association for the Improvement of Mother tongue Education, now transformed into ARLE. Within that association he organized conferences and established a scientific journal, initially with Mary Kooy (Canada): L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature.
In 2018, he set up the Werkgroep Onderzoek & Didactiek Nederlands (WODN; Dutch'; Working Group on Rsearch And Instruction Dutch Language and Literature), which he still coordinates. The WODN publishes a digital handbook for the teaching of language and literature, free access for all.
Beer died in July 2011, bone cancer. In August, our dog trainer Monique found a new German Shepperd dog for us. We called him Beer again (sometimes 'Little Beer, compared with 'old' Beer)
On the photo: Beer II Winter 2012, age 2yrs.10 months. He became quite old, alomst 14 yrs (18-02-2024 until 01-02-2024)
Gert Rijlaarsdam taught International courses (English)
The dissertations I was involved in as (co-)supervisor, as associate professor (UHD) or later as full professor
Jannemieke van de Gein (1991). The sense of sentence. Effects of grammar skills on aspects of writing profiency. F unded by the National Foundation of Educational Research: SVO). Co-supervised by prof. Dr G.J. de Haan (then Utrecht University).
Rob Schoonen (1991). Constructie en validering van gestructureerde stelopdrachten voor zesdeklassers [Construction and validation of structured writing tasks for eight graders. Funded by the National Foundation of Educational Research: SVO). Co-supervised by prof. Dr G. J. Mellenbergh (University of Amsterdam) and Rene Appel (University of Amsterdam). Current position: Rob is a full professor at Radboud University (Nijmegen, Netherlands) for Applied Linguistics
Amos van Gelderen (1992). Fonetisch en linguïstische validatie van oordelenover spreekprestaties [Phonetic and linguistic validation of ratingof oral performances ] Funded by the National Foundation of Scientific Research: NWO). Co-supervised by Prof. Dr L. Pols (University of Amsterdam ). Current position: Senior Researcher at the University of Amsterdam, and lector at the Hogeschool van Rotterdam
Michel Couzijn (1995). Observation of reading and writing activities: Effects on learning and transfer. Funded by the University of Amsterdam). Co-supervised by Prof. Dr B.H.A.M. van Hout-Wolters, University of Amsterdam. Current position; unknown
Marianne Overmaat (1996). Empirische studies naar effectieve schrijfdidactiek.[Empirical Studies in Written Composition Methodology] . Funded by the National Foundation of Educational Research. Co-supervised by Prof. Dr K. de Glopper (University of Amsterdam , now Groningen University). Current position: retired from UvA
Tanja Janssen (1998). Literatuuronderwijs bij benadering [Approaches in Literature Education]. Funded by the University of Amsterdam. Co-supervised by Prof. Dr S. ten Brinke (Utrecht University). Current position: retired from UvA
Martine A.H. Braaksma (May 2002). Learning to write by observation of models. Graduated May 2002. Funded by the University of Amsterdam and the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE). Co-supervised by Prof. Bernadette A.H.M. Van Hout-Wolters (Amsterdam), & Dr. Huub H.van denBergh (Utrecht). Current position: staff member Dutch Advisory Council for Education (the Hague, the Netherlands)
Hein Broekkamp (20.02.2003). Learning to represent task demands. Funded by the University of Amsterdam. Co-supervisors: Bernadette van Hout-Wolters (Amsterdam), Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht). Current position: staff member Dutch Council for Education, The Hague.
Isabelle de Ridder (20.05.2003). Hyperlinks & Vocabulary Learning from texts in L2 . Funded by the University of Antwerp. Co-supervised by Prof Dr Luuk van Waes (Antwerp). Current: Director Associatie Universiteit & Hogescholen Antwerpen
De Maeyer, S.A.J.H. & Rymenans, R.M.C. (14.09.2004). Onderzoek naar kenmerken van effectieve scholen. Kritische factoren in een onderzoek naar schooleffectiviteit in het technisch en beroepssecundair onderwijs in Vlaanderen. Diss UU. Co-supervised by Prof dr Frans Daems (Antwerp), Prof. dr Peter van Petegem (Antwerp), Dr. Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht). Current positions; Rita Rymenans retired form University Antwerp; Sven de Maeyer; professor Educational Sciance, University Antwerp.
Trinh, L.Q. (29.09.2005). Stimulating learner's autonomy in language education . A curriculum innovation study. Funded by NUFFIC/MHO-projects. Co-supervisedby PeterBimmel (Amsterdam , Netherlands). Current position: Dean Dept. of Foreign Language Studies, Can Tho University
Marleen Kieft (19.09.2006). Adapting instruction to students' writing strategies: Effects on writing and learning. Funded by the University of Amsterdam and the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tong ue Education (IAIMTE). Co-supervised by Prof. dr Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht). Current position: owner Marleen Kieft Onderzoek en Advies
Rita Rigo-Toth (March, 2007). Co-supervised by Dr Christine Ure, Uiversity of Merlbourne, Australia. Current position: unknown
Ton Koet (18.09. 2007). Polder English in Dutch ears . Co-supervised by Prof Dr Huub van den Bergh, Utrecht/Amsterdam. Current position; retited from Hogeschool van Amsterdam; co-editor Levende Talen Tijdschrift.
Theo Witte (27.05.2008). Het oog van de meester. Funded by the University of Groningen.Co-supervised by prof. dr D. Schram (Amsterdam) & prof. dr A. van Essen (Groningen). Current position: retired.
Mariet Raedts (07.07.2008). De invloed van zelfeffectiviteitsverwachtingen, taakkennis en observerend leren bij een nieuw en complexe schrijftaak. [The effect of self-efficacy expectations, task knowledge and observational learning in a new and complex writing task]. Co-supervised by Frans Daems (Antwerp) and Luuk van Waes (Antwerp). Current position: Teaching academic writing at University of Antwerp
Elke van Steendam (14.11. 2008). Effective instructional strategies in collaborative revision in ESL. The effects of Two empirical studies. Co-supervised Lies Sercu (Leuven), with Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht/Amsterdam) as advisor. Current position: professor KU Leuven/Brussel
Daphne van Weijen (2009). Writing processes, text quality, and tasks effects Empirical studies in first and second language writing. Co-supervised with Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht/Amsterdam) and Ted Sanders(Utrecht). Current position: assistant professor University of Amsterdam
Achter de lijn.Vier empirische studies over ontluikende stelvaardigheid. [The story behind the line. Four empirical studies on writing by third and fourth graders of primary school. (24 April 2010). Co-supervisors: Prof. Kris van den Branden (Leuven, Belgium), Prof. Huub vanden Bergh (Utrecht, the Netherlands), and Dr. Sven de Maeyer (Antwerp, Belgium). Current position: Inspectorate of Education (Flanders)
Stinulating intercultural intellectual capabilities in intercultural communication.Testing an innovative course design. Dissertation. Appendices. (23 November 2010). Co-supervisor; Prof. Dr Lies Sercu, Leuven , Belgium. Current position: director Concultancy Bureau
Observe and Explore. Empirical studies on Learning in creative writing and visual arts. (15.05.2012). Funded by University of Amsterdam. Co-supervised by Dr Tanja Janssen, GSTL, Prof. Dr Huub van den Bergh (advisor). Current position; senior consultant Curriculum Development, National Institue for Curriculum Development
Writing in first and second language. Empirical studies on text quality and writing processes. (19.06.2012, Utrecht). Funded by Utrecht University. Co-supervised by Prof. Dr Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht) and Prof. Dr Ted Sanders (Utrecht). Current position: Teaching at higher Education, and member Lectorate Learning & Brains
Second language writing and literary reading in university: Three empirical studies. (28.11. 2012, Amsterdam). Funded by Mekong Delta Grant and University of Amsterdam. Co-supervised by Prof.Dr Wilfried Admiraal (Amsterdam, then Leiden, now Oslo) and Dr Tanja Janssen (Amsterdam). Current position: Dean
De Taal van oplossingen. Een empirisch begrippenkader voor oplossingsgerichte interactie. (27.11.2013, Amsterdam). Privately funded. Co-supervised by Dr Resi Damhuis, Marnix Academy (Utrecht). Current position: Consultancy
Teaching Dutch as a foreign language in Eastern Europe. (February, 2014, Utrecht). Privately funded. Co-supervisor Prof. Dr Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht). Current position: senior lecturer University of Olomouc, CZ
Comprehensing process diagrams in biology education .(27.11.2016, Amsterdam). Grant by NWO Lerarenbeurs. Co-supervised by Prof. Dr Wilfried Admiraal (Amsterdam, now Leiden). Current position: team manager Science and vocational education, Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Focus on Form in Task-based Language Teaching. (17.12.2015, Amsterdam). Grant by Gooise Scholen Federatie & University of Amsterdam. Co-supervised by Dr Martine Braaksma & Dr P. Bimmel. Current position: assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam
Re-Imagine, Re-Design and Transform. Enhancing Generation and Exploration in Creative Problem Finding Processes in Visual Arts Education. (08.11.2017, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Funded by Graduate School of Teaching and Learning, University of Amsterdam & TheresiaLyceum, Tilburg. Co-supervised by Wilfried Admiraal.Current position: Teacher educator at the University of Amsterdam., director Expert Center Arts Theory
The story, the self, the other Developing insight into human nature in the literature classroom. (03.05.2019, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Funded by NWO, Dutch Research Council. Co-supervised by Tanja Janssen (Amsterdam) and Olivia Fialho (Utrecht). Current position: Staff Teacher Education at Hogeschool Rotterdam.
Effectieve Leeractiviteiten voor het Schrijfonderwijs in HAVO 4 (06.05.2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands). Funded by Nwo/Dudok Alfa. Co-supervised by Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht). Current position: Teacher educator NHL Stenden.
Lost in Latin. Teaching students to produce coherent target texts. (07.02.2020, Amsterdam, the Netherlands0. Funded by NWO via Dudok Alfa program. Co-supervised by Caroline Kroon (Amsterdam) and Suzanne Adema (Amsterdam). Current position: Student care coordinator St Ignatius, Amsterdam
Synthesis Writing in upper-secondary Education. (diss under embargo). (18.07.2020, Antwerpen, Belgium. Funded by NWO, with co-supervision Elke van Steendam, (Leuven), Marielle Leijten (Antwerp). Current position: post doc Umea University, Sweden (unitl summr 2023).
Teaching writing in Chile. An evidence base for policies on writing instruction in Grades 7-12 of Chilean public schools. (07.07,2021, Amsterdam/Santiago (online), The Netherlands/Chile. Funded by CONECT (Chili), co-supervised by Daphne van Weijen (Amsterdam). Current position: teacher and supervisor Autonomous University of Chile
Think Twice. Literature Lessons that Matter. 07.03.2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Funded by Dudok Alfa (NWO), co-supervised by Dr Frank Hakemulder, Dr. Tanja Janssen, & Dr, Daphne van Weijen. Current position: Head Department of Dutch, Teacher education at Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Synthesis writing. Teaching high school students to read, plan, draft and revise. Defense at 03.06.2022, Funded by Promotiebeurs voor Leraren, co-supervised by Dr. Daphne van Weijen. Amsterdam. Current position: Teacher of dutch Language and Literaure, Den Bosch, secretary of the Working group on Research and Instruction in Language Education (see Post-doc position, Dudok Alpha grant (sept 2023-2026).
Schrijven met kennis van zaken. Een didactiek voor de zaakvakken. Defense at 07 12 2022. Funded by the school, Revisus Lyceum Doorn. Co-cupervised by Dr. Daphne van Weijen, Amsterdam. Current position: Independent educational advisor.
Dealing with Setbacks. Exploring academic buoyancy in Latin students who are cognitively gifted. Defense at 18 10 2023. Funded by NWO Lerarenonderzoeksbeurs. Co-supervised by Dr. Suzanne Adema, Amsterdam. Current position. Teacher Classical languages at Huizermaat SG.
Disciplinary writing. Four empirical studies on historical and philosophical literacy. Defense at 17 11 2023. Funded by Dudok Alfa (NWO), co-supervised by Dr Tanja Janssen (part 1) and Dr Jannet van Drie (part 2), Amsterdam. Current position: combining parttime Teachership of Dutch Language and Literature, Hilversum, and coordinator language policy in all schoolsubjects, and postdoc position at UvA.
Creative writing. Thing beyond the standard text. Teaching high school students to write original texts. Defense at 02 02 2024. Funded by NWO Lerarenbeurs, co-supervised by Dr Tanja Janssen (Part 1) and Dr Daphne van Weijen (Part 2), Amsterdam. Current position: Teacher Education Dutch, School for Applied Sciences Amsterdam.
Synthesis writing A comparison of instructional approaches and process measuring methods in English as a foreign language. Defense at 29 04 2024. Self-funded. Co-supvised by Dr Elke van Steendam (Leuven, Belgium).
Las tic en la enseñanza de la escritura: componentes, efectividad y variables moduladoras. [Ict in the teaching of writing: components, effectiveness and modulating variables]. Defense at 28 10 2024. Funded by the University of Leon (Spain). Supervised by Raquel Fidalgo Redondo and Paula López Gutiérrez.
Scientifice committees
Seniors |
The Lab expired formally December 2023. It continues as a network. Dr Martine Braaksma (2002-2015), Dr Michel Couzijn (2000-2014), Dr Marleen Kieft (2006-2007); Dr Tanja Janssen (1992 -- 2022), Dr Daphne van Weijen (2014 -- 2023), Dr Marrit Van de Guchte (2016 -- 2023), Dr Suzanne Adema (2014 -- 2023), Dr Elke van Steendam (Leuven) (2012-2023) |
Consultant for Methodology & Statistics | Prof. dr Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht University), Prof. Dr Sven De Maeyer (Antwerp). |
Co-supervisors | Dr Tanja Janssen (Amsterdam), Dr Dapne van Weijen (Amsterdam), Dr Elke van Steendam (Leuven), Dr. Suzanne Adema (Amsterdam, Dr Jannet van Drie (Amsterdam), Prof dr Raquel Fidalgo (Leon, Spain). Dr Paula Gomez (Leon, Spain) |
PhD Candidates per 01 01 2024 | Tran Nguyen Huong Thao, MA (Vietnam, Can Tho University), Aslı Abak Şen MA (Turkey), María Victoria González Laguna (Leon, Spain), Genja Ferschtman (UvA). |
Extra Muros | Madelein van Baalen, MA (TheaterSchool Rotterdam) |
The Innovative Language, Literature & Arts Education Research Lab participates in the research program of the Research Institute of Child Development and Education of the University of Amsterdam, co-operated with the Research Group Multilingual Professional Communication (University of Antwerp), and participates in research projects in Leon (Spain), Madrid (Spain) and Umeå (Sweden).
The general aim of the research group is to contribute to the improvement of language, literature & arts education in primary, secondary and higher education. The group focusses on the improvement of learning processes, task processes and task results.
Fields of specialization | Focus on learning activities |
Writing education |
Inquiry learning: |
The group combines process and intervention research as a fruitful strategy. The learning arrangements in the intervention studies are designed and tested with practitioners. In these design studies, they test the effect on processes as well as on learning products, and study the relation between process and results.
EXAMPLES: We base most interventions on descriptive task and learning process studies. |
Learner variables involved: Task variables involved: |
Examples: Learning to: |
Learner variables involved: - Writing style - Academic aptitude - Writing proficiency, Reading proficiency, Self efficacy, Attitudes, prior knowledge. |
EXAMPLES: When implementing interventions, we also study the effect of interventions, we study the differential effect of these interventions for different characterisitcs of teachers. |
Teacher variables involved
Writing beliefs Methodology |
For us, combining process and intervention research is a fruitful strategy. The learning arrangements in our intervention studies are designed and tested with practitioners. In these design studies, we test the effect on processes as well as on learning products, and we study the relation between process and results.
Sandra Espino Datsira |
Barcelona, Spain, July-August 2006 |
Ruth Villalon |
Madrid, Spain; July-August 2008 |
Olga Arrias Gundin |
Leon, Spain, February 2009 |
Jenny Hallam |
Derby, UK, August 2009 |
Monica Gavota |
Geneva, Switzerland, February 2010 |
Flori Nicolas |
Murcia, Spain, April-July 2010 |
Mark Torrance |
Nottingham, UK, May 2010 |
Raquel Fidalgo |
Leon, Spain, May 2010; June 2011 |
Isabel Martinez |
Madrid, Spain, Sept-Oct 2011 |
Hector Diez |
Leon, Spain, April-June 2013 |
Hideyuki Sakihama |
Hannan, Japan, September 2015-July 2016 |
Esther Breuer |
Koln, Germany, December 2016 |
Anna Sala Bubare |
Barcelona, Spain, January-April 2016 |
Mar Mateos |
Madrid, Spain, April-July 2016 |
Yan Jing |
Singapore, May-June 2016 |
Marina Casadellà, |
Bellaterra/Barcelona, Spain, Aug.-Nov. 2016 |
Paula Gomez |
Leon, Spain, September-August, 2016 |
Miriam Granado Peinado |
Madrid, Spain, March-June 2017 |
Justin Zelime |
Umea, Sweden, March 2018 |
Paula Gomez |
Leon, Spain, March 2019 |
Olga Arrias Gundin |
Leon, Spain, March, 2019 |
Cemile Dogan |
Turkey, January-July 2019 |
Lidia Casado Ledesma |
Madrid, Spain, May-July, 2019 |
Isabel Martinez | Madrid, October 2023 |
Candidate |
Year |
Role |
Luc van Waes, Twente |
1992 |
Promotiecommissie |
Joop Dirksen. Nijmegen |
1995 |
Leescommissie |
José van der Hoeven, Utrecht |
1997 |
Leescommissie |
Henriette Coppens, Amsterdam |
1999 |
Leescommissie |
Peter Jan Slagter, Utrecht |
2000 |
Lesscommsisie |
Ineke Huibregtse, Utrecht |
2001 |
Leescommissie |
Anne Bannink, Amsterdam |
2001 |
Leescommissie |
Eva M. Tol-Verkuyl, Nijmegen |
2001 |
Promotiecommissie |
Patrick Snelling, Amsterdam |
2003 |
Leescommissie |
L.J.M. Loonen, Utrecht |
2003 |
Leescommissie |
Eva Lindgren, Umea University, Sweden. |
2005 |
External opponent |
Marie Stevenson, Amsterdam |
2005 |
Leescommissie |
Bart van der Leeuw, Utrecht |
2006 |
Leescommissie |
Konrad Globowski, OISE, Toronto, Canada |
2008 |
External examiner |
Truus Schijf, Amsterdam |
2008 |
Leescommissie |
Hendrien Duijnhouwer, Utrecht |
2010 |
Beoordelingnscommissie |
Ruth Villalon, Autonoma, Madrid (Spain) |
2010 |
External examiner, promotiecommissie |
Catherine van Beuningen, Amsterdam |
2011 |
Beoordelingscommissie |
Marita van der Stel, Leiden |
2011 |
Beoordelingscommissie |
Miguel Mata Perreira, Toulouse (France) |
2011 |
External examiner, promotiecommissie |
Xiaoli WU, Leuven (Belgium) |
2011 |
External examiner, promotiecommisse |
Theo Pullens (UU) |
2012 |
Beoordelingscommissie |
Isabel Martinez Alvarez, Madrid (ES) |
2012 |
External examiner, promotiecommissie |
Veerle Baaijen, Groningen (NL) |
2012 |
Beoordelingscommissies |
Jessie de Naeghel, Gent (BE) |
2013 |
Beoordelingscommissie |
Flori Nicolas Conesa (ES) |
2013 |
Promotiecommissie |
Milou de Smet (NL) |
2014 |
Beoordelingscommisssie |
Hoang Yen Phuong (BE) |
2014 |
Beoordelingscommissie |
Iris Schrijver (BE) |
2014 |
Beoordelingscommissie |
Hector Diaz Casa (ES) |
2014 |
External examiner |
Ike Anggraika Kuntoro (NL) |
2015 |
Beoordelingscomisssie |
Karyn Sandstrom (SW) |
2015 |
Opponent |
Monica Koster (NL) | 2016 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Renske Bouwer (NL) | 2016 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Vincent Hoogerheide (NL) | 2016 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Gerhard Stoel (NL) | 2017 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Maria de Groot-Reuvenkamp (NL) | 2017 | Beoordelingcommissie |
Baran Johansson (Umea, SW) | 2017 | External Mid Term Review |
Justin Zelima (Umea, SW) | 2017 | External Mid Term Review |
Nguyen Anh Thi (Leuven) | 2018 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Tran Thien Quynh Tran (Leiden) | 2018 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Marisela Bonilla (Leuven) | 2018 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Eline van Batenburg (Amsterdam) | 2018 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Mark Schep (Amsterdam) | 2019 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Fien de Smedt (Ghent, Belgium) | 2019 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Sebastiaan Donszelmann (Amsterdam, VU) | 2019 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Tine van Daal (Antwerp, BE) | 2020 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Spoke Wintersprav (Umea, Sw) | 2020 | Opponent |
Kristin Ann Sendur (Amsterdam) | 2021 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Janneke van der Loo (Tilburg) | 2022 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Sophie Hall (Southampton) | 2022 | External examiner |
Hans Das (Groningen) | 2022-23 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Johan van Driel (Amsterdam) | 2023 | Beoordelingscommissie |
Aline Alves-Wold (Stavanger, Norway) | 2023-24 | Committee |
Member of the Didactiek Commissie Nederlands, ca 1974-1980. From 2000-2004 he was appointed as research professor for the Vereniging van Leraren in Levende Talen, following prof. dr Gerard Westhof, and followed by prof. dr. Huub van den Bergh.
In 2018 he set up a continuation of the Didactiek Commissie Nederlands, called Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands (Working Group Research and Instruction Dutch Language and Literature Education. In May 2018 he was elected as chair of the Association for Teacher of Living Languages, section Dutch, with 1400 members. He served for two years.
Restyling Levende Talen (journal for language teachers) (1999-2001) into two publications, a Magazine and a Scientific Journal, introducing new formats and journal formula's, together with Monique van Hootegem, setting up a new team of editors etc.
In 2022 he started a term as Editor-in-Chief for Learning and Instruction
DCN-cahiers, publication series of the Didactiek Commissie Nederlands (c 1976-1984)
In april 2024 oordeelden leraren Nederlands over de voorstellen van de Vernieuwingscommissie Nederlands. die waren in prefinale vorm beschikbaar. Docenten oordeelden over het relatieve belang van de eindtermen, de leerplanruimte die elke eindterm zou innemen en de scholingsbehoefte voor elke eindterm. Daarnaast bepaalden zij de onderlinge inhoudelijke relaties tussen de eindtermen: het gepercipieerde curriculum.
De voorlopige rapportage is aangeboden aan de Vakvernieuwingscommissie. U vindt hier tien deelrapportjes we beschikbaar mogen stellen aan de deelnemers aan de schriftelijke peiling. Sommige zullen onderdeel zijn van panelgesprekken met docenten en leden van de vakvernieuwingscommissie begin juni 2024.
U vindt de rapportage en de lijst met eindtermen op de site van Levende Talen Nederlands: VOORLOPIGE RAPPORTAGE PEILING EINDTERMEN NEDERLANDS 2024 - Deze pagina's zijn echter nog niet publiek omdat de eindtermen nog niet definitief zijn. De vakvernieuwingscommissie hecht eraan om de rapportage alleen beschikbaar te stellen aan deelnemers van het eindtermenpeilingsonderzoek. Alle deelnemers hebben via een wachtwoord toegang tot de rapportage.
Onderzoek naar belang, leerplanruimte, scholingsbehoefte |
Onderzoek naar samenhang: het leerplan zoals gepercipieerd |
Vergelijking |
00 Inleiding |
02 Resultaten Basisberoepsgerichte leerweg |
07 Rapport Samenhang |
09 Visueel vergelijkend overzicht: vijf sectoren |
01 Verantwoording |
03 Resultaten Kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg |
08 Eindtermen geclusterd volgens respondenten |
10 Verschuivingen van belang, leerplanruimte en scholingen over de sectoren |
04 Resultaten Gemengde/Theoretische leerweg |
05 Resultaten havo |
06 Resultaten vwo |