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Prof. dr. G.C.W. (Gert) Rijlaarsdam

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group:
Photographer: T. van de Kamp

  • Profile

    Gert Rijlaarsdam holds a position (status January 2025) as full professor at the University of Amsterdam

    During his appointment to the University of Amsterdam

    • he had a position (50%) at the University of Antwerp (Multilingual Professional Communication) as member of the Anhub Lab (2013-2018).
    • he was appointed as visiting professor at Umeå University (Sweden), 2015-2018.
    • he was hired  as 'adjunct' professor at the Norwegian University for Science & Technology, Trondheim, Norway (2021-2024)
    • he had an additional position as professor in Language Education at Utrecht University, a chair installed by the Dutch Association of Teachers of Living Languages (Dutch: Vereniging voor Leraren in Levende Talen) (from 1999-2004).
    • he was principal investigator of the Research Lab of Innovative Language, Literature & Arts Education, 1988-2024.

    He started as a non-certified teacher at the age of 20, teaching Dutch Language and Literature at a school for secondary education. Here he taught for 17 years, mostly parttime, combining teaching, other jobs and studies.

    He studied at Leiden University, parallel to his teaching in secondary education:

    • Dutch Language and Literature (School voor Taal- en Letterkunde, The Hague, then University of Leiden, Doctoraal (MA), 1978), specialization linguistics and sociolinguistics
    • Educational Studies (University of Leiden, doctoraal (MA), 1983), specialization Learning & Instruction and Curriculum Studies

    He did his PhD research at the University of Amsterdam, parttime, with a grant of the National Foundation for Research (NWO), when still teaching Dutch in secondary education. His dissertation was on Effects of peer feedback on writing processes, writing performance and attitudes (1983-1986). 

    Other jobs

    • He combined his teaching appointment with a job (20%) at the National Test Service Institute (CITO, Arnhem),
      • designing and testing innovative listening tests, and
      • introducing functional writing exams in vocational secondary education.
    • He combined his jobs with a part-time appointment at the educational research institute at the University of Amsterdam (RITP, later SCO) since 1981. Here he got his on the job training as researcher from Hildo Wesdorp (1935-1987), in a lab group with then young researchers like Henk Blok, Kees de Glopper, Huub van den Bergh, Rob Schoonen, Amos van Gelderen & Resi Damhuis.
    • He was appointed (1988) as an associate professor (Dutch: UHD) at the then newly established Graduate School of Teaching and Learning (GSTL) at the University of Amsterdam, with the task to create  -- with two colleagues Geert ten Dam and Fred Korthagen --  an integrative post-graduate university institute for teacher education, in-service training and research. This Institute lasted until 2012, when it was merged into the Faculty of Social Sciences. Until then the GSTL was about the top in the Netherlands. In the GSTL he was involved in teaching, research, and development. He managed the portfolio Development & Services. From 2006-2008 he was responsible for the implementation of a new teacher education curriculum at the GSTL, in 2010-2011 for reshaping that 'new' curriculum for efficiency (less costs, more students that get the grade within nominal study time).
    By Cees van Wijk, Dordrecht, 1986

    Personal data

    Until 2007 you could find Gert on Saturdays on soccer fields in the region as a certificated soccer referee (KNVB), milder in his decisions than you may expect. In his free time he trained a German shepherd dog, called Beer (Dutch for Bear). On the photo in the intro above, he is preparing the other dog, the Dutch shepherd dog Storm, for a round of ski wandering in Bodmen, Oberwallis (Switzerland). Storm died in July 2007. 

    On the left handed photo; Beer is looking for something, while his friend Anak walks away, giving up. Beer never gave up when he was searching. Click for more Beer below; Beer in Switzerland, October 2007.

    Gert and Hetty owned an old-timer Mercedes Camper bus and travelled --slowly slowly -- through Western Europe.

    He likes organizing events. He co-ordinated the SIG WRITING of EARLI (1995-1999), organized with Huub van den Bergh the EARLI SIG WRITING 1994 in Utrecht. In August 2009 he was conference programme manager of the EARLI 2009 conference in Amsterdam. See photo's at EARLI conference website, link below. In August 2014, he organized with Amsterdam & Utrecht colleagues the EARLI SIG WRITING Conference  and Research School: Conference & Research School on Writing Research.  With Monica Koster, Renkse Bouwer, Huub van den Bergh, Saskia Rietdijk & Martine Braaksma. It was the 25th anniversary of the SIG WRITING. The credo was: Writing is fun! In 2018 he is involved in organizing the SIG WRITING Research School in Ghent as member of the organizing committee. With Luuk van Waes en Denis Alamargot he established the Journal of Writing Research. With Eric Esperet (France) he developped the book series Studies in Writing, now published by Brill (the Netherlands), with now more then 30 volumes.

    In 1996, with Ken Watson (Australia), he set up the international Association for the Improvement of Mother tongue Education, now transformed into ARLE. Within that association he organized conferences and established a scientific journal, initially with Mary Kooy (Canada): L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature. 

    In 2018, he set up the Werkgroep Onderzoek & Didactiek Nederlands (WODN; Dutch'; Working Group on Rsearch And Instruction Dutch Language and Literature), which he still coordinates. The WODN publishes a digital handbook for the teaching of language and literature, free access for all.

    Another Beer

    Beer died in July 2011, bone cancer. In August, our dog trainer Monique found a new German Shepperd dog for us. We called him Beer again (sometimes 'Little Beer, compared with 'old' Beer)

    On the photo: Beer II Winter 2012, age 2yrs.10 months. He became quite old, alomst 14 yrs (18-02-2024 until 01-02-2024)

    On May 4th 2019 Beer II got company when Arya Vida arrived from an asylum in Barcelona. She is from August 2016, was dropped somewehere when she was 18 months (Photo May 5th, in De Elzen
  • Teaching

    Once a teacher, always a teacher


    1. International courses
    2. Research in Education Practice
    3. Communication skills
    4. Educational Course Design & Research
    5. Research Methodology in Communication

    1.1 International courses

    Gert Rijlaarsdam taught International courses (English)

    • 1995 and 1996, Laboratoire du Psychology. Université de Bourgogne, Dyon. (Prof. Dr Michel Fayol): February; Comparing Dutch & French morphology.
    • 1995, Athens University, invited by Prof. Dr Elias Matsagouras. Inservice course: Efective teaching of Writing.
    • 1999, Umeå University Sweden. Invited by Prof. Dr P.-O. Erixon. Course: Creating a Research Group and Program.
    • 2002, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong. Invited by Prof. Shek Kam Tse. Course: Effective teaching of writing.
    • 2003, Patras University, Greece. Invited by prof. Dr. Papoulia-Tzelepi. Master course in Teaching of Writing.
    • 2006, Cantho University, Vietnam. Course provided with prof. Dr Huub van den Bergh & prof. Dr Wilfried Admiraal: Research Methodology in Education
    • 2007, Can Tho University, Vietnam. Invited by Dr Nam, Dean of School of Education, Head of Vietnamese Department of Linguistics and Literature. Course: effective teaching of Writing
    • 2007, Can Tho University, Vietnam, October Invited by Dr Do Van Xe, vice-rector and Dr H.T. Trang, director Learning Resources Center. Provided with Marcel van Riessen. Currriculum design: Effects of a credit based system.
    • 2009, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, invited by prof . Setting up a Writing Research Program.
    • 2015-2018, Visiting Professor in Umeå University, Sweden, (10%), invited by dr Eva lindgren
    • 2016, Santander University, Spain (invited by Dr Melero Zabal, Maria Angeles & Dr Villalon Molina, Ruth
    • 2021, September-current: visiting professor at Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Trondheim, Norway  (5%)

    Research schools

    • ARLE Research school, Tallinn, 2017: Research Methodology in Language Education
    • SIG WRITING Research school, Ghent, 2018: Issues in Research Methodology in Writing Research

    1.2 Research in Educational Practice

    • 2006 (1) Teachers in innovation team Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam (2) Teachers in research team Montessori college Oost; (3) Teacher trainees Ed. MA EHvA; (4) 2007 Teachers' research group Almere (Helen Parkhurst, De Meergronden, Echnaton)
    • 2007 (1) Teachers in research team Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam; (2) Teachers in research team Montessori College Oost; (3) Teachers in research group Almere (Helen Parkhurst, De Meergronden, Echnaton)
    • Since 2007, Gert Rijlaarsdam was involved in various projects to support teachers in doing research, via the Master Academic Mastership, projects with teacher in so called academic schools, training grant applicants for NWO etc.,
    • 2016-2017, Professional Learner Community on learning and teaching synthesis writing, with Wilma Groeneweg

    1.3 Communication Skills

    • 1999, 2000 Students of Economics. MA-level.
    • 2014-2018 Academic Writing (Antwerp)

    1.4 Educational Course Design and Research

    • 1999 Teacher trainees of Dutch Language & Literature, and ofLatin & Greek. / Postgraduate. 
    • 2000 Teacher trainees of Modern Languages and Dutch as mother tongue. Postgraduate. 
    • 2001 Part-time teacher trainees of all school subjects. Postgraduate.
    • 2002 Teacher trainees of Modern Languages and Dutch as mother tongue. Postgraduate. 
    • 2003 Teacher trainees of Modern Languages and Dutch as mother tongue. Postgraduate.
    • 2006-2013: Programme coordinator of second semester programme of post initial teacher training: Design Research and Practice oriented Research.
    • 2013-2015: Teacher trainees of Modern Languages and Dutch as L1. Post graduate: Design Research

    1.5. Methodology of Communication Research

    • 2013 - 2018 Research  methodology in communication research (Antwerp)
    • 2013 -2018 Master Theses Research methodology in communication research (Antwerp)
  • Research

    The fun is in the process


    Here you will find

    1. Links to key publications
    2. References to PhD dissertations I was involved in as (co-)supervisor
    3. Scientific activities I am involved in: editorship, editorial board, coordinator, conference organizer.
    4. Our Research Lab Staff
    5. Our Research Programme.

    1 Relevant links

    2. PhD dissertations (co-)supervised

    The dissertations I was involved in as (co-)supervisor, as associate professor (UHD) or later as full professor

    01 Jannemieke van de Gein

    Jannemieke van de Gein (1991). The sense of sentence. Effects of grammar skills on aspects of writing profiency. F unded by the National Foundation of Educational Research: SVO). Co-supervised by prof. Dr G.J. de Haan (then Utrecht University).

    02 Rob Schoonen

    Rob Schoonen  (1991). Constructie en validering van gestructureerde stelopdrachten voor zesdeklassers [Construction and validation of structured writing tasks for eight graders. Funded by the National Foundation of Educational Research: SVO). Co-supervised by prof. Dr G. J. Mellenbergh (University of Amsterdam) and Rene Appel (University of Amsterdam). Current position: Rob is a full professor at Radboud University (Nijmegen, Netherlands) for Applied Linguistics

    03 Amos van Gelderen

    Amos van Gelderen (1992). Fonetisch en linguïstische validatie van oordelenover spreekprestaties [Phonetic and linguistic validation of ratingof oral performances ]  Funded by the National Foundation of Scientific Research: NWO). Co-supervised by Prof. Dr L. Pols (University of Amsterdam ). Current position: Senior Researcher at the University of Amsterdam, and lector at the Hogeschool van Rotterdam

    04 Michel Couzijn

    Michel Couzijn (1995). Observation of reading and writing activities: Effects on learning and transfer. Funded by the University of Amsterdam). Co-supervised by Prof. Dr B.H.A.M. van Hout-Wolters, University of Amsterdam. Current position; unknown

    05 Marianne Overmaat

    Marianne Overmaat (1996). Empirische studies naar effectieve schrijfdidactiek.[Empirical Studies in Written Composition Methodology] . Funded by the National Foundation of Educational Research. Co-supervised by Prof. Dr K. de Glopper (University of Amsterdam , now Groningen University). Current position: retired from UvA

    06 Tanja Janssen

    Tanja Janssen (1998). Literatuuronderwijs bij benadering [Approaches in Literature Education]. Funded by the University of Amsterdam. Co-supervised by Prof. Dr S. ten Brinke (Utrecht University). Current position: retired from UvA

    07 Martine Braaksma

    Martine A.H. Braaksma (May 2002). Learning to write by observation of models. Graduated May 2002.  Funded by the University of Amsterdam and the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE). Co-supervised by Prof. Bernadette A.H.M. Van Hout-Wolters (Amsterdam), & Dr. Huub H.van denBergh (Utrecht). Current position: staff member Dutch Advisory Council for Education (the Hague, the Netherlands)

    08 Hein Broekkamp

    Hein Broekkamp (20.02.2003). Learning to represent task demands. Funded by the University of Amsterdam. Co-supervisors: Bernadette van Hout-Wolters (Amsterdam), Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht). Current position: staff member Dutch Council for Education, The Hague.

    09 Isabelle de Ridder (Antwerp, Belgium)

    Isabelle de Ridder (20.05.2003). Hyperlinks & Vocabulary Learning from texts in L2 . Funded by the University of Antwerp. Co-supervised by Prof Dr Luuk van Waes (Antwerp). Current: Director Associatie Universiteit & Hogescholen Antwerpen

    10-11 Rita Rymenans & Svende Maeyer (Antwerp, Belgium)

    De Maeyer, S.A.J.H. & Rymenans, R.M.C. (14.09.2004). Onderzoek naar kenmerken van effectieve scholen. Kritische factoren in een onderzoek naar schooleffectiviteit in het technisch en beroepssecundair onderwijs in Vlaanderen. Diss UU. Co-supervised by Prof dr Frans Daems (Antwerp), Prof. dr Peter van Petegem (Antwerp), Dr. Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht). Current positions; Rita Rymenans retired form University Antwerp; Sven de Maeyer; professor Educational Sciance, University Antwerp.

    12 Lap Quoc Trinh (Can Tho, Vietnam)

    Trinh, L.Q. (29.09.2005). Stimulating learner's autonomy in language education . A curriculum innovation study. Funded by NUFFIC/MHO-projects. Co-supervisedby PeterBimmel (Amsterdam , Netherlands). Current position: Dean Dept. of Foreign Language Studies, Can Tho University

    13 Marleen Kieft (Amsterdam)

    Marleen Kieft (19.09.2006). Adapting instruction to students' writing strategies: Effects on writing and learning Funded by the University of Amsterdam and the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tong ue Education (IAIMTE). Co-supervised by Prof. dr Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht).  Current position: owner Marleen Kieft Onderzoek en Advies

    14 Rita Rigo Toth (Singapore)

    Rita Rigo-Toth (March, 2007). Co-supervised by Dr Christine Ure, Uiversity of Merlbourne, Australia. Current position: unknown

    15 Ton Koet (Amsterdam)

    Ton Koet (18.09. 2007). Polder English in Dutch ears . Co-supervised by Prof Dr Huub van den Bergh, Utrecht/Amsterdam. Current position; retited from Hogeschool van Amsterdam;  co-editor Levende Talen Tijdschrift.

    16 Theo Witte (Groningen, The Netherlands)

    Theo Witte (27.05.2008). Het oog van de meester. Funded by the University of Groningen.Co-supervised by prof. dr D. Schram (Amsterdam) & prof. dr A. van Essen (Groningen). Current position: retired.

    17 Mariet Raedts (Antwerp, Belgium)

    Mariet Raedts (07.07.2008). De invloed van zelfeffectiviteitsverwachtingen, taakkennis en observerend leren bij een nieuw en complexe schrijftaak. [The effect of self-efficacy expectations, task knowledge and observational learning in a new and complex writing task]. Co-supervised by Frans Daems (Antwerp) and Luuk van Waes (Antwerp). Current position: Teaching academic writing at University of Antwerp

    18 Elke van Steendam (Leuven, Belgium)

    Elke van Steendam (14.11. 2008). Effective instructional strategies in collaborative revision in ESL. The effects of Two empirical studies. Co-supervised Lies Sercu (Leuven), with Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht/Amsterdam) as advisor. Current position: professor KU Leuven/Brussel

    19 Daphne van Weijen (Utrecht,the Netherlands)

    Daphne van Weijen (2009). Writing processes, text quality, and tasks effects Empirical studies in first and second language writing. Co-supervised with Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht/Amsterdam) and Ted Sanders(Utrecht). Current position: assistant professor University of Amsterdam

    20 Lieve Verheyden

    Achter de lijn.Vier empirische studies over ontluikende stelvaardigheid. [The story behind the line. Four empirical studies on writing by third and fourth graders of primary school. (24 April 2010). Co-supervisors: Prof. Kris van den Branden (Leuven, Belgium), Prof. Huub vanden Bergh (Utrecht, the Netherlands), and Dr. Sven de Maeyer (Antwerp, Belgium). Current position: Inspectorate of Education (Flanders)

    21 Tatiana Berden-Antonenko

    Stinulating intercultural intellectual capabilities in intercultural communication.Testing an innovative course design. Dissertation. Appendices. (23 November 2010). Co-supervisor; Prof. Dr Lies Sercu, Leuven , Belgium. Current position: director Concultancy Bureau

    22 Talita Groenendijk (The Netherlands)

    Observe and Explore. Empirical studies on Learning in creative writing and visual arts. (15.05.2012). Funded by University of Amsterdam. Co-supervised by Dr Tanja Janssen, GSTL, Prof. Dr Huub van den Bergh (advisor). Current position; senior consultant Curriculum Development, National Institue for Curriculum Development

    23 Tillema, Marion (The Netherlands)

    Writing in first and second language. Empirical studies on text quality and writing processes. (19.06.2012, Utrecht). Funded by Utrecht University. Co-supervised by Prof. Dr Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht) and Prof. Dr Ted Sanders (Utrecht). Current position: Teaching at higher Education, and member Lectorate Learning & Brains

    24 Phuong Nam Thi Nguyen (Vietnam, the Netherlands)

    Second language writing and literary reading in university: Three empirical studies. (28.11. 2012, Amsterdam). Funded by Mekong Delta Grant and University of Amsterdam. Co-supervised by Prof.Dr Wilfried Admiraal (Amsterdam, then Leiden, now Oslo) and Dr Tanja Janssen (Amsterdam). Current position:  Dean

    25 Dick van Dijk

    De Taal van oplossingen. Een empirisch begrippenkader voor oplossingsgerichte interactie. (27.11.2013, Amsterdam). Privately funded. Co-supervised by Dr Resi Damhuis, Marnix Academy (Utrecht). Current position:  Consultancy

    26 Milan Kriz

    Teaching Dutch as a foreign language in Eastern Europe. (February, 2014, Utrecht). Privately funded. Co-supervisor Prof. Dr Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht). Current position: senior lecturer University of Olomouc, CZ

    27 Marco Kragten

    Comprehensing process diagrams in biology education .(27.11.2016, Amsterdam). Grant by NWO Lerarenbeurs. Co-supervised by Prof. Dr Wilfried Admiraal (Amsterdam, now Leiden). Current position: team manager Science and vocational education, Hogeschool van Amsterdam

    28 Marrit van de Guchte

    Focus on Form in Task-based Language Teaching. (17.12.2015, Amsterdam). Grant by Gooise Scholen Federatie & University of Amsterdam. Co-supervised by Dr Martine Braaksma & Dr P. Bimmel. Current position: assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam

    29 Marie-Thérèse van de Kamp

     Re-Imagine, Re-Design and Transform. Enhancing Generation and Exploration in Creative Problem Finding Processes in Visual Arts Education. (08.11.2017, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Funded by Graduate School of Teaching and Learning, University of Amsterdam & TheresiaLyceum, Tilburg. Co-supervised by Wilfried Admiraal.Current position: Teacher educator at the University of Amsterdam., director Expert Center Arts Theory 

    30 Marloes Schrijvers

    The story, the self, the other Developing insight into human nature in the literature classroom. (03.05.2019, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Funded by NWO, Dutch Research Council. Co-supervised by Tanja Janssen (Amsterdam) and Olivia Fialho (Utrecht). Current position: Staff Teacher Education at Hogeschool Rotterdam.

    31 Klaske Elving

    Effectieve Leeractiviteiten voor het Schrijfonderwijs in HAVO 4 (06.05.2019, Utrecht, the Netherlands). Funded by Nwo/Dudok Alfa. Co-supervised by Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht). Current position: Teacher educator NHL Stenden.  

    32 Suzanne Luger

    Lost in Latin. Teaching students to produce coherent target texts. (07.02.2020, Amsterdam, the Netherlands0. Funded by NWO via Dudok Alfa program. Co-supervised by  Caroline Kroon (Amsterdam) and Suzanne Adema (Amsterdam). Current position: Student care coordinator St Ignatius, Amsterdam

    33 Nina Vandermeulen

    Synthesis Writing in upper-secondary Education. (diss under embargo). (18.07.2020, Antwerpen, Belgium. Funded by NWO, with co-supervision Elke van Steendam, (Leuven), Marielle Leijten (Antwerp). Current position: post doc Umea University, Sweden (unitl summr 2023).

    34 Magdalena Flores Ferres

    Teaching writing in Chile. An evidence base for policies on writing instruction in Grades 7-12 of Chilean public schools. (07.07,2021, Amsterdam/Santiago (online), The Netherlands/Chile.  Funded by CONECT (Chili), co-supervised by Daphne van Weijen (Amsterdam). Current position: teacher and supervisor Autonomous University of Chile

    35 Martijn Koek

    Think Twice. Literature Lessons that Matter. 07.03.2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Funded by Dudok Alfa (NWO), co-supervised by Dr Frank Hakemulder, Dr. Tanja Janssen, & Dr, Daphne van Weijen. Current position: Head Department of Dutch,  Teacher education at Hogeschool van Amsterdam.

    36 Liselore van Ockenburg

    Synthesis writing. Teaching high school students to read, plan, draft and revise. Defense at 03.06.2022, Funded by Promotiebeurs voor Leraren, co-supervised by Dr. Daphne van Weijen. Amsterdam. Current position: Teacher of dutch Language and Literaure, Den Bosch, secretary of the Working group on Research and Instruction in Language Education (see Post-doc position, Dudok Alpha grant (sept 2023-2026).

    37 Edith Alkema

    Schrijven met kennis van zaken. Een didactiek voor de zaakvakken.  Defense at 07 12 2022. Funded by the school, Revisus Lyceum Doorn. Co-cupervised by Dr. Daphne van Weijen, Amsterdam. Current position: Independent educational advisor.

    38 Chelsea O'Brien

    Dealing with Setbacks. Exploring academic buoyancy in Latin students who are cognitively gifted. Defense at 18 10 2023. Funded by NWO Lerarenonderzoeksbeurs. Co-supervised by Dr. Suzanne Adema, Amsterdam. Current position. Teacher Classical languages at Huizermaat SG.

    39 Lieke Holdinga

    Disciplinary writing. Four empirical studies on historical and philosophical literacy. Defense at 17 11 2023. Funded by Dudok Alfa (NWO), co-supervised by Dr Tanja Janssen (part 1) and Dr Jannet van Drie (part 2), Amsterdam. Current position: combining parttime Teachership of Dutch Language and Literature, Hilversum, and coordinator language policy in all schoolsubjects, and postdoc position at UvA.

    40 Anouk ten Peeze

    Creative writing. Thing beyond the standard text. Teaching high school students to write original texts. Defense at 02 02 2024. Funded by NWO Lerarenbeurs, co-supervised by Dr Tanja Janssen (Part 1) and Dr Daphne van Weijen (Part 2), Amsterdam. Current position: Teacher Education Dutch, School for Applied Sciences Amsterdam.

    41 Müjgan Büyüktas Karajgan Büyüktas Kara

    Synthesis writing A comparison of instructional approaches and process measuring methods in English as a foreign language. Defense at 29 04 2024. Self-funded. Co-supvised by Dr Elke van Steendam (Leuven, Belgium). 

    42 María Victoria González Laguna

    Las tic en la enseñanza de la escritura: componentes, efectividad y variables moduladoras. [Ict in the teaching of writing: components, effectiveness and modulating variables]. Defense at 28 10 2024. Funded by the University of Leon (Spain). Supervised by Raquel Fidalgo Redondo and Paula López Gutiérrez.  


    3.Scientific Services

    3.1 (Co-)Founder

    1. The International Association for Imporvement of Mother Education, with Ken Watson (Austraiia) in 1995. Now ARLE, International Association for Research in L1 Education. 
    2. The book series Studies in Writing, since 1996, with Eric Esperet (France). Now 40 volumes. First with Amsterdam University Press, then Kluwer, Elsevier, Emerald and now Brill
    3. The journal L1-Educational studies in Language and Literature, in 2000, with Mary kooy (OISE, Canada), first with KluwerSpinger, since 2005 complete free access for all. 
    4. The Journal Journal of Writing Research (JoWR)), in 2008, with Denis Alarmagot (then Poitiers, now Paris) & Luuk van Waes (Antwerp, Belgium), complete free access for all.
    5. The Working Group on Research & Instruction in L1-Education/Dutch, since 2018. A working group of the Association of Teachers in Dutch language and literature, Levende Talen Nederlands.

    3.2 Editor

    • Journal Editor L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature (peer refereed journal since 2000-2015). Co-editor, with Mary Kooy (OISE, Toronto, Canada).
    • Journal Editor and founder with Luuk van Waes and Denis Alarmargot, of Journal of Writing Research, 2007-2021
    • Series Editor Studies in Writing, book series, 1996-2015, a refereed book series published by Amsterdam University Press (volumes 1-6) and Kluwer Academic Press (volumes 7-17), Elsevier (volumes 18-22), Emerald (volumes 23-26) and Brill (volumes 27- 39).
    • Series Editor Studies in Language & Literature. International Perspectives on Mother Tongue Education . Published by AmsterdamUniversity Press (volumes 1, 2).
    • Levende Talen Magazine, 1999-2001: design and implementation of new journal formula.
    • Learning and Instruction, associate editor, 2014-2021; Editor-in-chief 2022-current.
    Photo by Peter Bimmel; cover L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature

    3.3 Conferences


    • SIG Writing conference 1994,Utrecht, with Huub vanden Bergh & DanielJansen
    • IAIMTE conferences 1997, 1999 and 2001 (Amterdam), co-organizer 2003 (Lisbon, Portugal), 2005 (Albi, France), 2007 Exeter (UK)
    • EARLI conference 2009 (programme manager), with Jos Beishuizen, Gerrie Buijze, Ron Oostdam & Thea Peetsma
    • Conference on Writing Research (for EARLI SIG WRITING), August 2014, Amsterdam.
    • Research School on Writing Research (for EARLI SIG WRITING), August 2014, Utrecht.

    Scientifice committees

    • Sig Writing conferences:1996 (Bellaterra), 1998 (Poitiers), 2000(Verona), 2002 (Stoke-on-Trent), 2004 (Geneva), 2006 (Antwerp), 2008 (Lund), 2010 (Heidelberg), 2012 (Porto)
    • Member Biannual Earli Committee Oeuvre Award EARLI 1997.
    • Member Biannual Earli Committee 'Outstanding Publication in the field of Learning and Instruction' 1999.

    3.4 Reviewer (Journals only, ad hoc, not a member of Ed.Board)

    • British Journal of Educational Psychology 
    • European Journal of Psychology of Education 
    • Language Learning
    • Instructional Sciences
    • Research in the Teaching of English 
    • Pedagogische Studien
    • Journal of Second Language Writing
    • Research in the Teaching of English
    • Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing
    • Argumentation in Context
    • Instructional Science

    3.5 Coordinator

    • International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE). Chair (1995-2013) 
    • Coordinator Special Interest Group Writing (European Association on Research of Learning and Instruction (EARLI ):1993-1997. With Thomas Jechle (93-95), and Eric Esperet (95-97)
    • Chair National Committe on Language Learning Standards Dutch (2009) 

    3.6 Editorial board

    • Spanish Journal of Psychology (1999-...); 
    • Learning and Instruction (2002-2007), then editor 
    • Educational Research Review (2005- ...)
    • Journal of Educational Psychology (2014- ...)
    • Nordic Journal of Literacy Research (2015- ...)
    • Written Communication (2015- ...
    • Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing (2010-2024
    • Design Studies (2024- ...

    4. Lab innovative Language, Literatue and Arts Education 

    Staff (with links to personal websites) 


    The Lab expired formally December 2023. It continues as a network.

    Dr Martine Braaksma (2002-2015), Dr Michel Couzijn (2000-2014), Dr Marleen Kieft (2006-2007); Dr Tanja Janssen (1992 -- 2022), Dr Daphne van Weijen (2014 -- 2023), Dr Marrit Van de Guchte (2016 -- 2023), Dr Suzanne Adema (2014 -- 2023), Dr Elke van Steendam (Leuven) (2012-2023)

     Consultant for Methodology & Statistics Prof. dr Huub van den Bergh (Utrecht University), Prof. Dr Sven De Maeyer (Antwerp).  
     Co-supervisors Dr Tanja Janssen (Amsterdam), Dr Dapne van Weijen (Amsterdam), Dr Elke van Steendam (Leuven), Dr. Suzanne Adema (Amsterdam, Dr Jannet van Drie (Amsterdam), Prof dr Raquel Fidalgo (Leon, Spain). Dr Paula Gomez (Leon, Spain)
    PhD Candidates per 01 01 2024 Tran Nguyen Huong Thao, MA (Vietnam, Can Tho University), Aslı Abak Şen MA (Turkey),
    María Victoria González Laguna (Leon, Spain), Genja Ferschtman (UvA).
     Extra Muros  Madelein van Baalen, MA (TheaterSchool Rotterdam)

    5. Research program

    The Innovative Language, Literature & Arts Education Research Lab participates in the research program of the Research Institute of Child Development and Education of the University of Amsterdam, co-operated with the Research Group Multilingual Professional Communication (University of Antwerp), and participates in research projects in Leon (Spain), Madrid (Spain) and Umeå (Sweden).

    The general aim of the research group is to contribute to the improvement of language, literature & arts education  in primary, secondary and higher education. The group focusses on the improvement of learning processes, task processes and task results.

    Fields of specialization Focus on learning activities

    Writing education
    Fiction/Literature education
    Arts education
    Language and communication skills

    Inquiry learning:
    (1) observational learning, (2) dialogic learning, (3) learning & communication communities.
    Language use to support learning:
    (1) writing, (2) discussing/dialogue, (3) questioning

    The group combines process and intervention research as a fruitful strategy. The learning arrangements in the intervention studies are designed and tested with practitioners. In these design studies, they test the effect on processes as well as on learning products, and study the relation between process and results.




    - Proces: Writing processes; Product: Text quality
    - Process: Reading literary texts; Product: Quality of interpretation
    - Process: Creative writing; Product: Reading literary texts
    - Process: Understanding dynamic diagrams; Product: knowledge
    - Process: Creating visual arts; product: originality
    - Process: Solving an undoable task

    We base most interventions on descriptive task and learning process studies.
    In these studies we investigate qualities of processes that are related to the quality of the product (text, interpretation, knowledge). We try to relate the effects of processes on products to task and learners variables. In intervention studies, we also measure processes and outcomes to extent our knowledge about relations between processes and outcomes. See model 1.

    Learner variables involved:
    - Academic aptitude
    - Writing proficiency, Reading proficiency.
    - L1 and L2 proficiency
    - Writing process style (Writing Process Style Scale, Kieft & Rijlaarsdam, VanderMeulen, Van Ockenburg, Ten Peze, Thao Tran)
    - Writing Apprehesion (Writing Apprehension Scale, Rijlaarsdam)
    - Writing Beliefs (White & Bruning, Baayen, Ten Peze, Vandermeulen)
    - Vocabulary
    - Writing Efficacy (Van der Meulen, Thao Tran

    Task variables involved:
    - Various tasks (plural writing tasks, reading tasks, genre differences)
    - L1 versus L2


    Model 1: Process Studies

    MODEL 2



    Examples: Learning to:
    - write expository texts by learning to write hypertexts
    - interpret fiction/literary texts by learning (1) to ask questions; (2) to discuss texts
    - write argumentative texts on literature by learning (1) to plan texts or (2) to revise drafts
    - read or write by observational learning
    - read and write by establishing learners' communities
    - think creative by metacognitive impulses
    - understand dynamic diagrams by obervational learning of strategies
    - speak a foreign language fluently
    - learning to translate Latin texts in coherent Dutch

    Learner variables involved:
    - Writing style
    - Academic aptitude
    - Writing proficiency, Reading proficiency, Self efficacy, Attitudes, prior knowledge.
    Model 2: Intervention studies

    MODEL 3:




    - Better Writing comprehensive program (Rietdijk, Janssen, Van Weijen & Rijlaarsdam in primary education)
    - Writing Education Practice in Chili (Flores Ferres, Van Weijen & Rijlaarsdam).

    When implementing interventions, we also study the effect of interventions, we study the differential effect of these interventions for different characterisitcs of teachers.

    Teacher variables involved

    Writing beliefs
    Writing instruction beliefs
    Selfefficacy beliefs (domain specific, general)
    Professional attitude (quality monitoring, reflection, redesign)

    Classroom observation
    Time on task measures
    Stimulated recall interviews

    For us, combining process and intervention research is a fruitful strategy. The learning arrangements in our intervention studies are designed and tested with practitioners. In these design studies, we test the effect on processes as well as on learning products, and we study the relation between process and results.

    Model 3: Implementation Studies

    Visiting LAB researchers

    Sandra Espino Datsira

    Barcelona, Spain, July-August 2006

    Ruth Villalon

    Madrid, Spain; July-August 2008

    Olga Arrias Gundin

    Leon, Spain, February 2009

    Jenny Hallam

    Derby, UK, August 2009

    Monica Gavota

    Geneva, Switzerland, February 2010

    Flori Nicolas

    Murcia, Spain, April-July 2010

    Mark Torrance

    Nottingham, UK, May 2010

    Raquel Fidalgo

    Leon, Spain, May 2010; June 2011

    Isabel Martinez

    Madrid, Spain, Sept-Oct 2011

    Hector Diez

    Leon, Spain, April-June 2013

    Hideyuki Sakihama

    Hannan, Japan, September 2015-July 2016

    Esther Breuer

    Koln, Germany, December 2016

    Anna Sala Bubare

    Barcelona, Spain, January-April 2016

    Mar Mateos

    Madrid, Spain, April-July 2016

    Yan Jing

    Singapore, May-June 2016

    Marina Casadellà,

    Bellaterra/Barcelona, Spain, Aug.-Nov. 2016

    Paula Gomez

    Leon, Spain, September-August, 2016

    Miriam Granado Peinado

    Madrid, Spain, March-June 2017

    Justin Zelime

    Umea, Sweden, March 2018

    Paula Gomez

    Leon, Spain, March 2019

    Olga Arrias Gundin

    Leon, Spain, March, 2019

    Cemile Dogan

    Turkey, January-July 2019

    Lidia Casado Ledesma

    Madrid, Spain, May-July, 2019

    Isabel Martinez Madrid, October 2023

    Dissertation Committees




    Luc van Waes, Twente



    Joop Dirksen. Nijmegen



    José van der Hoeven, Utrecht



    Henriette Coppens, Amsterdam



    Peter Jan Slagter, Utrecht



    Ineke Huibregtse, Utrecht



    Anne Bannink, Amsterdam



    Eva M. Tol-Verkuyl, Nijmegen



    Patrick Snelling, Amsterdam



    L.J.M. Loonen, Utrecht



    Eva Lindgren, Umea University, Sweden.


    External opponent

    Marie Stevenson, Amsterdam



    Bart van der Leeuw, Utrecht



    Konrad Globowski, OISE, Toronto, Canada


    External examiner

    Truus Schijf, Amsterdam



    Hendrien Duijnhouwer, Utrecht



    Ruth Villalon, Autonoma, Madrid (Spain)


    External examiner, promotiecommissie

    Catherine van Beuningen, Amsterdam



    Marita van der Stel, Leiden



    Miguel Mata Perreira, Toulouse (France)


    External examiner, promotiecommissie

    Xiaoli WU, Leuven (Belgium)


    External examiner, promotiecommisse

    Theo Pullens (UU)



    Isabel Martinez Alvarez, Madrid (ES)


    External examiner, promotiecommissie

    Veerle Baaijen, Groningen (NL)



    Jessie de Naeghel, Gent (BE)



    Flori Nicolas Conesa (ES)



    Milou de Smet (NL)



    Hoang Yen Phuong (BE)



    Iris Schrijver (BE)



    Hector Diaz Casa (ES)


    External examiner

    Ike Anggraika Kuntoro (NL)



    Karyn Sandstrom (SW)



    Monica Koster (NL) 2016 Beoordelingscommissie
    Renske Bouwer (NL) 2016 Beoordelingscommissie
    Vincent Hoogerheide (NL) 2016 Beoordelingscommissie
    Gerhard Stoel (NL) 2017 Beoordelingscommissie
    Maria de Groot-Reuvenkamp (NL) 2017 Beoordelingcommissie
    Baran Johansson (Umea, SW) 2017 External Mid Term Review
    Justin Zelima (Umea, SW) 2017 External Mid Term Review
    Nguyen Anh Thi (Leuven) 2018 Beoordelingscommissie
    Tran Thien Quynh Tran (Leiden) 2018 Beoordelingscommissie
    Marisela Bonilla (Leuven) 2018 Beoordelingscommissie
    Eline van Batenburg (Amsterdam) 2018 Beoordelingscommissie
    Mark Schep (Amsterdam) 2019 Beoordelingscommissie
    Fien de Smedt (Ghent, Belgium) 2019 Beoordelingscommissie
    Sebastiaan Donszelmann (Amsterdam, VU) 2019 Beoordelingscommissie
    Tine van Daal (Antwerp, BE) 2020 Beoordelingscommissie
    Spoke Wintersprav (Umea, Sw) 2020 Opponent
    Kristin Ann Sendur (Amsterdam) 2021 Beoordelingscommissie
    Janneke van der Loo (Tilburg) 2022 Beoordelingscommissie
    Sophie Hall (Southampton) 2022 External examiner
    Hans Das (Groningen) 2022-23 Beoordelingscommissie
    Johan van Driel (Amsterdam) 2023 Beoordelingscommissie
    Aline Alves-Wold (Stavanger, Norway) 2023-24 Committee


  • Services


    Vereniging voor Leraren in Levende Talen

    Member of the Didactiek Commissie Nederlands, ca 1974-1980. From 2000-2004 he was appointed as research professor for the Vereniging van Leraren in Levende Talen, following prof. dr Gerard Westhof, and followed by prof. dr. Huub van den Bergh.

    In 2018 he set up a continuation of the Didactiek Commissie Nederlands, called Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands (Working Group Research and Instruction Dutch Language and Literature Education. In May 2018 he was elected as chair of the Association for Teacher of Living Languages, section Dutch, with 1400 members. He served for two years.

    Editor in chief

    Restyling Levende Talen (journal for language teachers) (1999-2001) into two publications, a Magazine and a Scientific Journal, introducing new formats and journal formula's, together with Monique van Hootegem, setting up a new team of editors etc.

    In 2022 he started a term as Editor-in-Chief for Learning and Instruction



    DCN-cahiers, publication series of the Didactiek Commissie Nederlands (c 1976-1984)



    • with Eric Esperet: Studies in Writing bookseries, publishing since 1996, with 32 volumes in 2018. Published now by Brill, formerly by Emerald, Springer/Kluwer, Elsevier and Amsterdam University Press
    • with Ken Watson, Australia, International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE), now ARLE. International Association for Research in L1 Education. Chair person from 1995-2015.
    • with Mary Kooy, Canada, research journal L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature. Editor from 1999-2015. 
    • with Luuk van Waes and Denis Alarmargot: Journal of Writing Research, since 2008.
    • IAIMTE conferences. Organizer, convenor, conference manager. Since 1997
    • SIG WRITING Research School, first editon 2014, with Huub van den Bergh, Monica Koster, Renske Bouwer.
    • ARLE Research school, first edition 2017, with Paulo Feytor Pinto & Luisa Alvarez.


    • Journal of Writing Research: 2008-2021.
    • L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature: 1999-2015.
    • Learning and Instruction, 2014-2021, then Editor-in-Chief
    • Studies in Writing bookseries: 1995-2015.


    • IAIMTE/ARLE conferences since 1997, various editons; roles: convenor, organizer, conference manager, scientific committee.
    • SIG WRITING conference 1994, with Huub van den Bergh, Utrecht. Role: organizer.
    • SIG WRITING conference 2014, with Huub van den Bergh, Monica Koster, Renske Bouwer, Martine Braaksma, Saskia Rietdijk, Amsterdam. Role: organizer.
    • EARLI Conference 2009, with Jos Beishuizen, Amsterdam. Role: conference manager.

    Consulting editor

    Editorial board member

     Reviewer ad hoc

    • British Journal of Educational Psychology
    • Educational Psychology Review
    • European Journal of Psychology of Education
    • Instructional Sciences
    • International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education
    • Journal of Argumentation in Context
    • Language and Education
    • Language Learning
    • Learning & Instruction
    • Pedagogische Studiën
    • Research in the Teaching of English
    • Second Language Writing

    Voorlopige rapportage Peiling Eindtermen Nederlands 2024

    In april 2024 oordeelden leraren Nederlands over de voorstellen van de Vernieuwingscommissie Nederlands. die waren in prefinale vorm beschikbaar. Docenten oordeelden over het relatieve belang van de eindtermen, de leerplanruimte die elke eindterm zou innemen en de scholingsbehoefte voor elke eindterm. Daarnaast bepaalden zij de onderlinge inhoudelijke relaties tussen de eindtermen: het gepercipieerde curriculum. 

    De voorlopige rapportage is aangeboden aan de Vakvernieuwingscommissie. U vindt hier tien deelrapportjes we beschikbaar mogen stellen aan de deelnemers aan de schriftelijke peiling. Sommige zullen onderdeel zijn van panelgesprekken met docenten en leden van de vakvernieuwingscommissie begin juni 2024. 

    U vindt de rapportage en de lijst met eindtermen op de site van Levende Talen Nederlands: VOORLOPIGE RAPPORTAGE PEILING EINDTERMEN NEDERLANDS 2024 - Deze pagina's zijn echter nog niet publiek omdat de eindtermen nog niet definitief zijn. De vakvernieuwingscommissie hecht eraan om de rapportage alleen beschikbaar te stellen aan deelnemers van het eindtermenpeilingsonderzoek. Alle deelnemers hebben via een wachtwoord toegang tot de rapportage. 


    Onderzoek naar belang, leerplanruimte, scholingsbehoefte

    Onderzoek naar samenhang: het leerplan zoals gepercipieerd


    00 Inleiding

    02 Resultaten Basisberoepsgerichte leerweg

    07 Rapport Samenhang

    09 Visueel vergelijkend overzicht: vijf sectoren

    01 Verantwoording

    03 Resultaten Kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg

    08 Eindtermen geclusterd volgens respondenten

    10 Verschuivingen van belang, leerplanruimte en scholingen over de sectoren


    04 Resultaten Gemengde/Theoretische leerweg




    05 Resultaten havo




    06 Resultaten vwo




  • Publications



    • Alkema, E., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2023). Synthesis writing in science orientation classes: An instructional design study. Journal of Writing Research, 15(1), 133-165. [details]
    • Flores-Ferres, M., Van Weijen, D., Van Ockenburg, L., Ten Peze, A., Alkema, E., Holdinga, L., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2023). Writing to understand and being understood: Basic design principles for writing instruction. In A. Galvão Spinillo, & C. Sotomayor (Eds.), Development of Writing Skills in Children in Diverse Cultural Contexts: Contributions to teaching and learning (pp. 393-427). Springer. [details]
    • Holdinga, L., van Drie, J., Janssen, T., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2023). Writing to learn history: An instructional design study. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 23(1), 1-45. [details]
    • Johansson, B., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2023). Writing fluency predicted by reading, linguistic and cognitive skills in L1 and L2 in the writing of bilingual biscriptal Persian-Swedish children. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 23(1), 1-28. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Nguyen, P. N. T., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2023). Focused freewriting, Tchart, or group debate: Effects of prewriting conditions on EFL argumentative writing. English Teaching & Learning, 48, 553-572.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., Van Steendam, E., & van Weijen, D. (2023). Writing process studies. Struggling with complexities: Looking back, moving forward. In R. M. Manchón, & J. Roca de Larios (Eds.), Research methods in the study of L2 writing processes (pp. 34-59). (Research Methods in Applied Linguistics; Vol. 5). John Benjamins Publishing Company. [details]
    • Vandermeulen, N., Van Steendam, E., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2023). Introduction to the special issue on synthesis tasks: where reading and writing meet. Reading & Writing, 36(4), 747-768. [details]
    • Vandermeulen, N., Van Steendam, E., De Maeyer, S., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2023). Writing process feedback based on keystroke logging and comparison with exemplars: Effects on the quality and process of synthesis texts. Written Communication, 40(1), 90-144. [details]
    • van Ockenburg, L., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2023). Choosing how to plan informative synthesis texts: Effects of strategy-based interventions on overall text quality. Reading and Writing, 36(4), 997–1023. [details]
    • van den Bergh, D., Vandermeulen, N., Lesterhuis, M., de Maeyer, S., van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Van den Bergh, H. (2023). How prior information from national assessments can be used when designing experimental studies without a control group. Journal of Writing Research, 14(3), 447-469. [details]









    • Braaksma, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2015). Intervention studies in writing-to-learn: Effects on comprehension, domain-specific learning outcomes and meaning making processes. Journal of Writing Research, 7(1), 1-226. [details]
    • Fidalgo, R., Torrance, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., & Álvarez, M. L. (2015). Strategy-focused writing instruction: just observing and reflecting on a model benefits 6th grade students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 41, 37-50. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Kragten, M., Admiraal, W., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2015). Students’ ability to solve process-diagram problems in secondary biology education. Journal of Biological Education, 49(1), 91-103. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Kragten, M., Admiraal, W., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2015). Students’ learning activities while studying biological process diagrams. International Journal of Science Education, 37(12), 1915-1937. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Martínez, I., Mateos, M., Martín, E., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2015). Learning history by composing synthesis texts: Effects of an instructional programme on learning, reading and writing processes, and text quality. Journal of Writing Research, 7(2), 275-302. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., & Braaksma, M. (2015). Introduction to the special issue on Writing-to-learn studies. Journal of Writing Research, 7(1), 1-4. [details]
    • van de Guchte, M., Braaksma, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Bimmel, P. (2015). Learning new grammatical structures in Task-Based Language Learning: The effects of recasts and prompts. The Modern Language Journal, 99(2), 246-262. [details]
    • van de Kamp, M-T., Admiraal, W., van Drie, J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2015). Enhancing divergent thinking in visual arts education: Effects of explicit instruction of meta-cognition. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85(1), 47-58. Advance online publication. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G., & van Steendam, E. (2015). Writing process theory: A functional dynamic approach. In C. A. Macarthur, S. Graham, & J. Fitzgerald (Eds.), Handbook of writing research (2nd ed., pp. 57-71). The Guilford Press. [details]


    • van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H. H., & Sercu, L. (2014). The mediating effect of instruction on pair composition in L2 revision and writing. Instructional Science, 42(6), 905-927. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Berninger, V. W., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2012). Introduction. In V. W. Berninger (Ed.), Past, present and future contributions of cognitive writing research to cognitive psychology (pp. xix-xxvi). Psychology Press. [details]
    • Berninger, V., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Fayol, M. L. (2012). Mapping Research Questions About Translation to Methods, Measures, and Models. In M. Fayol, D. Alamargot, & V. W. Berninger (Eds.), Translation of Thought to Written Text While Composing: Advancing Theory, Knowledge, Research Methods, Tools, and Applications (pp. 27-68). Psychology Press. [details]
    • Braaksma, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & van den Bergh, H. (2012). Hypertext writing: learning and transfer effects. In M. Torrance, D. Alamargot, M. Castelló, F. Ganier, O. Kruse, A. Mangen, L. Tolchinsky, & L. van Waes (Eds.), Learning to write effectively: current trends in European research (pp. 127-130). (Studies in writing; Vol. 25). Emerald. [details]
    • Braaksma, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & van den Bergh, H. (2012). Observational learning in argumentative writing. In M. Torrance, D. Alamargot, M. Castelló, F. Ganier, O. Kruse, A. Mangen, L. Tolchinsky, & L. van Waes (Eds.), Learning to write effectively: current trends in European research (pp. 123-126). (Studies in writing; Vol. 25). Emerald. [details]
    • Janssen, T., Braaksma, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & van den Bergh, H. (2012). Flexibility in reading literature. Differences between good and poor adolescent readers. Scientific Study of Literature, 2(1), 83-107. [details]
    • Kragten, M., Admiraal, W. F., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2012). Diagrammatic literacy in secondary science education. Research in Science Education, 43(5), 1785-1800. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., & van den Bergh, H. (2012). Writing research: where to go to? In V. W. Berninger (Ed.), Past, present and future contributions of cognitive writing research to cognitive psychology (pp. 579-584). Psychology Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., Janssen, T., Romein, P., Kappé, J., & Koffeman, A. (2012). Onderzoek op Academische Opleidingsscholen: een nieuw soort onderzoek. Pedagogische Studiën, 89(6), 381-384. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., Couzijn, M., Janssen, T., Braaksma, M., Tillema, M., van Steendam, E., & Raedts, M. (2012). Writing. In K. R. Harris, S. Graham, & T. Urdan (Eds.), APA educational psychology handbook. - Vol. 3: Application to learning and teaching (pp. 189-228). (APA handbooks in psychology). American Psychological Association. [details]
    • Tillema, M., van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Sanders, T. (2012). Patterns of meta-cognitive processing during writing: Variation according to reported writing profile. In M. Castello, F. Ganier, D. Alamargot, F. Ganier, L. Tolchinsky, L. van Waes, M. Torrance, A. Mangen, & O. Kruse (Eds.), Learning to Write Effectively: Current Trends in European Research (pp. 179-182). (Studies in Writing; Vol. 25). Emerald.
    • Van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G., Sercu, L., & van den Bergh, H. (2012). Effective instructional strategies in collaborative revision in EFL: two empirical studies. In M. Torrance, D. Alamargot, M. Castelló, F. Ganier, O. Kruse, A. Mangen, L. Tolchinsky, & L. van Waes (Eds.), Learning to write effectively: current trends in European research (pp. 131-134). (Studies in writing; Vol. 25). Emerald. [details]
    • Verheyden, L., van den Branden, K., Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., & de Maeijer, S. (2012). Translation Skills and Trade-Off in Young L2 Learners’ Written Narrations. In M. Fayol, D. Alamargot, & V. W. Berninger (Eds.), Translation of Thought to Written Text While Composing: Advancing Theory, Knowledge, Research Methods, Tools, and Applications (pp. 181-210). Psychology Press. [details]
    • Witte, T., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Schram, D. (2012). An empirically grounded theory of literary development: Teachers' pedagogical content knowledge on literary development in upper secondary education. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 12(SPECIA LISSUE).



    • De Maeyer, S., van den Bergh, H., Rymenans, R., Van Petegem, P., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2010). Effectiveness criteria in school effectiveness studies: Further research on the choice of a multivariate model. Educational Research Review, 5(1), 81-96. [details]
    • Janssen, T., Braaksma, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2010). Reading and teaching short stories, based on process studies and experimental research. In D. Wyse, R. Andrews, & J. Hoffman (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of English, language and literacy teaching (pp. 45-57). (Routledge international handbooks of education). Routledge. [details]
    • Verheyden, L., van den Branden, K., Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., & De Maeyer, S. (2010). Written narrations by 8- to 10-year-old Turkish pupils in Flemish primary education: a follow-up of seven text features. Journal of Research in Reading, 33(1), 20-38. [details]
    • Witte, T. C. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Schram, D. H. (2010). Empirisch gefundeerde theorie voor literaire ontwikkeling en didactische differentiatie in de Tweede Fase. Pedagogische Studiën, 87(6), 375-393. [details]
    • van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G., Sercu, L., & van den Bergh, H. (2010). The effect of instruction type and dyadic or individual emulation on the quality of higher-order peer feedback in EFL. Learning and Instruction, 20(4), 316-327. [details]


    • Raedts, M., Daems, F., van Waes, L., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2009). Observerend leren van peer models bij een complexe schrijftaak. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 31(2), 142-165. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., Braaksma, M., Couzijn, M., Janssen, T., Kieft, M., Raedts, M., van Steendam, E., Toorenaar, A., & van den Bergh, H. (2009). The role of readers in writing development: writing students bringing their texts to the test. In R. Beard, D. Myhill, J. Riley, & M. Nystrand (Eds.), The Sage handbook of writing development (pp. 436-452). Sage. [details]
    • Schuitema, J., Veugelers, W., Rijlaarsdam, G., & ten Dam, G. (2009). Two instructional designs for dialogic citizenship education: an effect study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79(3), 439-461. [details]
    • van Weijen, D., van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Sanders, T. (2009). L1 use during L2 writing: an empirical study of a complex phenomenon. Journal of Second Language Writing, 18(4), 235-250. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G., Janssen, T., Braaksma, M., van Weijen, D., & Tillema, M. (2009). Process execution of writing and reading: considering text quality, learner and task characteristics. In M. C. Shelley, L. D. Yore, & B. Hand (Eds.), Quality research in literacy and science education: international perspectives and gold standards (pp. 399-427). Springer. [details]



    • Beach, R., Bigelow, M., Dillon, D., Galda, L., Helman, L., Kalnin, J., Lewis, C., O'Brien, D., Sato, M., Jorgensen, K., Liang, L., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Janssen, T. (2007). Annotated bibliography of research in the teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 42(2), 188-227. [details]
    • Braaksma, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Janssen, T. (2007). Writing hypertexts: proposed effects on writing processes and knowledge acquisition. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 7(4), 93-122. [details]
    • De Maeyer, S., Rymenans, R., Van Petegem, P., Van Den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2007). Educational leadership and pupil achievement: The choice of a valid conceptual model to test effectsin school effectiveness research. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 18(2), 125-145.
    • Kieft, M. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Galbraith, D., & van den Bergh, H. (2007). The effects of adapting a writing course to students writing strategies. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 565-578. [details]
    • Raedts, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., Van Waes, L., & Daems, F. (2007). Observational learning through video-based models: Impact on students' accuracy of self-efficacy beliefs, task knowledge and writing performances. In P. Boscolo, & S. Hidi (Eds.), Writing and Motivation (pp. 219-238). (Studies in Writing; Vol. 19). Brill.
    • Schuitema, J. A., Veugelers, W. M. M. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & ten Dam, G. T. M. (2007). Twee ontwerpen voor waardevormend geschiedenisonderwijs: een effectstudie. Pedagogische Studiën, 84(2), 100-116. [details]


    • Beach, R., Bigelow, M., Dillon, D., Galda, L., Helman, L., Shalhope Kalnin, J., Lewis, C., O'Brien, D., Jorgensen, K., Liang, L., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Janssen, T. M. (2006). Annotated bibliography of research in the teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 41(2), 208-241. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., & van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (2006). What observational learning in writing courses entails: a multiple case study. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 6(1), 31-62. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Literary reading activities of good and weak students: A think aloud study. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 21(1), 35-53. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2006). Writing as a learning tool: testing the role of students' writing strategies. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 12(1), 17-34. [details]
    • Raedts, M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van Waes, L., & Daems, F. (2006). Observational learning through videobased models: impact on students' accuracy of self-efficacy beliefs, task knowledge and writing performances. In G. (Series Ed.) Rijlaarsdam, P. Boscolo, & S. (Vol Eds.) Hidi (Eds.), Studies in Writing: Vol 19. Computer Key-stroke logging and writing (pp. 219-238). Elsevier. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2006). Writing process theory: A functional dynamic approach. In C. A. Macarthuur, S. Graham, & J. Fitzgerald (Eds.), Handbook of writing research (pp. 41-53). The Guilford Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Couzijn, M. J., Janssen, T. M., Braaksma, M. A. H., & Kieft, M. H. (2006). Writing experiment manuals in science education: The impact of writing, genre, and audience. International Journal of Science Education, 28(2-3), 203-233. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). The dynamics of idea generation during writing: An online study. In G. (Series Ed.) Rijlaarsdam, M. Torrance, L. van Waes, & D. (Vol Eds.) Galbraith (Eds.), Studies in Writing: Vol 20. Writing and Interest (pp. 125-150). Elsevier. [details]


    • Beach, R., Bigelow, M., DeLapp, P., Dillon, D., Galda, L., Helman, L., Kalnin, J., Lensmire, T., O'Brien, D., Jorgensen, K., Liang, L., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Janssen, T. M. (2005). Annotated bibliography of research in the teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 40(2), 207-237. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Braaksma, M. A. H., Couzijn, M. J., Janssen, T. M., Kieft, M. H., & van den Bergh, H. (2005). Psychology and the teaching of writing in 8000 and some words. British Journal of Educational Psychology Monograph Series II: Psychological Aspects of Education - Current Trends, 3, 127-153. [details]
    • de Ridder, I., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van Waes, L. (2005). Schreiben zum Lernen. Analyse des Leseverhaltens als Basis für das Textdesign. In D. Perrin, & H. Kessler (Eds.), Schreiben fürs Netz. Aspekte der Zielfindung, Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle (pp. 186-202). VS Verlag für Socialwissenschaften. [details]


    • Beach, R., DeLapp, P., Galda, L., Helman, L., Lensmire, T., O'Brien, D., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Janssen, T. M. (2004). Annotated bibliography of research in the teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 39(2), 186-209. [details]
    • Bonset, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). Mother Tongue Education (L1) in the learning to learn paradigm: creative redevelopment of learning materials. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 4(1), 35-62. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., & van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (2004). Observational learning and its effects on the orchestration of writing processes. Cognition and Instruction, 22(1), 1-36. [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). Students' expectations about the processing demands of teacher-made tests. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 30(4), 281-303. [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2004). Teachers' task demands, students' test. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 74, 205-220. [details]
    • Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). Learning to read and write argumentative text by observation of peer learners. In G. Rijlaarsdam, H. van den Bergh, & M. Couzijn (Eds.), Studies in Writing: Vol. 14. Effective Learning and Teaching of Writing. A Handbook of Writing in Education (second edition) (pp. 241-258). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2004). Effective learning and teaching of writing: Student involvement in the teaching of writing. In G. Rijlaarsdam, H. van den Bergh, & M. Couzijn (Eds.), Studies in Writing: Vol. 14. Effective Learning and Teaching of Writing. A Handbook of Writing in Education (second edition) (pp. 1-16). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Couzijn, M. J., & van den Bergh, H. (2004). The study of revision as a writing process and a learning-to-write process. In G. Rijlaarsdam, L. Allal, L. Chanquoy, & P. Largy (Eds.), Studies in Writing: Vol. 13. Revision: Cognitive and Instructional Processes (pp. 189-207). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]


    • Brown, D., Beavis, C., Kalman, J., Gomez, E., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., D' Antonio Stinson, A., & Whiting, M. E. (2003). Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 37(4), 527-536. [details]
    • Galbraith, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Estrategias efectivas en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la escritura. In J. Ramos Garzía (Ed.), Enseñar a escribir sin prisas¿pero con sentido (pp. 119-129). (Colección Colaboración Pedagógica; No. 12). 1a Edicíon Morón. [details]
    • Kooy, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2003). L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature: Editorial. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 3(3), 191-195.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Foreword. In A. Bloor (Ed.), A Multidisciplinary Study of Fiction Writing (pp. xiii-xiv). the Edwin Melen Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Couzijn, M. J., & van den Bergh, H. (2003). The study of revision as a writing process and as a learning-to-write process. Two Prospective Research Agendas. In L. Allal, L. Chanquoy, & P. Largy (Eds.), Revision. Cognitive and Instructional Processes. Series: Studies in Writing, Vol. 13 (pp. 189-207). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2002). Observational learning and the effects of model-observer similarity. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 405-415. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Couzijn, M. J., & van den Bergh, H. (2002). Learning to compose hypertext and lineair text: transfer or interference? In R. Bromme, & E. Stahl (Eds.), Writing hypertext and learning: conceptual and empirical approaches (pp. 15-38). Elsevier Science. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Couzijn, M. J., & van den Bergh, H. (2002). Learning to compose hypertext: transfer or interference? In R. Bromme, & E. Stahl (Eds.), Writing hypertext and learning: conceptual and empirical approaches (pp. 15-37). Pergamon. [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2002). Importance in instructional text: teachers' and students' perceptions of task demands. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 260-271. [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van den Bergh, H., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2002). Will that be on the test? Perceived task demands and test performance in a classroom context. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 17, 75-92. [details]
    • Kuhlemeier, H., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2002). The dimensionality of speaking and writing: a multilevel factor analysis of situational, task and school effects. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 72, 467-482. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., & Kooy, M. (2002). Tracings on the landscape: Words, texts and contexts in understanding language education. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 2(1), 1-4.
    • Tholey, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2002). A heuristic model for the evaluation of textbooks. Stockholm library of curriculum studies vol. 9. In S. Selander, & M. Tholey (Eds.), New educational media and textbooks Stockholm Institute of Education Press. [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (2001). Effective learning activities in observation tasks when learning to write and read argumentative texts. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1, 33-48. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., van Dort-Slijper, M., & Couzijn, M. (2001). The power of plural: The acquisition of written morphology of adjectives: Some empirical findings concerning interference of plural nouns on adjectives. In L. Tolchinsky (Ed.), Developmental aspects in learning to write (pp. 109-132). (Studies in Writing; Vol. 8). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2001). Changes in cognitive activities during the writing process and relationships with text quality. Educational Psychology, 21(4), 373-385.
    • van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2001). Changes in cognitive activities during the writing process, and relations with text quality. Educational Psychology, 21 (4), 373-385. [details]


    • Brown, D., Kalman, J., Gomez, M., Martino, W., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., D' Antonio Stinson, A., & Whiting, M. E. (2000). Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 35(920), 261-272. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2000). Voor herhaling vatbaar. Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch, 25(1/2), 103-110. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (2000). Stimulating awareness of learning in the writing curriculum. In A. Camps, & M. Milian (Eds.), Metalinguistic Activity in Learning to Write. Series: Studies in Writing, Vol. 5. (pp. 167-202). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (2000). Stimulating awareness of learning in the writing curriculum. In A. Camps, & M. Milian (Eds.), Metalinguistic activity in learning to write (pp. 169-204). (Studies in Writing; No. 6). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (2000). Writing and learning-to-write: A double challenge. In R. Simons, J. van der Linden, & T. Duffy (Eds.), New learning. Kluwer. [details]


    • Brown, D., Martino, W., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., D'Antonio Stinson, A., & Whiting, M. E. (1999). Annotated Bibliography of Research in Teaching in the Teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 34 (2), 321-332. [details]
    • Brown, D., Martino, W., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., D'Antonio Stinson, A., & Whiting, M. E. (1999). Annotated Bibliography of Research in the teaching of English. Research in the Teaching of English, 33, 461-473. [details]
    • Galbraith, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). Effective strategies for the teaching and learning of writing. Learning and Instruction, 2, 93-108. [details]
    • Tholey, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). The ideal textbook, there is no such a thing. Hett Stoff, 3 (4), 14-17. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). Generating in Documented Writing. In E. (Serie Ed) Esperet, G. (Serie Ed.) Rijlaarsdam, M. (Vol Ed) Torrance, & D. (Vol Ed) Galbraith (Eds.), Studies in Writing; knowing what to write: Cognitive perspectives on conceptual processes in text production (Vol.3) (pp. 99-120). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1998). Argumentatieve teksten leren schrijven en lezen door observeren: welke instructiekenmerken leiden tot procesgeorienteerde observaties? Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 59, 99-108. [details]
    • van Dort-Slijper, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Ditzel, M. (1998). De verwerving van morfologische regels in schrift (II): Over de schriftelijke beheersing van het morfeem -en in stoffelijke bijvoeglijke naamwoorden. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 60, 87-101. [details]
    • van Dort-Slijper, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Weel, I. (1998). De verwerving van morfologische regels in schrift: Over de schriftelijke verwerving van het morfeem -en in zelfstandige naamwoorden en werkwoorden. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 59, 67-87. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sanders, T. (1997). Lees- en schrijfprocessen en lees- en schrijfvaardigheid. In D. Janssen, & H. van den Bergh (Eds.), Taalgebruik ontrafeld (pp. 223-228). Foris Publications. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (1997). Cognitieve activiteiten tijdens het schrijfproces en relaties met tekstkwaliteit: plannen en formuleren. In D. Janssen, & H. van den Bergh (Eds.), Taalgebruik ontrafeld. (pp. 275-284). Foris Publications. [details]


    • Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Learning to read and write argumentative text by observation. In G. Rijlaarsdam, H. van den Bergh, & M. Couzijn (Eds.), Effective teaching and learning of writing. Current trends in research. (pp. 253-273). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Learning to write argumentative text by observation. In H. van den Bergh, & G. Rijlaarsdam (Eds.), Effective teaching and learning of writing. Current trends in research. (pp. 253-273). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Learning to write by reader observation and written feed-back. In G. Rijlaarsdam, H. van den Bergh, & M. Couzijn (Eds.), Effective teaching and learning of writing. Current trends in research. (pp. 224-253). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Approaches to the teaching of literature: a national survey of literary education in Dutch secondary schools. In M. S. MacNealy, & R. J. Kreuz (Eds.), Series Advances in Discourse Processes: Vol 52 Empirical approaches to literature and Aesthetics. (pp. 513-536). Ablex Publishing Corporation. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Students as self-assesors: Learning experiences of literature teaching in Secondary schools. In E. Marum (Ed.), Children and Books in the modern world: Contemrary Perspectives on Literacy (pp. 98-115). The Falmer Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Janssen, T. M. (1996). How do we evaluate the literature curriculum? About a social frame of reference. In E. Marum (Ed.), Children and books in the modern world: contemporary perspectives on literacy. (pp. 75-98). The Falmer Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (1996). An agenda for Research into an interactive Compensatory Model of Writing. Many Questions, Some Answers. In C. M. Levy, & S. Ransdell (Eds.), The Science of Writing. (pp. 107-126). Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (1996). The dynamics of composing Modeling Writing Process Data. In The Science of Writing. (pp. 207-232). Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Breetvelt, I. S., & van den Bergh, H. (1996). An application of multilevel analysis on writing process data. In Rereading and generating and their relation to text quality (pp. 10-21). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Towards strategic language learning. Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Effective Activities for learning and teaching writing. Invited Syposium Special Interest Group Writing. Abstracts 6th European conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, 343-340. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Leren en onderwijzen van strategieën in het talenonderwijs: een onderzoek naar leergangen Nederlands en moderne vreemde talen. Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch, 20(3), 197-199. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Writing in L1 and L2 Seminar of Earli Conference. Abstracts 6th European conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, 21-21. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Writing in L1 and L2 Seminar of Earli conference. In F. de Jong, C. Aarnoutse, H. Lodewijks, R. J. Simons, & D. van der Aalsvoort (Eds.), Abstracts 6th European conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 21-21). MesoConsult. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., Oostdam, R., & Bimmel, P. (1995). Strategische competentie in het talenonderwijs. Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch, 20(3), 215-228. [details]


    • Breetvelt, I., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (1994). Relations Between Writing Processes and Text Quality: When and How? Cognition and Instruction, 12(2), 103-123.


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1975). Elckerlijc-Everyman. META, 10(3), 10.


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2024). Formatief Eindtermenpeilingsonderzoek van de Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands. Deel 4: Belang, Leerplanruimte en Scholingsbehoefte voor vmbo, gemengde en theoretische leerweg.. Web publication or website, Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2024). Formatief eindtermenpeilingsonderzoek van de Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands. Deel 1: Verantwoording.. Web publication or website, Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2024). Formatief eindtermenpeilingsonderzoek van de Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands. Deel 2: Belang, Leerplanruimte en Scholingsbehoefte voor vmbo, basisberoepsgerichte leerweg.. Web publication or website, Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2024). Formatief eindtermenpeilingsonderzoek van de Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands. Deel 3: Belang, Leerplanruimte en Scholingsbehoefte voor vmbo, kaderberoepsgerichte leerweg.. Web publication or website, Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2024). Formatief eindtermenpeilingsonderzoek van de Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands. Deel 5: Belang, Leerplanruimte en Scholingsbehoefte voor havo.. Web publication or website, Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2024). Formatief eindtermenpeilingsonderzoek van de Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands. Deel 7: Hoe zien docenten de samenhang in een leerplanvoorstel?. Web publication or website, Levende Talen Nederlands.


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (Ed.), Vandermeulen, N., Van Steendam, E., Van Waes, L., Van Horenbeeck, E., & De Maeyer, S. (2023). Inputlog: Schrijfprocesregistratie met digitaal feedbackrapport. Rapporten in het Nederlands, Engels of Spaans. Software, University of Antwerp.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Vandermeulen, N., Van Steendam, E., & De Maeyer, S. (2023). Vragenlijst LIFT: Questionnaire LIFT. Web publication or website, LIFT project.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Vandermeulen, N., Van Steendam, E., Van Waes, L., Van Horenbeeck, E., & De Maeijer, S. (2023). Inputlog: Edu-version. Software, University of Antwerp.
    • Vandermeulen, N., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Van Steendam, E., & De Maeijer, S. (2023). Vragenlijst LIFT: Inzicht in je schrijfprocessen. Registratie en vergelijking.. Web publication or website, LIFT project.





    • Braaksma, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & van den Bergh, H. (2009). Hypertext writing: effects on writing processes and writing products. In G. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), Fostering Communities of Learners: digital book of abstracts Graduate School for Teaching and Learning, UvA. [details]
    • Groenendijk, T., Janssen, T., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2009). Observational learning in cultural and arts education: supporting students’ processes in two artistic domains: poetry and visual arts. In G. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), Fostering communities of learners: digital book of abstracts Graduate School for Teaching and Learning, UvA. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., van Weijen, D., Janssen, T., Braaksma, M., & Tillema, M. (2009). Cognitive processes during writing processes and their relation with text quality. In G. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), Fostering communities of learners: digital book of abstracts Graduate School for Teaching and Learning, UvA. [details]



    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2007). Hypertekst schrijven en ontdekkend leren als aanvullende didactiek. In A. van Gelderen (Ed.), Eenentwintigste conferentie Het Schoolvak Nederlands. Utrecht, 16 en 17 november 2007 (pp. 123-125). Academia Press. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Janssen, T. M. (2007). Writing hypertexts versus linear texts: Learning and transfer effects. In D. Myhill (Ed.), Book of Abstracts. Sixth Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother tongue Education: Crossing Cultural Boundaries. (pp. 17). University of Exeter, UK. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Janssen, T. M. (2007). Writing hypertexts: Learning and transfer effects. In B. Csapó, & C. Csíkos (Eds.), Developing potentials for learning. Abstracts. 12th Biennial conference for research on learning and instruction, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-September 1, 2007 (pp. 621). Szeged: Juhász Nyomda Szolgáltató Kft.. [details]
    • Groenendijk, T., Janssen, T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2007). Creative writing: the relation between students' processes and final products. In B. Csapó, & C. Csíkos (Eds), Developing potentials for learning. In B. Csapó, & C. Csíkos (Eds.), Developing potentials for learning. Abstracts. 12th Biennial conference for research on learning and instruction, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-September 1, 2007 (pp. 135). Szeged: Juhász Nyomda Szolgáltató Kft.. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2007). Describing the Dutch literature curriculum: A theoretical and empirical approach. In W. Martyniuk (Ed.), Towards a Common Framework of Reference for Languages of School Education? Proceedings of a Conference (pp. 205-226). Universitas. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., Groenendijk, T., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2007). Poems and processes: High school students' creative processes in poetry writing. In D. Myhill (Ed.), Book of Abstracts. Sixth Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother tongue Education: Crossing Cultural Boundaries. University of Exeter, UK. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2007). Increasing the effects of writing-to-learn: Adapting a writing course to students' writing strategies. In D. Myhill (Ed.), Book of Abstracts. Sixth Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother tongue Education: Crossing Cultural Boundaries. (pp. 31). University of Exeter, UK. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2007). Inquiry and learning to write expository texts. In B. Csapó, & C. Csíkos (Eds.), Developing potentials for learning. Abstracts. 12th Biennial conference for research on learning and instruction, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-September 1, 2007 (pp. 117). Szeged: Juhász Nyomda Szolgáltató Kft.. [details]
    • van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sercu, L. (2007). Improving text coherence: effects of collaborative revisions conditions on writing quality. In B. Csapó, & C. Csíkos (Eds.), Developing potentials for learning. Abstracts. 12th Biennial conference for research on learning and instruction, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-September 1, 2007 (pp. 146). Szeged: Juhász Nyomda Szolgáltató Kft.. [details]
    • van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sercu, L. (2007). Observational learning and its effects on individual and dyadic revision quality. In B. Csapó, & C. Csíkos (Eds.), Developing potentials for learning. Abstracts. 12th Biennial conference for research on learning and instruction, Budapest, Hungary, August 28-September 1, 2007 (pp. 282). Szeged: Juhász Nyomda Szolgáltató Kft.. [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Hypertekst schrijven: Effecten op schrijfvaardigheid en domeinkennis. In J. Beishuizen, & A. et (Eds.), Samen kennis ontwikkelen. Proceedings 33e Onderwijs Research Dagen 2006 (pp. 129-130). Onderwijscentrum VU. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Writing hypertexts versus linear texts: Learning and transfer effects. In L. Allal, D. Galbraith, & A. et (Eds.), Program of the 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing (pp. 117) [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Janssen, T. M., Broekema, G., & Janson, G. (2006). Hypertekst schrijven als aanvullende didactiek. In A. Mottart, & S. Vanhooren (Eds.), Twintigste conferentie Het Schoolvak Nederlands, Gent, 17 en 18 november 2006 (pp. 202-205). Academia Press. [details]
    • Frijters, S. J. M., ten Dam, G. T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Effects of dialogic learning on value-loaded critical thinking. Learning & Instruction. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Describing the Dutch literature curriculum; A theoretical and empirical approach. In W. Martyniuk (Ed.), Abstractbook International Conference Towards a Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of School Education? (pp. 65-66). [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Daag ze uit. Een pleidooi om het onderwijs Nederlands in het vwo aantrekkelijker en zwaarder te maken. In A. Mottart, & S. Vanhooren (Eds.), Twintigste conferentie Het Schoolvak Nederlands, Gent, 17 en 18 november 2006 (pp. 202-204). Academia Press. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Increasing the effects of writing-to-learn. Adapting a writing course to students’ writing strategies. In L. Allal, D. Galbraith, & A. et (Eds.), Program of the 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing (pp. 90). University of Antwerp. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Schrijfinstructie aanpassen aan leerlingen: effecten op schrijven en leren. Vonk, 35(5), 3-14. [details]
    • Tillema-Kortman, M., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). The influence of vocabulary knowledge on task execution during L2 writing. In L. Allal, D. Galbraith, & A. et (Eds.), Program of the 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing (pp. 95). University of Antwerp. [details]
    • Wilkinson, R., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van Essen, A. (2006). Student citations: reflection of increasing expertise. In L. Allal, D. Galbraith, & A. et (Eds.), Program of the 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing (pp. 92). University of Antwerp. [details]
    • van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sercu, L. (2006). Improving text coherence through peer revision. Do ESL-students revise more and better when being trained with peer revision? In L. Allal, D. Galbraith, & A. et (Eds.), Program of the 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing (pp. 85). University of Antwerp. [details]
    • van Weijen, D., van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sanders, T. (2006). Hierarchical analysis of think aloud protocols. In L. Allal, D. Galbraith, & A. et (Eds.), Program of the 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing (pp. 110). University of Antwerp. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Writing processes and text quality. In Discourse, cognition & communication. 25 Jaar Utrechtse taalbeheersing (pp. 29-30) [details]


    • Boersma, A. M. E., Toorenaar, J. M., Krol, K., ten Dam, G. T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Volman, M. L. L., Wardekker, W. L., & Sleegers, P. J. C. (2005). The school as a community of learners for students and teachers: a conceptual framework. In C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Michael, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou, & N. Papadouris (Eds.), Integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environments. Abstracts 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 637). University of Cyprus. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Effective learning environments: Students as participants and observers while defining text quality criteria. In C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Michael, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou, & N. Papadouris (Eds.), Integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environments. Abstracts 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 643-644). University of Cyprus. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). The Yummy Yummy case: A model to stimulate participation in learning to write activities. In Learning and teaching mother tongues: The role of literature for children and young adults at home and at school. Abstracts for the 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (pp. 25-26). [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Writing hypertexts: Learning and transfer effects. In Learning and teaching mother tongues: The role of literature for children and young adults at home and at school. Abstracts for the 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (pp. 24-25). [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Differences in adaptivity between good and weak literature readers. In C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Michael, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou, & N. Papadouris (Eds.), Integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environments. Abstracts 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 1144-1145). University of Cyprus. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). `The Three Friends' by Jeanette Winterson, A study of students' processes of literary understanding. Da Investigação as práticas. Estudos de Natureza Educacional, 6(2), 55-74. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Learning-to-write argumentative texts about literature. In Learning and teaching mother tongues: The role of literature for children and young adults at home and at school. Abstracts for the 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (pp. 48-49). [details]
    • Kneppers, H. C., Elshout-Mohr, M., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Enhancing adaptivity in learning economics. Conceptual learning in relation to near and far transfer in school economics. In C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Michael, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou, & N. Papadouris (Eds.), Integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environments. Abstracts 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 1146). University of Cyprus. [details]
    • Quoc Lap, T., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Learning to learn by using the target language autonomously. In C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Michael, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou, & N. Papadouris (Eds.), Integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environments. Abstracts 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 812-813). University of Cyprus. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Onderzoek op een rij: De kracht van observerend leren in onderzoek aangetoond. In HSN 19. Negentiende conferentie Het Schoolvak Nederlands. Rotterdam, 18 -19 november 2005, Programma (pp. 34) [details]
    • Toorenaar, J. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Innovating Mother-Tongue Education in pre-vacational education: Fostering a community of learners. In C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Michael, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou, & N. Papadouris (Eds.), Integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environments. Abstracts 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 17-18). University of Cyprus. [details]
    • Toorenaar, J. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Redesigning mother-tongue education in pre-vocational education by fostering a community of learners. In C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Michael, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou, & N. Papadouris (Eds.), Integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environments. Abstracts 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 17-18). University of Cyprus. [details]
    • Toorenaar, J. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). The classroom as community of learners for students for mother tongue education in pre-vocational education. In Learning and teaching mother tongues: The role of literature for children and young adults at home and at school. Abstracts for the 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (pp. 66). [details]
    • van Weijen, D., van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sanders, T. (2005). Adaptivity: Transferring writing processes between tasks (in L1) and between languages (from L1 to FL English). In C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Michael, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou, & N. Papadouris (Eds.), Integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environments. Abstracts 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 1145-1146). University of Cyprus. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Broekkamp, H. (2005). Adaptivity: Interpreting task approaches in weak and strong learners in various domains of learning. In C. P. Constantinou, D. Demetriou, A. Evagorou, M. Evagorou, A. Kofteros, M. Michael, C. Nicolaou, D. Papademetriou, & N. Papadouris (Eds.), Integrating multiple perspectives on effective learning environments. Abstracts 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 1143-1146). University of Cyprus. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Janssen, T. M., Braaksma, M. A. H., van Weijen, D., & Tillema, M. (2005). Analyzing task processes, relating process to learner and task characteristics and to output quality. Statistical modeling, demonstrated for writing processes and reading literary texts in 60 minute. In Proceedings: Gold Standard(s) of Quality Research in Science Literacy Conference, Dunmuir Lodge - CD ROM University of Victoria (British Columbia). [details]


    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). Learning to write argumentative texts about literature. In Abstracts of the 7th National Writing Across the Curriculum Conference (pp. 44). [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). Writing styles and writing tasks. In L. Allal, & B. Schneuwly (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 2004. 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing (pp. 78). University of Geneva, Switzerland. [details]
    • Raedts, M., Daems, F., van Waes, L., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). De invloed van zelfeffectiviteitsverwachtingen op de schrijfprestaties van eerstejaarsstudenten. In T. Wubbels, & G. Kanselaar (Eds.), ORD 2004: Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen Universiteit Utrecht. [details]
    • Raedts, M., Dames, F., van Waes, K., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). Match or mismatch? Students' self-efficacy beliefs and their scores on a difficult writing task. In L. Allal, & B. Schneuwly (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 2004. 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing (pp. 66). University of Geneva, Switzerland. [details]
    • Raedts, M., Dames, F., van Waes, K., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). Patterns of citation behavior in published psychology articles. In L. Allal, & B. Schneuwly (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 2004. 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing (pp. 36). University of Geneva, Switzerland. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). Students as researchers: Defining text quality criteria. In L. Allal, & B. Schneuwly (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 2004. 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing (pp. 129). University of Geneva, Switzerland.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Braaksma, M. A. H. (2004). Students as researchers: Defining text quality criteria. In L. Allal, & B. Schneuwly (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 2004. 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing (pp. 129). University of Geneva, Switzerland. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2004). Idea Generation during writing in a dynamic, compensatory process: An online study. In L. Allal, & B. Schneuwly (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 2004. 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing (pp. 13). University of Geneva, Switzerland. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2004). The development and validation of the speaking apprehension measure. In J. Meijer, & R. Oostdam (Eds.), 25th Stress and Anxiety Research society Conference. Book of Abstracts (pp. 102). SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Braaksma, M. A. H., & Prakke, J. (2004). De Smikkelcasus. Een praktijkcoorbeeld hoe leerlingen teksten leren schrijven zonder al te veel instructie (12-jarigen). In HSN 18: Het Schoolvak Nederlands, Antwerpen (pp. 40-41). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Braaksma, M. A. H., Couzijn, M. J., Janssen, T. M., Kieft, M. H., Broekkamp, H., & van den Bergh, H. (2004). Psychology and The teaching of writing in 60 minutes. In Seminar British Journal of Educational Psychology. `Pedagogy: Teaching for Learning¿. Leeds, University of Leeds, 9th-10th September 2004 [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., Couzijn, M. J., Braaksma, M. A. H., Kieft, M. H., & Janssen, T. M. (2004). Issues in the Teaching of Writing: creating purpose, audience, & communities of learners. In Reconceptualizing Writing 5-16: Cross phase and cross disciplinary perspectives London Institute of Education. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., & Couzijn, M. (2004). Effective learning and teaching of writing: a handbook of writing in education. - 2nd ed. (Studies in Writing; No. 14). Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]
    • Rymenans, R., De Maeyer, S., Van Petegem, P., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2004). Schooleffectiviteit in het Vlaams technisch- en beroepsonderwijs. Een multivariate multilevelanalyse. In T. Wubbels, & G. Kanselaar (Eds.), ORD 2004: Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen Universiteit Utrecht. [details]
    • Tillema, M., van Weijen, D., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2004). Writing Processes in L1 and L2. In L. Allal, & B. Schneuwly (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 2004. 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing (pp. 74). University of Geneva, Switzerland. [details]
    • Wilkinson, R., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van Essen, A. (2004). Patterns of citation behavior in published psychology articles. In L. Allal, & B. Schneuwly (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 2004. 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing University of Geneva, Switzerland. [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Students as managers and researchers: Argumentative writing in the 7th grade of secondary school. In Abstracts of the Fourth International IAIMTE Conference: The role of literature in mother tongue education (pp. 5) [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). "The interview" by Primo L. A study of students' processes of interpretation, related to the quality of their post reading responses. In Abstracts of the Fourth International IAIMTE Conference: The role of literature in mother tongue education (pp. 5-6) [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Taakeisen en proefwerkverwachtingen: theorie en onderzoek over het voorbereiden door leerlingen op proefwerken. In W. Jochems, J. Timmermans, M. Haemers, & E. al (Eds.), Grenzeloos leren: Proceedings van de 30e Onderwijs Research Dagen 2003 (pp. 332-333). Open Universiteit Nederland. [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van den Bergh, H., van Hout - Wolters, B. H. A. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Task demands and test expectations: Theory and empirical research on students' self-regulated studying in preparation for teacher-made tests. In L. Mason, S. Andreuzza, B. Arfè, & L. Del Favero (Eds.), Abstracts of the 10th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 356). Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova. [details]
    • Galbraith, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Psychological analysis of the processes of using language for learning. In L. Mason, S. Andreuzza, B. Arfè, & L. Del Favero (Eds.), Abstracts of the 10th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 440). Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Factors that influence literary reading and interpretation processes. In L. Mason, S. Andreuzza, B. Arfè, & L. Del Favero (Eds.), Abstracts of the 10th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 200). Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). How education may improve literary reading and interpretation. In L. Mason, S. Andreuzza, B. Arfè, & L. Del Favero (Eds.), Abstracts of the 10th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 299). Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Learning to write argumentative texts about literature. In Abstracts of the Fourth International IAIMTE Conference: The role of literature in mother tongue education [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Learning to write argumentative texts about literature. In L. Mason, S. Andreuzza, B. Arfè, & L. Del Favero (Eds.), Abstracts of the 10th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 300). Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Recensies leren schrijven: schrijven en leren tegelijk. In W. Jochems, J. Timmermans, M. Haemers, & A. et (Eds.), Grenzeloos leren: Proceedings van de 30e Onderwijs Research Dagen 2003 (pp. 83-84). Open Universiteit Nederland. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Keynote: Studying processes in writing and reading literary fiction: outcomes for researchers & learners. In L. Mason, S. Andreuzza, B. Arfè, & L. Del Favero (Eds.), Abstracts of the 10th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 188). Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Braaksma, M. A. H. (2003). Argumentatief schrijven in de brugklas. In Zeventiende conferentie Het Schoolvak Nederlands. Utrecht, 14-15 november. Abstract book (pp. 50) [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Janssen, T. M. (2003). Processes in reading and interpreting literary texts. In L. Mason, S. Andreuzza, B. Arfè, & L. Del Favero (Eds.), Abstracts of the 10th Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 451). Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Witte, T. (2003). A heuristic model for evaluating L1 textbooks. In Abstracts of the Fourth International IAIMTE Conference: The role of literature in mother tongue education [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., & van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (2002). Effecten van observerend leren op schrijfprocessen. In F. Daems, R. Rymenans, & G. Rogiest (Eds.), Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen. Proceedings 29e ORD 2002. (pp. 104-106). Universiteit van Antwerpen. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., & van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (2002). Effecten van observerend leren op schrijfprocessen. In L. van Waes (Ed.), VioT 2002. Programma & Abstracts (pp. 142). UFSIA. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., & van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (2002). Observational learning and its effects on the orchestration of writing processes. In D. Galbraith, & E. al (Eds.), Abstracts EARLI SIG Writing 02 (pp. 25). Staffordshire University. [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2002). Worden onderwerpen die leraren en leerlingen belangrijk vinden, gevraagd op het proefwerk? In F. Daems, R. Rymenans, & G. Rogiest (Eds.), Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen. Proceedings 29e ORD 2002 (pp. 43-45). Universiteit van Antwerpen. [details]
    • Couzijn, M. J., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2002). Writing processes and text quality: effects of L1/L2. In D. Galbraith, & E. al (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 02 (pp. 143). Staffordshire University. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2002). Writing about literature in modern textbooks: an analyses. In D. Galbraith, & E. al (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 02 (pp. 78). Staffordshire University. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2002). Vakdidactiek: een wetenschappelijk discipline? Bijdrage Rondertafel over Inhoud en rol van vakdidactiek als wetenschappelijke discipline. In F. Daems, R. Rymenans, & G. Rogiest (Eds.), Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen. Proceedings 29e ORD 2002. (pp. 551-552). Universiteit van Antwerpen. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2002). What makes teaching writing effective in secondary education? In D. Galbraith, & E. al (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 02 (pp. 24). Staffordshire University. [details]
    • de Ridder, I., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van Waes, L. (2002). Readers and writers: how the analysis of reading behaviour provides a sound basis for writers of hypertext. In D. Galbraith, & E. al (Eds.), Abstracts Writing 02 (pp. 51). Staffordshire University. [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2001). Differentiële effecten van observerend leren in het schrijfonderwijs: ieder zijn model. In E. van Eck, D. Griffioen, H. van Hout, & T. Peetsma (Eds.), Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen. Proceedings ORD 2001. (pp. 32-34). SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2001). Learning to write. Similarity effects of observational learning in writing argumentative texts. In F. Oser, & U. Baetz (Eds.), 9th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Biennal Meeting 28th August-1st September 2001, Fribourg, Switzerland. Abstracts. (pp. 13). Mainz Verlag. [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van den Bergh, H., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2001). Strategisch leren van een studietekst: halen taakbewuste leerlingen een hoog cijfer? In E. van Eck, D. Griffioen, H. van Hout, & T. Peetsma (Eds.), Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen. Proceedings ORD 2001. (pp. 68-70). SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut. [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van den Bergh, H., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2001). Will that be on the test? Test expectations, task demands and test performance in a classroom context. In F. Oser, & U. Baetz (Eds.), 9th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Biennal Meeting 28th August-1st September 2001, Fribourg, Switzerland. Abstracts. (pp. 172-173). Mainz Verlag. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Kooy, M. (2001). Editorial. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 1(1), 1-8. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Kooy, M. (2001). Editorial. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 1(3), 191-193. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2001). Inferences from text revisions to writing processes. In F. Oser, & U. Baetz (Eds.), 9th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Biennal Meeting 28th August-1st September 2001, Fribourg, Switzerland. Abstracts. (pp. 94). Mainz Verlag. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2001). Similarity effects of observational learning in writing argumentative texts. In G. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), Abstract book. Third Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education. On the learning and teaching of language and literature, July 10th-13th, 2001. (pp. 167). Graduate School of Teaching and Learning. [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2000). Argumentatieve teksten leren schrijven en lezen door observeren: Effectieve leeractiviteiten in observatietaken. In J. H. Driel, B. H. J. Smit, N. Verloop, & M. P. Voorkamp (Eds.), Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen 2000. Proceedings van de Onderwijs Research Dagen 2000 te Leiden. (pp. 95-96). Print partners Ipskamp. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2000). Argumentatieve teksten leren schrijven en lezen door observeren: focus op goede modellen of zwakke modellen. In J. H. V. Driel, B. H. J. Smit, N. Verloop, & M. P. Voorkamp (Eds.), Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen 2000. Proceedings van de Onderwijs Research Dagen 2000 te Leiden. (pp. 97-99). Print partners Ipskamp. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2000). Learning and transfer effects of 'learning-by-observation' in writing argumentative texts. In B. De Benardi, & G. Rossi (Eds.), Writing Conference 2000. Programme and Abstracts. Verona, 6-9 September 2000. (pp. 154-155) [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., & Couzijn, M. J. (2000). Learning to write and read argumentative texts by observation: path analysis of effective learning activities in observation tasks. In B. De Benardi, & G. Rossi (Eds.), Writing Conference 2000. Programme and Abstracts. Verona, 6-9 September 2000. (pp. 221-222) [details]
    • Couzijn, M. J., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2000). Writing processes and text quality: effects of L1/L2. In International Meeting of the EARLI SIG 'Writing'. Verona, Sept. 7, 2000. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Espéret, E. (2000). Studies in Language & Literature. International Perspectives on Mother Tongue Education: Vol. 2, Language Awareness. A History and Implementations. (Vol.2). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Braaksma, M. A. H., & van den Bergh, H. (2000). Writing Processes and Text Quality. Does knowledge about writing Processes represent actual writing process behaviour? In B. De Benardi, & G. Rossi (Eds.), Writing Conference 2000. Programme and Abstracts. Verona, 6-9 September 2000. (pp. 147-147) [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). Argumentative teksten schrijven door uitvoeren en observeren: hoe gaat dat eigenlijk? In H. de Jonghe, & R. Rymenans (Eds.), Het Schoolvak Nederlands; verslag van de twaalfde conferentie. (pp. 59-67). Beschutte Werkplaats Nevelland. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). Learning to Write by Observing Processes; A study on Thinking Activities in Observation Tasks. In G. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), The Learning and teaching of Language and Literature; 2nd IAIMTE Conference, 14-16 July 1999. (pp. 22-23) [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). Learning-by-task-Observation; Focus on Good Models or focus on Weak Models. In 8th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Biennial Meeting August 24-28 1999 Göteborg, Sweden, Abstracts. (pp. 137-139) [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). New learning; observation as strong learning device; about the why, how and what. In 8th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction; Biennial Meeting, August 24-28, 1999, Abstracts. (pp. 139-139) [details]
    • Broekkamp, H., van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). Task demands of teachers and student's test expectations. In 8th European conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. (pp. 142-142). Goteborg University. [details]
    • Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). About the Capacity to Learn to Write. In G. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), The Learning and Teaching of Language and Literature; 2nd IAIMTE Conference, 14-16 july 1999. (pp. 28-29). [details]
    • Mulder, H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Tholey, M., & Witte, T. (1999). A heuristic model for evaluating textbooks, in the International Association for Research on Textbooks and Educational Media. In Fifth International IAIMTE Conference Utrecht, sept. 20-22 1999, Abstracts. (pp. 17-17) [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). Second international conference of the International Association for the Improvement of the Mother Tongue Education. Graduate School of Teaching and Learning, UvA. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Braaksma, M. A. H., & Couzijn, M. J. (1999). Composing hypertext: learning to compose and decompose text. In 8th European conference for research on Learning and Instruction, biennial meeting august 24-28, 1999, Göteborg, Abstracts. (pp. 418-418) [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Braaksma, M. A. H., Couzijn, M. J., & van den Bergh, H. (1999). Leren en schrijven van hypertekst: het einde van gewoon 'lineair' tekstschrijven? In VIOT 99. Het einde van de Taalbeheersing?, 20-23 dec.1999, programmaboek. (pp. 27-27) [details]
    • Witte, T., Janssen, T., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). The development of a school subject. The teaching of literature in the Netherlands reflected in textbooks. In G. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), The Learning and Teaching of Language and Literature.: 2nd IAIMTE Conference July 14-16 1999 (pp. 88-91) [details]
    • van Dort-Slijper, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Breedveld, E. (1999). De verwerving van morfologische regels in schrift (III): Over de verbuiging van bijvoeglijke naamwoorden, afgeleid van werkwoorden. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 61, 97-110. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). Learning to write and read argumentative text by task observation: effective learning activities in observation tasks. In 8th European Conference for Research on learning and instruction, Biennial Meeting, August 24-28 1999. (pp. 535-535). [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1998). Argumentatieve teksten leren schrijven en lezen door observeren: welke instructiekenmerken leiden tot procesgeorienteerde elaboraties? In E. A. Pieters (Ed.), Onderwijsonderzoek in Nederland en Vlaanderen 1998. Proceedings van de Onderwijs Research Dagen 1998 te Enschede (pp. 63-63). Twente University Press. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1998). Learning to write and read argumentative texts by observation and by doing: profiling the differences in thinking activities. In E. Esperet (Ed.), 1998 European Writing Conference: writing and learning to write at the dawn of the 21st century (pp. 139-139). LaCo-CNRS. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1998). Leren schrijven door observeren: hoe gaat dat eigenlijk? In M. van Bavel, & R. Rymenans (Eds.), Twaalfde Conferentie Het Schoolvak Nederlands Antwerpen 13 en 14 november 1998 (pp. 15-15) [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1998). Four orientations on literature teaching: do they result in Differences in teaching and learning and learning outcomes in secondary school? In Global conversations on language and literature: third international conference National Council of Teachers of English, august 5-7 1998, Bordeaux, France (pp. 65-66) [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Braaksma, M. A. H. (1998). Knowledge and approach-of-tasks in research on effective teaching of writing. In E. Espéret (Ed.), 1998 European Writing Conference. Writing and Learning to Write at the dawn of the 21st Century. (pp. 91-91). LaCo-CNRS. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van Dort - Slijper, M. K., & Breedveld, E. (1998). About the acquisition of the morphology of adjectives, derived from: an empirical study on influential factors. In E. Esperet (Ed.), Conference Writing and Learning to Write at the dawn of the 21st Century: Special interest group writing of EARLI, Poitiers 2-4 July 1998, abstracts (pp. 65) [details]


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Argumentation on argumentation. In E. Matsagouras, S. Vosniadou, K. Maidaki-Kassotaki, & S. Kotsanis (Eds.), Abstracts of the 7th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 493-493). Gutenberg University Publications. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Effective observation strategies of students to learn to write and read argumentative structures. In E. Matsagouras, S. Vosniadou, K. Maidaki-Kassotaki, & S. Kotsanis (Eds.), Abstracts of the 7th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 493-493). Gutenberg University Publications. [details]
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Effective observation strategies of students to learn to write and read argumentative structures. In E. Matsagouras, S. Vosniadou, K. Maidaki-Kassotaki, & S. Kotsanis (Eds.), Abstracts of the 7th European Conference for research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 95-95). Gutenberg University Publications. [details]
    • Couzijn, M. J., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Braaksma, M. A. H. (1997). Effective learning to write by observation. In G. C. W. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), Abstracts on the IAIMTE Conference on the teaching and learning of language and literature (pp. 31-31). [details]
    • Galbraith, D., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Cognitive problem solving theory and the study of writing processes. In S. Vosniadou (Ed.), Abstracts 7th European Conference for Research in Learning and Instruction. (pp. 23-24). [details]
    • Kuhlemeier, H., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Speaking and writing apprehension: dimensionality, reliability and gender differences. In S. Vosniadou (Ed.), Abstracts 7th European Conference for Research in Learning and Instruction. (pp. 192-193). [details]
    • Piontek, R., Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Implementing learning to learn: reconstructing text books. In G. C. W. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), Abstract book IAIMTE Conference on the teaching and learning of books. (pp. 61-61). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Abstract book: IAIMTE Conference on the teaching and learning of language and literature. x. [details]
    • van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Kuhlemeier, H. (1997). Motivation & written and spoken text production. In E. Matsagouras, & S. Vosniadou (Eds.), Abstracts 7th European conference for research in learning and instruction. (pp. 192-193). [details]


    • Breetvelt, I. S., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Rereading and generating and their relation to text quality. An application of multilevel analysis on writing process data. In H. van den Bergh, G. C. W. Rijlaarsdam, & M. Couzijn (Eds.), Theories, models and methodology in writing research (pp. 10-20). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Effective teaching and learning of writing. In M. Couzijn, G. Rijlaarsdam, & H. van den Bergh (Eds.), Learning to write argumentative text by observation (pp. 253-273). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Ditzel, M., van Dort Slijper, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Overgeneralisation in agreement: A special case in adjectives in Dutch. In A. Camps, M. Castelló, M. Millian, P. Monné, I. Rodriguez, L. José, & L. Tolchinsky (Eds.), 1996 European Writing Conferences. (pp. 61). [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Des Duivels. Vakoverstijgend project over de duivel in de West-Europese literatuur. Instituut voor de Leararenopleiding. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Approaches to the teaching of literature: a national survey of literary education in Dutch secondary schools. In M. S. MacNealy, & R. J. Kreuz (Eds.), Empirical Approaches to Literature and Aesthetics. Volume 52 in the series 'Advances in Discourse Processes' (pp. 513-536). Ablex Publishing Corporation. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Approaching to the teaching of Literature: A National Survey of Literary Education in Dutch Secondary Schools. In Series Advances in Discourse Processes (pp. 513-538). Ablex Publishing Corporation. [details]
    • Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Students as self-assessors: learning experiences of literature teaching in secondary schools. In E. Marum (Ed.), Children and Books in the Modern World. Contemporary Perspectives on Literacy (pp. 98-115). The Falmer Press. [details]
    • Oostdam, R. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Strategie-onderwijs in mondelinge taalvaardigheid. Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, 54(1), 93-102. [details]
    • Oostdam, R. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Strategie-onderwijs in mondelinge taalvaardigheid. In L. Nienhuis, A. van Gelderen, L. Pouw, & I. Wijgh (Eds.), Spreken in moedertaal en vreemde taal (pp. 11-11) [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). A triangular model of Evaluation . Social frames of reference to evaluate writing performance. 11. In 11. Symposium Deutschdidaktik Europa Nation Region. Von anderen lernen. (pp. 115-116). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Effective strategies to learn to write (and read): Observational learning. In International Conference on Experimental Learning (pp. 36-36). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Writing in Secondary Schools in the Netherlands. In Second International Conference Global conservations on Language and Literacy (pp. 16-16). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Brauer, G. (1996). Writing as a mode of Global Learning collaboration in Writing Education. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference Global conservations on Language and Literacy. (pp. 15-15). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (1996). Observation as effective learning in writing courses: About the connection between writing and reading. In Abstracts 1996 European Writing Conferences [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (1996). Observation as effective learning in writing courses: About the connection between writing and reading. In A. Camps, M. Castelló, M. Millian, P. Monné, I. Rodriguez, L. José, & L. Tolchinsky (Eds.), Abstracts 1996 European Writing Conferences (pp. 16-16). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (1996). Op weg naar zelfstandig leren in de basisvorming bij Nederlands. Enkele instructietechnieken in de didactiek van zelfstandig leren. In G. Rijlaarsdam (Ed.), Leren leren in het talenonderwijs (pp. 4-4). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Janssen, T. M. (1996). How do we evaluate the literature curriculum? About a social frame of reference. In E. Marum (Ed.), Children and Books in the Modern World. Contemporary Perspectives on Literacy (pp. 75-98). The Falmer Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (1996). Cognitieve activiteiten gedurende het schrijfproces en de relatie met tekstkwaliteit; planning en formuleren. In Programmaboek 7e VIOT-Congres (pp. 64-65). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Broekkamp, H., Couzijn, M. J., & van den Bergh, H. (1996). About the capacity to learn to write. In 1996 European Writing Conferences, Barcelona october, 23-25, 1996, abstract book (pp. 147-148). Universitat de Barcelona. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., van der Hoeven, H., & Andriessen, J. (1996). Temporal organisation of writing processes: Why and how. In A. Camps, M. Castello, M. Millian, P. Monné, I. Rodriguez, L. José, & L. Tolchinsky (Eds.), European Writing Conferences. (pp. 146-147). [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., & Couzijn, M. (1996). Effective teaching and learning of writing: current trends in research. Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., & Couzijn, M. (1996). Theories, models and methodology in writing research. Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Weel, I., van Dort - Slijper, M. K., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). The acquisition of plural morpholgy in noun and verb inflections for numbers in written Dutch. In A. Camps, M. Castello, M. Millian, P. Monné, I. Rodriguez, L. José, & L. Tolchinsky (Eds.), European Writing Conferences. (pp. 60-61). [details]


    • Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Lees- en schrijfstrategieen: leren door doen of leren door kijken. Vonk, 25(1), 42-53. [details]
    • Oostdam, R. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Towards strategic language learning. Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (1995). Effective Activities for learning and teaching Writing. In F. de Jong, C. Aarnoutse, H. Lodewijks, R. J. Simons, & D. van der Aalsvoort (Eds.), Abstracts 6th European conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (pp. 343-346). MesoConsult\. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G., Eiting, M., & Schoonen, R. (1989). Wat werkt in het stelonderwijs? Een exploratie naar de effectiviteit van omgevingsvariabelen en vakinhoudelijke kenmerken van een stelvaardigheidscurriculum. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 11(2), 81-91. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G., & Schoonen, R. (1988). Effects of a teaching program based on peer evaluation on written composition and some variables related to writing apprehension. (SCO cahier; No. 47). Stichting Centrum voor Onderwijsonderzoek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G., & Schoonen, R. (1987). De samenhang tussen schrijfprestaties, attituden en schrijfangst. Levende Talen, 417, 14-15. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., Eiting, M., & Schoonen, R. (1987). Theorievorming in veldexperimenten. Het causaal gebruik van implementatiegegevens. In W. K. B. Hofstee (Ed.), Evaluatiemethodologie (pp. 49-58). (Bijdragen aan de onderwijsresearch; No. 16). Swets & Zeitlinger. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2024). Begrijpen en begrepen worden. (2e ed.) Levende Talen Nederlands.










    • Neijt, A., Coppen, P-A., de Glopper, K., Aalberse, S., van der Eerden, I., Evers-Vermeul, J., van Haaften, T., van Marle, J., Mos, M., Onrust, M., van Oostendorp, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & Verhagen, A. (2015). Bewuste taalvaardigheid als eindterm voor het schoolvak Nederlands in havo en vwo: visie en voorbeelden. In A. Mottart, & S. Vanhooren (Eds.), 29ste Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands: Fontys Hogeschool Tilburg 13 & 14 november 2015 (pp. 198-202). Academia Press. [details]



    • Braaksma, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., & van den Bergh, H. (2011). Hypertekst schrijven en observerend leren als didactiek: effecten op schrijfvaardigheid en kennisverwerving. Vonk, 40(3), 3-23. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G., Braaksma, M., Janssen, T., Groenendijk, T., & Toorenaar, A. (2011). Learning to write and writing to learn. Better : evidence-based education, 3(2), 14-15.,%20Rijlaarsdam.pdf [details]
    • van Weijen, D., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2011). Het gebruik van T1 tijdens schrijven in T2. Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 12(2), 3-13. [details]




    • Braaksma, M., Rijlaarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H., & van Hout-Wolters, B. (2007). Observerend leren en de effecten op de organisatie van schrijfprocessen. Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 8(4), 3-15. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2007). De kracht van het meervoud. Interferentieverschijnselen onder regie van het meervoud van het zelfstandig naamwoord. In D. Sandra, R. Rymenans, P. Cuvelier, & P. van Petegem (Eds.), Tussen taal, spelling en onderwijs. Essays bij het emeritaat van Frans Daems (pp. 173-183). Academia Press. [details]


    • Toorenaar, J. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). De koffietafel. Nederlands en beroepsvoorbereidende vakken: experimenteren in het vmbo. Levende Talen Magazine, 93(8), 5-7. [details]


    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Recensies over literatuur: schrijven om te leren. Tsjip - Letteren, 15(2), 17-21. [details]
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Schrijftaken en schrijverstypen. Levende Talen Magazine, 92(2), 9-12. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (2005). Observerend leren: een kernactiviteit in taalvaardigheidsonderwijs. - Deel 1: Ontwerpadviezen uit onderzoek verkregen. Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 6(4), 10-20. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (2005). Observerend leren: een kernactiviteit in taalvaardigheidsonderwijs. - Deel 2: Praktijkvoorbeelden. Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 6(4), 21-28. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Braaksma, M. A. H. (2004). Schrijven en leren schrijven. Vonk, 33(3), 3-16. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Braaksma, M. A. H. (2004). Schrijven en leren schrijven. Niet zelf doen, maar zien hoe anderen het doen. Levende Talen Magazine, 3, 17-22. [details]


    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). Recensies schrijven: de brug tussen schrijfvaardigheid en literatuur. Vonk, 32(4), 3-18. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2003). De academische lerarenopleiding in de Bachelor-Masterstructuur in Nederland. VELON, 24(3), 28-32. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2001). Vreemd talenonderwijs. Over vernieuwing, samenhang, didactiek en onderzoek. Inaugurele rede bij de aanvaarding van de leerstoel Didactiek van het Nederlands in perspectief van het vreemdetalenonderwijs. s.l.: s.n. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Krijgsman, A. (2001). Het wiel opnieuw uitvinden? Preambule VMBO en het talenonderwijs. Levende Talen Magazine, 88(5), 5-9. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2000). Over het wetenschappelijk karakter van de universitaire lerarenopleiding. Kennis en kwaliteit. Opleiding en nascholing van leraren., 17-29. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Tinnevelt, J. (1999). Vreemde Talen in de tweede Fase; veel of weinig is dat de kwestie? Levende Talen, 541, 461-463. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & den Hartog, G. (1999). Ten geleide. Levende Talen, 542, 486-487. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & den Hartog, G. (1999). Ten geleide; inspectierapport Basisvorming naar behoren? Levende Talen, 544, 630-631. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & den Hartog, G. (1999). Ten geleide; met de complimenten van Levende Talen. Levende Talen, 545, 694-697. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & den Hartog, G. (1999). Ten geleide; vragen, vragen, vragen. Levende Talen, 543, 554-555. [details]
    • van Schooten, E., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1999). Nederlands onder vuur? Over de inhoud en didactiek van het vak nederlands in de basisvorming; de paneldiscussie Nederlands over het inspectierapport nederlands in de basisvorming. Levende Talen, 545, 757-769. [details]


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1998). Schrijfvaardigheid Nederlands: een praktische didactiek voor de bovenbouw van havo en vwo [Review of: A. Braet (1998) Antoine Braet, Schrijfvaardigheid Nederlands: een praktische didactiek voor de bovenbouw havo en vwo]. In A. Braet (Ed.), Unknown Coutinho. [details]


    • Mulder, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Ten geleide: talen in de nieuwe tweede fase. Levende Talen, 525, 594-595. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Commentaar geven en verwerken: gericht op de leerling. In H. Ringnalda (Ed.), Schrijven leren in de basisvorming/eerste graad: verslag van 2 studiedagen. (pp. 82-86). Nederlandse Taalunie. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Contouren van een schrijfvaardigheidsdidactiek. Vonk, 26 (3), 3-18. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1997). Contouren van een schrijfvaardigheidsdidactiek. In H. Ringnalda (Ed.), Schrijven leren in de basisvorming/eerste graad: verslag van 2 studiedagen. (pp. 9-23). Nederlandse Taalunie. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Elsinga, K. (1997). Eerstegraads lerarenopleidingen: twee routes, een stelsel. VELON, 4, 5-10. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sanders, T. (1997). Lees- en schrijfprocessen en lees- en schrijfvaardigheid. In D. Janssen, H. van den Bergh, N. Bertens, & M. Damen (Eds.), Taalgebruik ontrafeld (pp. 223-228). Foris Publications. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (1997). Cognitieve activiteiten tijdens het schrijfproces en relaties met tekstkwaliteit: plannen en formuleren. In D. Janssen, H. van den Bergh, N. Bertens, & M. Damen (Eds.), Taalgebruik ontrafeld (pp. 275-284). Foris Publications. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Sword, D., & Fiedler, E. (1997). Language alive! Professional development guidelines and activities for language teacher trainers-a European approach, volume I: J. Ides, D. Sword, K. Kerstan, H-H. Rogge, M. Hayhoe, Language through literature, an international teacher training pack for active and creative approaches to reader-oriented modern foreign language literature teaching. onbekend. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Sword, D., & Fiedler, E. (1997). Language alive! Professional development guidelines and activities for language teacher trainers-a European approach, volume II: J. Buchanan, B. Vater, B. Vogel, J. Ides, choice, autonomy, creativity, learner centred approaches to differentiation. onbekend. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Sword, D., & Fiedler, E. (1997). Language alive! Professional development guidelines and activities for language teacher trainers-a European approach, volume III: T. Cocket, J. Little, T. Koet, H. van Loon, C. Doil-Hartmann, R. Reimer, Communicative language teaching through information technology. onbekend. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Sword, D., & Fiedler, E. (1997). Language alive! Professional development guidelines and activities for language teacher trainers-a European approach, volume IV: L. Savage, R. Piontek, P. Lines, bilingual pupils and foreign language learning. onebekend. [details]
    • van Loosbroek, T., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van der Vaart, W. (1997). Leraar in opleiding of leraar in opleiding? Over lio-schap en lio-stage: bij wijze van verantwoording. VELON, 18/3, 3-8. [details]


    • Bonset, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1996). Leren leren bij Nederlands in de Tweede Fase. Moer. Tijdschrift voor het onderwijs in het Nederlands, 6, 278-290. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Bonset, H. (1996). Leren leren bij Nederlands in de Tweede Fase. Levende Talen, 278-290. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (1996). Leren leren bij Nederlands in de basisvorming. De dubbele bodem van het onderwijs. Levende Talen, 510, 301-306. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Witte, T. (1996). Mini didactiek Schrijven in de Tweede Fase. Moer. Tijdschrift voor het onderwijs in het Nederlands, 6, 307-322. [details]


    • Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Leren lezen en schrijven door kijken en luisteren: Naar een nieuwe didactiek voor lees- en schrijfonderwijs. Acco. [details]
    • Couzijn, M. J., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Leren lezen en schrijven door kijken en luistern. Naar een nieuwe didactiek voor lees-en schrijfonderwijs. In H. de Jonghe, & J. van Iseghem (Eds.), Het schoolvak Nederlands. Verslag van de achtste conferentie Leuven (pp. 71-82). Acco. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Members at work. Dorfix Press. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Een taaldorp als afluitingstoets voor de basisvorming (3). Beoordeling van gespreksvaardigheid door leerlingen uit 5 VWO. Levende Talen, (503), 463-467. [details]
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (1995). Leren lezen en schrijven door kijken en luisteren. Naar een nieuwe didactiek voor lees- en schrijfonderwijs. In H. de Jonghe, & J. van Iseghem (Eds.), Het schoolvak Nederlands Verslag van de achtse conferentie (pp. 71-82). Acco. [details]


    • ten Peze, A. A., Janssen, T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van Weijen, D. (2024). Instruction in Creative and Argumentative Writing: Effects on Writing Process and Text Quality. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2024: ways2write, Paris, France.
    • ten Peze, A. A., Janssen, T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van Weijen, D. (2024). Writing Original and Captivating Communicative Texts by Applying Creative Thinking. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2024: ways2write, Paris, France.


    • Alkema, E. G., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van Weijen, D. (2022). Generic or domain specific writing instruction?. Paper presented at SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea, Sweden.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2022). Observation, a basic learning activity in writing. The contribution of janneke van de Loo's studies to the theory of Observational Learning. Paper presented at Van der Loo Seminar, Tilburg, Netherlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & ten Peze, A. A. (2022). Creative Writing: from Process Analyses to Testing Course. Abstract from The 2022 International Conference on the Science of Written Expression, Virtual Conference, United States.


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2021). L2 Writing Research Agenda. Paper presented at Moving forward in l2 writing research. L2wr research seminar., Murcia, Spain.


    • Alkema, E. G., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (Accepted/In press). A promising first exploration of synthesis writing in Science Orientation classes. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2020, Umeå, Sweden.
    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (Accepted/In press). Writing Chile: An online national survey on teachers' practices in Grades 7-12. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2020, Umeå, Sweden.
    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (Accepted/In press). Writing instruction in Chilean public secondary schools: A multiple case study. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2020, Umeå, Sweden.
    • van Ockenburg, L., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (Accepted/In press). Testing a mini synthesis writing intervention: animated video instruction. Paper presented at Research School SIG Writing 2020 #righttowrite [Cancelled], Umeå, Sweden.
    • van Ockenburg, L., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (Accepted/In press). Testing a synthesis writing intervention based on observational learning: Symposium Multiple Document Studies: Where Reading & Writing Research Meet. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2020, Umeå, Sweden.


    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2019). Teachers’ beliefs about writing instruction in public secondary schools in Chile: an online national survey. Paper presented at 12th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2019). Writing instruction in Chile: online national survey on teachers’ practices in public secondary schools. Paper presented at 12th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2019). Analyse schrijfvaardigheidsprogramma's tweedegraadsopleidingen. Paper presented at Peer review Nederlands Bachelor Teacher Education, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    • van Ockenburg, L., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2019). Learning to write synthesis texts; A design study. Paper presented at 12th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
    • van Steendam, E., Drijbooms, E., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2019). A cognitive load perspective on the effectiveness of collaborative writing. Paper presented at 18th biennial conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2019), Aachen, Germany.
    • van de Guchte, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2019). Chatten via WhatsApp in de moderne vreemdetalenles: Effect op doeltaalgebruik en ervaringen . Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2019, Heerlen, Netherlands.
    • van de Guchte, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2019). Chatting in the task-based foreign language classroom: Effects on target language use and learner experiences. 54. Paper presented at Eight International Conference on task-Based Language Teaching, Ottawa, Canada.


    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2018). National survey on writing instruction in public secondary schools in Chile. Paper presented at AERA 2018: Annual Meeting the American Educational Research Association, New York City, New York, United States.
    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2018). National survey on writing instruction in public secondary schools in Chile. Paper presented at SIG Writing Research school, Ghent, Belgium.
    • Nguyen, T. T., Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2018). Improvement of writing and literary understanding: Learning to write based on sources.. Poster session presented at SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • Rietdijk, S., van Weijen, D., Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2018). Current status and the improvement of the teaching of writing in Dutch primary schools: Two large-scale studies. Paper presented at AERA 2018: Annual Meeting the American Educational Research Association, New York City, New York, United States.
    • Rietdijk, S., van Weijen, D., Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2018). Does teaching matter? Practices and learning outcomes. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • van Ockenburg, L., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2018). Learning to write synthesis texts: A review of intervention studies. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • van Ockenburg, L., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2018). Preferred learning activities for teaching synthesis writing in secondary education. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • van Weijen, D., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2018). Comparing source use and argumentation behaviour within and between writers in L1 and L2 writing. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.
    • van Weijen, D., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2018). Comparing source use and argumentative writing within and between writers in L1 and L2.. Paper presented at SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.


    • Elving, K., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Learning to write: a recursive process.. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Encuesta nacional sobre escritura en aulas secundarias de lenguaje de establecimientos municipales de Chile. Paper presented at Tercer Simposio Internacional de la Cátedra UNESCO para la Lectura y la Escritura, Chillan, Chile. file:///C:/Users/jdreuve1/Downloads/Presentacion+del+proyecto+Encuesta+nacional+sobre+ensenanza+de+la+escritura.pdf
    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). National survey on writing instruction in public secondary schools in Chile. Paper presented at JURE 2017 JURE (Junior researchers' pre-conference of EARLI), Tampere, Finland.
    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). National survey on writing instruction in public secondary schools in Chile. Poster session presented at Pre conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE), Tallin, Estonia.
    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Text quality, writing processes and students’ beliefs about writing at Secondary education in Chile. Poster session presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • Jochem, A., Vandermeulen, N., Van den Broek, B., van Steendam, E., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). The design of a feedback report on students' writing processes. Paper presented at 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2017, Tallinn, Estonia.
    • Koek, M., Janssen, T. M., Hakemulder, F., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Critical thinking in the literature classroom. Paper presented at 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2017, Tallinn, Estonia.
    • Koek, M., Janssen, T. M., Hakemulder, F., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Literature education as a school for thinking: Activities and text qualities that foster critical thinking. Paper presented at IGEL 15th Biennial Meeting 2016, Chicago, Ill, United States.
    • Kragten, M., Admiraal, W. F., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Learning from diagrams: Effects of strategy training. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • López, P., Fidalgo, R., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Torrance, M., & Gonzalez-Moreira, M. (2017). Effective writing interventions via revision instruction: The role of explicit process strategies. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • Mateos, M., Martin, E., Solari, M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Villalon, R. (2017). Effects of different learning activities on different synthesis writing outcomes. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • Sala-Bubare, A., Castello, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Doctoral students' writing regulation processes. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • Schrijvers, M. S. T., Janssen, T. M., Fialho, O., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Fostering personal and social Insights in the literature classroom: Review of intervention studies.. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • Schrijvers, M. S. T., Janssen, T. M., Fialho, O., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Gaining personal and social insights in the literature classroom: Effects of dialogic learning. Paper presented at JURE 2017 JURE (Junior researchers' pre-conference of EARLI), Tampere, Finland.
    • Schrijvers, M. S. T., Janssen, T. M., Fialho, O., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Talking about literature and life: Effects of dialogic literary instruction on students’ personal and social insights. Paper presented at 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2017, Tallinn, Estonia.
    • Van den Broek, B., Vandermeulen, N., Jochem, A., van Steendam, E., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). How to provide feedback on students’ writing processes?. Paper presented at JURE 2017 JURE (Junior researchers' pre-conference of EARLI), Tampere, Finland.
    • Van den Broek, B., van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Vandermeulen, N. (2017). The design and the effects of a course in writing on research and synthesis texts: the power of observation and analysis.. Paper presented at 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2017, Tallinn, Estonia.
    • Van den Broek, B., van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Vandermeulen, N. (2017). The relation between source use during the writing process and text quality in synthesis writing of (pre-)university students. Paper presented at 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2017, Tallinn, Estonia.
    • Vandermeulen, N., Van den Broek, B., van Steendam, E., Bernolet, S., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Synthesis writing: relations between writing processes and text quality, moderated by writing style.. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • ten Peze, A. A., Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). The effect of creative writing on students’ writing processes and text quality. Paper presented at 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2017, Tallinn, Estonia.
    • van Ockenburg, L., van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Designing an evidence-based online module for synthesis writing in secondary education. Paper presented at 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2017, Tallinn, Estonia.
    • van Steendam, E., Buyuktas Kara, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Effects of peer observation in strategy instruction on synthesizing skills in teaching EFL writing.. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Source use in argumentative writing in L1 and L2. Paper presented at ARLE Conference 2017, Tallinn, Estonia.
    • van Weijen, D., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2017). Variation in source use in argumentative writing in L1 and L2.. Paper presented at 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere, Finland.
    • van de Guchte, M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Braaksma, M. A. H. (2017). Effects of focus on meaning versus form in pre-task video model observations. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) 2017, Barcelona, Spain.


    • Rietdijk, S., Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2016). Writing education in Dutch primary schools and factors influencing students’ writing performance. Paper presented at AERA 2016, District of Columbia, United States.
    • Rietdijk, S., Janssen, T. M., van Weijen, D., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2016). Beter Schrijven: een interventiestudie in het basisonderwijs. Poster session presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2016, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
    • Rietdijk, S., van Weijen, D., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., & Janssen, T. M. (2016). About fidelity and implementation in writing intervention studies. Evaluation of measures used in a study in upper primary education. Paper presented at EARLI SIG Writing Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2016). Beter Schrijven: een interventiestudie in het basisonderwijs. Paper presented at Presentatie op de CED conferentie Begrijpend Lezen, Rotterdam, NL.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Janssen, T. M., de Maat, P., Rietdijk, S., & van Weijen, D. (2016). Designing a strategy oriented writing program in upper primary education in a Dutch educational context: [Paper presentation in symposium]. Paper presented at EARLI SIG Writing Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van Weijen, D., Janssen, T. M., & van den Bergh, H. (2016). Writing strategy instruction: An intervention study in Dutch primary schools. Paper presented at EARLI SIG Writing Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
    • Schrijvers, M. S. T., Janssen, T. M., Fialho, O., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2016). Leert literatuur je het leven? Over het stimuleren van persoonlijke en sociale inzichten via literatuuronderwijs. Paper presented at Succesvol lezen in het onderwijs - Stichting Lezen, Amersfoort, Netherlands.
    • Schrijvers, M. S. T., Janssen, T. M., Fialho, O., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2016). The impact of literature education on students’ perceptions of self and others: Exploring personal and social learning experiences in relation to teacher approach. Paper presented at IGEL 15th Biennial Meeting 2016, Chicago, Ill, United States.
    • Van den Broek, B., Vandermeulen, N., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2016). Improving pre-university students’ performance in academic synthesis tasks with level up instructions and feedback tool.. Paper presented at Studies in Writing Education with Steve Graham, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
    • ten Peze, A. A., Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2016). The effect of creative writing on students’ writing processes and text quality. Paper presented at EARLI SIG Writing Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
    • van Weijen, D., Rietdijk, S., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Janssen, T. M., & van den Bergh, H. (2016). Fidelity and implementation in writing intervention studies; Evaluation of measures used in a study in upper primary education. Paper presented at EARLI SIG Writing Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2015). Innovative learning in writing: Observational learning & hypertext writing. Paper presented at 10th IAIMTE Conference 2015: Languages, Literatures, and Literacies, Odense, Denmark.
    • Buyuktas Kara, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2015). Effects of video based peer observation on summarizing from multiple sources. Paper presented at 10th IAIMTE Conference 2015: Languages, Literatures, and Literacies, Odense, Denmark.
    • Koek, M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Janssen, T. M., & Hakemulder, F. (2015). Literature as school for thinking. Exploring the relationship between critical thinking and literature education. Paper presented at JURE 2015 (Junior researchers' pre-conference of EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
    • Rietdijk, S., Janssen, T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & de Jong, P. F. (2015). Dutch primary school teachers’ beliefs about writing instruction and their classroom practices. Paper presented at JURE 2015 JURE (Junior researchers' pre-conference of EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
    • Rietdijk, S., Janssen, T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & de Jong, P. F. (2015). Writing education in the Netherlands: Teachers’ beliefs, classroom practice and student achievements. Paper presented at 16th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2015, Limassol, Cyprus.
    • Rietdijk, S., van Weijen, D., Janssen, T. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2015). Strategy-oriented writing instruction: An intervention study in primary schools.. Paper presented at Paper presented 10th IAIMTE Conference, Odense, Denmark.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Braaksma, M. A. H. (2015). Small changes in the instructional setting do work: differentiation in the writing curriculum. Paper presented at 10th IAIMTE Conference 2015: Languages, Literatures, and Literacies, Odense, Denmark.
    • Schrijvers, M. S. T., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Janssen, T. M., & Fialho, O. (2015). Literature education: Changing students’ perceptions of self and others?. Paper presented at JURE 2015 (Junior researchers' pre-conference of EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
    • van de Guchte, M., Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Bimmel, P. E. (2015). The effects of focusing on meaning and form in pre-task video model observations. Paper presented at 6th Biennial International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching (TLBT) 2015 , Leuven, Belgium.


    • Rietdijk, S., Janssen, T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & de Jong, P. F. (2014). Dutch primary school teachers’ beliefs about writing instruction and their classroom practices. Paper presented at Presentation at the Writing Research Across Borders Conference, Paris (F).
    • Rietdijk, S., Janssen, T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & de Jong, P. F. (2014). Writing: Teachers´ believes and classroom practices. Pre-test of an intervention study in primary schools.. Paper presented at Conference on Writing Research for EARLI SIG Writing, Amsterdam, NL.


    • Rietdijk, S., Janssen, T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & de Jong, P. F. (2013). Better writing: An intervention study. Poster session presented at JURE, Munich, Germany.


    • Berninger, V., Fayol, M., Hayes, J., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Alves, R. (2012). Contribution of silent orthography to the cognitive and linguistic translation process. 166. Paper presented at SIG Writing Porto 2012.
    • Martínez, I., Mateos, M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Martín, E. (2012). Reading and writing during synthesis tasks: Quality of on-line reading and writing processes for sixth grade students. Effects of an intervention programme on processes. 74. Paper presented at SIG Writing Porto 2012.
    • Nguyen, N. T., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Admiraal, W. F. (2012). Improving L2 writing quality: A series of two intervention studies. 178. Paper presented at SIG Writing Porto 2012.
    • Raedts, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2012). Influence of writing instruction and cognitive skills on undergraduate students’ academic writing. 89. Paper presented at SIG Writing Porto 2012.
    • Viallón, R., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Mateos, M., & van den Bergh, H. (2012). Testing a model of learning through writing: The relationship between students’ conceptions, written products and learning outcomes. 111. Paper presented at SIG Writing Porto 2012.
    • van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2012). Collaborative revision of other students' writing in a foreign language. 112. Paper presented at SIG Writing Porto 2012.


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2011). Effects of observational learning in argumentative writing. 1083-1084. Abstract from EARLI.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2011). Hypertext writing and observational learning: Effects on writing skills. Abstract from 4th International Conference on Writing Research "Writing Research Across Borders II".
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2011). Hypertext writing: Effects on writing processes and writing products. 54-55. Abstract from ORD (Onderwijs Research Dagen).
    • Braaksma, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2011). Inquiry learning, hypertext writing and observational learning as supplementary teaching. 37. Abstract from IAIMTE 8th Bi-Annual Conference (International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education).
    • Groenendijk, T., Janssen, T. M., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2011). The effect of observational learning on artistic production. 1358-1359. Abstract from EARLI.
    • Nguyen, N. T., Admiraal, W. F., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2011). Improving L2 writing quality - A series of two intervention studies. 248-249. Abstract from EARLI.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Braaksma, M. A. H., Groenendijk, T., & Janssen, T. M. (2011). Observation as key process in writing process research and as key process in learning to write studies. Invited key note. 14. Abstract from Strukturen und Verarbeitung,33. Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft furSprachwissenschaft (DGfS).


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2010). Hypertext writing versus linear writing: Effects on pause locations and production activities and its relation with text quality. 114. Abstract from 12th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing.
    • Groenendijk, T., Janssen, T. M., van den Bergh, H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2010). The effect of peer observation in arts education: An experimental study on learning ot write poetry and making a collage by observing peers at work. 198. Abstract from 12th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van Weijen, D., Tillema, M., Braaksma, M. A. H., & van den Bergh, H. (2010). L1-L2 Writing processes, text quality and learner characteristics: empirical studies. Keynote adddress. 30. Abstract from Symposium on second Language Writing 2010: Crossing Disciplinary boundaries.
    • Tillema, M., van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sanders, T. (2010). Online metacognitive activity during writing tasks related to self-reports and learning outcomes. The importance of modelling online metacognitive activity across the process of task execution. 40. Abstract from 4th Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Metacognition.
    • Tillema, M., van den Bergh, H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sanders, T. (2010). The effect of vocabulary knowledge on formulating activitities during the execution of L1 writing tasks. 29. Abstract from 12th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing.


    • Berden-Antonenko, T. A., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Sercu, L. (2009). The effects of hands-on and minds-on dialogic learning in teaching intercultural communication. Abstract from 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners.
    • Couzijn, M. J., Kieft, M. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & van den Bergh, H. (2009). Inquiry learning in the language and literature classroom. Learning to write about research in secondary education. Abstract from 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners.
    • Schuitema, J. A., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., Veugelers, W. M. M. H., & ten Dam, G. T. M. (2009). Discussing moral values in history class: A dialogic approach to citizenship education. Abstract from 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners.
    • Toorenaar, J. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2009). Fostering a community of learners in pre-vocational Dutch secondary education for language learning in the L1 classroom. Abstract from 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners.
    • Verheyden, L., van den Branden, K., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., & De Maeyer, S. (2009). Teacher beliefs meet learner variables in written narratives of young second language learners. Abstract from 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners.
    • Verheyden, L., van den Branden, K., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., Tillema, M., & De Maeyer, S. (2009). Do Turkish girls outperform Flemish boys? What do their teachers expect? What do their texts tell?. Abstract from 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners.
    • Witte, T., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Schram, D. (2009). Teachers’ developmental model of reading and interpretation. Abstract from 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners.
    • van Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., van den Bergh, H., & De Maeyer, S. (2009). The effects of performance level and homogeneity in dyad composition in two learning conditions on learning to revise in L2. Abstract from 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners.


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Janssen, T. M. (2007). Writing hypertexts versus linear texts: Learning and transfer effects. Poster session presented at IAIMTE 2007. Crossing cultural boundaries.


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2006). Hypertekst schrijven: Effecten op schrijfvaardigheid en domeinkennis. Poster session presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD).


    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Effective learning environments: Students as participants and observers while defining text quality criteria. Poster session presented at 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). The Yummy Yummy case: A model to stimulate participation in learning to write activities. Poster session presented at 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Writing hypertexts: Learning and transfer effects. Poster session presented at 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education.
    • Kieft, M. H., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Learning-to-write argumentative texts about literature. Poster session presented at 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Braaksma, M. A. H. (2005). Students as researchers: Defining text quality criteria. Poster session presented at 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE).
    • Toorenaar, J. M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2005). Redesigning mother-tongue education in pre-vocational education by fostering a community of learners. Poster session presented at 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI).


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W., & Couzijn, M. J. (1997). Learning to learn from textbooks.. Poster session presented at 1st Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother-Tongue Education (IAIMTE).


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (Author), & Couzijn, M. J. (Author). (1997). Learning to write: observation as an effective learning activity.. Software, Writing and Computers Association.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (Author), Couzijn, M. J. (Author), & Braaksma, M. A. H. (Author). (1997). Learning to write: observation as an effective learning activity. Software

    Prize / grant

    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (2023). Honorary member.
    • Flores Ferres, M. M., van Weijen, D. & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (2018). Best poster award for poster presented at the SIG Writing Research School 2018.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (2010). Best article 2010 in Pedagogische Studiën (Dutch research journal, ISI).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (2008). Nomination John Hayes Award Best article in Journal of Writing Research 2008.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (2006). Nomination best artikel Levende Talen 2006.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (1992). Levende Talen prijs beste artikel jaargangen 1989-1991.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (2021). Chair, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.

    Media appearance

    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (25-06-2019). Escrever é fazer sentido, é criar significado para partilhar com outros [Print] Palavras. Revista da Associação de Professores de Português.. Escrever é fazer sentido, é criar significado para partilhar com outros.

    Journal editor

    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor in chief) (2022-2026). Elsevier (Publisher).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor), Schrijvers, M. (editor) & Murphy, P. K. (editor) (2020). L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (2018-2026). Handboek Didactiek Nederlands (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (2018-2021). Learning and Instruction (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2015). Journal of Writing Research (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2015). Learning and Instruction (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (2014-2022). Elsevier (Publisher).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (member of editorial board) (2014-2023). Journal of Educational Psychology (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (2014-2017). Learning and Instruction (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (member of editorial board) (2014-). Journal of Educational Psychology (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2012). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (member of editorial board) (2012-). C&E, Cultura y Educación (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2012). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (2012). Brill (Publisher).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2012). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2012). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2011). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2011). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (member of editorial board) (2011-). Written Communication (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2010). L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2010). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2010). Journal of Writing Research (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (2009-2021). Journal of Writing Research (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (2007-). Journal of Writing Research (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2007). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (member of editorial board) (2006-2018). Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2006). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2005). L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2005). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (member of editorial board) (2005-). Educational Research Review (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2004). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2003). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2002). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (2001-). Learning and Instruction (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (2001-2015). L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2001). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2000). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2000). The Spanish Journal of Psychology (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2000). L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (2000-2015). L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (1999). The Spanish Journal of Psychology (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (1999). Spiegel (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (1999). Levende Talen (Journal).
    • Galbraith, D. (editor) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (1999). Learning and Instruction (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor), Mulder, H. (editor), Tholey, M. (editor) & Witte, T. (editor) (1999). Levende Talen (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) & Espéret, E. (editor) (1999). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor), den Hartog, G. (editor), van Gool, C. (editor), van Schooten, E. (editor) & Riemersma, A. (editor) (1999). Levende Talen (Journal).
    • van Loosbroek, T. (editor), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) & van der Vaart, W. (editor) (1997). VELON (Journal).
    • Mulder, H. (editor) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (1997). Levende Talen (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (editor) (1996-2015). Studies in Writing (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (1995). Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch (Journal).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (editor) (1995). Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) & López, P. (speaker) (21-11-2024). Becoming a productive researcher and publisher in academia, School of Educational Research, University of Leon (Spain).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (8-11-2024). Begrijpen en begrepen worden, Congres Levende Talen 2024, Zwolle.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (21-9-2023). Digitale schrijfprocesfeedback, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (15-6-2023). Digitale schrijfprocesfeedback. Workshop voor de Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (24-7-2022). Begrijpen en begrepen worden, Onderwijsraad.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (20-6-2022). Conducting high-quality writing interventions (part 2): Evaluation, SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (23-2-2022). Van der Loo seminar, 2 Tilburg University, Tilburg, Netherlands..
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) & ten Peze, A. (invited speaker) (22-1-2022). Creative Writing: from Process Analyses to Testing Course., The 2022 International Conference on the Science of Written Expression, Virtual Conference.
    • Skar, G. (speaker), Krivstad, A. (speaker), Johansen, M. (speaker), Aasen, A. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Identifying texts in the Warning Zone: Assessment for change in writing instruction., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Gonzalez Laguna, V. (speaker), Fidalgo, R. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Analysis of technological tools for writing instruction: a review study., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker), Lesterhuis, M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). The effect of process feedback and process feedback instruction on students' synthesis writing., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker), Vandermeulen, N. (speaker) & van Steendam, E. (speaker) (2022). Synthesis text writing: Effects of argumentative position, topic knowledge and interest., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • van Steendam, E. (speaker), Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), De Maeyer, S. (speaker), Lesterhuis, M. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Dynamic process configurations in synthesis writing tasks, SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Alkema, E. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Synthesis writing in pre-university classes: a synthesis between language and school subjects., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Alkema, E. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Generic or domain specific writing instruction?, SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • van Ockenburg, L. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Testing Strategy-Based Synthesis Writing Interventions with Content Planning Choices., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Flores Ferrés, M. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Writing instruction practices in grades 7-8 of Chilean public schools:, SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Flores Ferrés, M. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Understanding curriculum innovation in Grades 7-12 in Chile: Linking teachers' beliefs and practices., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • van Ockenburg, L. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Effect of a short assessment training for peers: synthesis texts., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Luna, M. (speaker), Holdinga, L. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker), van Drie, J. (speaker), Villalon, R. (speaker), Martin, E. (speaker), Martinez-Alvarez, I. (speaker) & Cuevas, I. (speaker) (2022). Supporting teachers to develop interventions on argumentative writing strategies., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Holdinga, L. (speaker), Janssen, T. (speaker), van Drie, J. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2022). Learning history through evaluative writing tasks: an instructional design study., SIG Writing Conference 2022, Umea.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (16-12-2021). Entering the world of international publishing. Workshop for Writing Center staff, Publishing internationally, Trondheim.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (16-12-2021). Transforming a professionalization course into research. Workshop for Writing Center staff., Professionalization of staff, Trondheim.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (26-11-2021). Taal leren in context vwo: introductie, Congres Levende Talen 2021, Utrecht.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (26-11-2021). Taal leren in context havo: introductie, Congres Levende Talen 2021, Utrecht.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (26-11-2021). Taal leren in context vmbo: introductie, Congres Levende Talen 2021, Utrecht.
    • Levlin, M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (26-11-2021). Litum symposium Handbook on Teaching Swedish, Litum Symposium on Handbook of Teaching Swedish, Umea.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker), Wauters, L. (speaker) & de Klerk, A. (speaker) (13-11-2021). Masterclass Schrijfvaardigheid in de beginjaren, Partners in verstaan, Lunteren.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (keynote speaker), ten Peze, A. (speaker), Koek, M. (speaker) & Schrijvers, M. (speaker) (19-5-2021). Crossing your own borders: Creative thinking in language education., Litum Symposium: Literacy in educational borderlands, Umea.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (7-4-2021). Gesprekken met leerlingen over schrijfprocessen: gebruik de schrijfprocessenvragen-lijstapp, Nedwerk conferentie, Duiven.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2021). Writing process feedback based on keystroke logging and exemplars., Earli, Gothenburg.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (26-11-2020). Opening. Na Pisa de lente, Na Pisa de lente, Amersfoort.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (30-10-2020). Prijsuitreiking Beste Resultaatverbeteringstoets Nederlands 2020, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (30-10-2020). Het gebruik van de app Schrijfprocessen in de klas, Congres Levende Talen.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (18-10-2020). Bespreking onderzoeksplan voor journalistiek onderzoek. Demonstratieles zevende klas. Europese School Mol. Mol (Be), Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (18-9-2020). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en het opzetten van onderzoek. Demonstratieles zesde klas klassen. Europese School Mol (Be), Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (18-9-2020). Opzetten van journalistiek onderzoek. Over vragen en methoden. Zevende klas. Europese School Mol, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (7-2-2020). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles VWO 5, WON klassen. Dongemond college, Raamsdonksveer, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (22-1-2020). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles MBO3. Johan Cruijff College. Groningen, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (21-1-2020). Analyse Tekstbegrip in PISA 2018, Na PISA de lente, Utrecht.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (7-1-2020). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles havo5 klassen. Elden College. Schijndel, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (9-11-2019). Publiceren als Dudoc alpha, Dudok Alpha Training Course.
    • van Ockenburg, L. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (1-11-2019). Lees- en schrijfvaardigheid verbonden: syntheseteksten, Studiedag Levende Talen, Utrecht.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (30-10-2019). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles havo-5 en vwo-6 klassen klassen. Scholengemeenschap Willem Blaeu. Alkmaar, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (4-10-2019). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit, Orion (O2)-Ontwikkeldag 2019, Uden.
    • van Ockenburg, L. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (4-10-2019). Lezen en schrijven verbonden: Syntheseteksten leren schrijven, Orion (O2)-Ontwikkeldag 2019, Uden.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (30-9-2019). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles drie V6 klassen. Stedelijk Gymnasium. Den Bosch, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (27-9-2019). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit, MBO Taalacademie, Amersfoort.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (25-9-2019). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles in twee 6 Gym klassen. Bernrode Gymnasium. Heeswijk-Dinther, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (6-6-2019). Een nieuw leerplan Nederlands, Inspiratiedag Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands, Den Bosch.
    • van Ockenburg, L. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (6-6-2019). Lezen en Schrijven verbonden: Syntheseteksten leren schrijven, Levende Talen Ontwikkel- en Inspiratiedag.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (19-4-2019). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles V5-6 klassen. Europese School Mol, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (16-4-2019). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles V5. SG De Riet-landen. Lelystad, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (7-3-2019). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles V5-klas. Barlaeus Gymnasium, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (1-3-2019). Demonstratieles V5-klassen. Christiaan Huygens Lyceum, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (31-8-2018). How and how well do Dutch secondary students write? A national baseline study on synthesis writing., SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp.
    • López, P. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker), Torrance, M. (speaker) & Fidalgo, R. (speaker) (31-8-2018). Comparative report of two effective revision interventions to improve writing., SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), Van den Broek, B. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (31-8-2018). How to provide students with feedback on their writing process? An intervention study., SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), Van den Broek, B. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (31-8-2018). The relation between sources use during the writing process and text quality in synthesis writing., SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp.
    • Drijbooms, E. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (31-8-2018). A cognitive load perspecitive on the effectivenss of collaborative writing., SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp.
    • Kara Buyuktas, M. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (31-8-2018). Reactivity of time-smapled sefl-reporting in intervention studies: Learning from the test., SIG Writing 2018, Antwerp.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), Van den Broek, B. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (28-8-2018). How and how well do Dutch secondary students write? A national baseline study on synthesis writing., SIG Writing Research school, Ghent.
    • Rodríguez-Málaga, S. (speaker), Torrance, M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker), Fidalgo, R. (speaker) & Rodríguez, C. (speaker) (28-8-2018). Exploring effect and transfer on a componential analysis of strategy-focused Instruction., SIG Writing Research school, Ghent.
    • van Ockenburg, L. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (28-8-2018). Designing an evidence-based module for synthesis writing in secondary education, SIG Writing Research school, Ghent.
    • ten Peze, A. (speaker), Janssen, T. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (28-8-2018). 'Something different!' Does creative writing instruction influence students' writing performance?, SIG Writing Research school, Ghent.
    • Flores Ferres, M. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (28-8-2018). Writing practices in Chilean public secondary classrooms: A national survey of L1 teachers, SIG Writing Research school, Ghent.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker), De Maeyer, S. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) & Lesterhuis, M. (speaker) (16-8-2018). How and how well do Dutch secondary students write? A national baseline study on synthesis writing., 18th biennial conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction (EARLI 2019), Aachen.
    • van Ockenburg, L. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van Weijen, D. (speaker) (18-1-2018). Kennis verwerven en verwerken door syntheseteksten te leren schrijven: Het ontwerp van een (online) module, VIOT 2018: Duurzame Taalbeheersing, Groningen.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), Van den Broek, B. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2-9-2017). Synthesis writing: relations between writing processes and text quality, moderated by writing style., 17th Biennial conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) 2017, Tampere.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (20-6-2017). Pendelen tussen meer fundamenteel en meer praktisch schrijfonderwijsonderzoek: Soms zit het mee., Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (keynote speaker), Janssen, T. (speaker), Rietdijk, S. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (8-6-2017). Changes in Teacher Expertise in Writing Education: Practices of some 50 and more teachers in upper primary education in The Netherlands, DieS-Sommerschule Didaktisch-empirische Schreibforschung, Brugg.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), Van den Broek, B. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (11-5-2017). LIFT, Improving pre-university students’ performance in academic synthesis tasks with Level up Instructions & Feedback Tool (LIFT), Writing Research Seminar Flemish & Dutch PhD projects on Writing, Ghent, Ghent.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), Van den Broek, B. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (18-2-2017). A national baseline study on students' performance on academic synthesis tasks, Writing across the borders 2017, Bogota.
    • Van den Broek, B. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) & Vandermeulen, N. (speaker) (2017). The relation between source use during the writing process and text quality in synthesis writing of (pre-)university students, 11th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2017, Tallinn.
    • Van den Broek, B. (speaker), Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (2017). Constructing a good text. Relations between writing processes, writer characteristics and text quality in synthesis writing., Writing across the borders 2017, Bogota.
    • Schrijvers, M. S. T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Fialho, O. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (18-11-2016). Literatuur leert je het leven? Over het stimuleren van persoonlijke en sociale inzichten bij literatuuronderwijs, HSN Conferentie Onderwijs Nederlands, Gent.
    • Rietdijk, S. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (28-9-2016). Beter Schrijven: een interventiestudie in het basisonderwijs, Presentatie op de CED conferentie Begrijpend Lezen, Rotterdam, NL.
    • Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), Van den Broek, B. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (17-6-2016). Criteria for assessing text quality of synthesis texts, Seminar synthesis texts production, Antwerp.
    • Van den Broek, B. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker), Vandermeulen, N. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (3-2016). De totstandkoming van een goede tekst: relaties tussen schrijfprocessen, schrijverskenmerken en tekstkwaliteit bij het schrijven van syntheseteksten., Anéla Juniorendag 2016 Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (keynote speaker) & Janssen, T. M. (speaker) (2016). Effective learning activities in the domain of literature reading and response, Seoul National University, Seoul.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (3-12-2015). Learn to model: Options to model writing process in the classroom, Invited workshop at Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (3-12-2015). Teaching strategies in writing education, Invited lecture at the Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (11-11-2015). Current trends and perspectives in writing research interventions, Staff seminar Interfaculty Matsers of Educational Psychology, Barcelona, Spain.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (28-10-2015). Learning to write by readers feedback, Invited lecture at the Festival of Languages, Umea, Sweden.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (27-10-2015). Learning to write by observation, Invited lecture at the Festival of Languages, Umea, Sweden.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (16-10-2015). Schrijfonderwijs in de schijnwerpers: de praktijk belicht, Keynote lecture at theTaalunie, Den Haag, NL.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (20-8-2015). Academisch leren schrijven in de lerarenopleiding: opties, Invited Workshop over modelen, Amsterdam, NL.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (20-8-2015). Schrijfvaardigheid in de lerarenopleiding van de HvA, Keynote lecture for Lerarenopleiders HvA, Amsterdam, NL.
    • Koek, M. (speaker), Hakemulder, F. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (2-6-2015). Developing a test to assess critical thinking in the literature classroom., pre-conference workshop of the 10th IAIMTE Conference 2015, Odense. file:///C:/Users/jdreuve1/Downloads/Pre-conference260315.pdf
    • Rietdijk, S. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & de Jong, P. F. (speaker) (2-6-2015). Strategy-oriented writing instruction: An intervention study in primary schools., pre-conference workshop of the 10th IAIMTE Conference 2015, Odense. file:///C:/Users/jdreuve1/Downloads/Pre-conference260315.pdf
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (2015). Innovative methods on Writing Research: What counts when trying to understand writing processes?, Invited lecture at the staff seminar Interfaculty Masters of Educational Psychology, Barcelona, Spain.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (3-12-2014). Teaching Writing from 6-14: Genre Awareness and Strategy Instruction: Workshop, Invited workshop, Zurich.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (3-12-2014). Teaching Writing from 6-14: Genre Awareness and Strategy Instruction, Invited Lecture. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Pädagogische Hochschule and PH Zurich., Zurich, Switzerland.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (11-10-2014). Designing academic writing courses: How writing process research can guide course design, Keynote Maryland Conference on Academic and Professional Writing. October 10-11, 2014, The University of Maryland., Maryland.
    • van de Guchte, M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Bimmel, P. E. (speaker) (4-8-2014). The effects of task rehearsal as a post-task activity, Paper presented at the International EUROSLA Conference, University of York (UK).
    • Rietdijk, S. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & de Jong, P. F. (speaker) (13-6-2014). Schrijfonderwijs: opvattingen van basisschoolleerkrachten en hun lespraktijk, Presentatie op de Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD), Groningen.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (12-6-2014). Writing to read: Learning to write supports comprehending, Invited lecture at the Conference 'When teaching and learning of reading and writing in the multilingual and multicultural context', Hong Kong.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (24-4-2014). Teaching Writing in L1 secondary education: learning to write and writing to learn, 13th international spring conference of Estonian Association for Applied Linguistics & IAIMTE SIG Educational Linguistics meeting., Tallin, Estland.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. H. (speaker) & Tillema, M. (speaker) (19-2-2014). Indicators of dynamics of writing processes from key logging data, Contribution to Symposium organized by Michel Fayol, Writing dynamics & text quality in first and second language at Writing Research Across Borders Conference, Paris (F).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, A. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) & Van Steendam, E. (speaker) (19-2-2014). Intervention studies: learner characteristics and interventions. Contribution in Symposium organized by S. Hooper, Writing across the lifespan: Advances in the neurological underpinnings, measurement and intervention., Presentation at the Writing Research Across Borders Conference, Paris (F).
    • Rietdijk, S. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & de Jong, P. (speaker) (19-2-2014). Dutch primary school teachers’ beliefs about writing instruction and their classroom practices, Presentation at the Writing Research Across Borders Conference, Paris (F).
    • Schellings, G. (speaker), Van Duijne, N. (speaker), Ter Welle, A. (speaker), Van den Tempel, A. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (27-11-2013). Students' and teachers' perceptions about incentives in the learning environment, Paper presented at EAPRIL 2013, Biel/Bienne, Switzerland.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (14-11-2013). ULO's en Academische Opleidingsscholen, Lezing Studiedag ICL/VSNU, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (4-11-2013). Differentiatie: hoe doe je dat?, Lezing studiedag Spinoza Lyceum, Amsterdam (NL).
    • van de Guchte, M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Bimmel, P. E. (speaker) (4-10-2013). The effects of recasts and prompts. Learning new grammatical structures in Task Based Language Learning, Paper presented at the International Congres on Task-based Language Teaching, Banff, Canada.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (31-8-2013). Writing in linguistics and literature: Effects on knowledge, writing, and science literacy, Paper presented at the 15th biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, München (D).
    • Rietdijk, S. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & de Jong, P. F. (speaker) (28-8-2013). Primary school teachers‘ views on text quality, writing education and their classroom practices, Poster presented at the 15th biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, München (D).
    • Hoeks-van de Guchte, M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Bimmel, P. E. (speaker) (27-8-2013). Learning new grammatical structures in Task Based Language Learning: to prompt or to recast?, Paper presented at the 15th biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, München (D).
    • Rietdijk, S. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & de Jong, P. F. (speaker) (26-8-2013). Better writing: An intervention study, Poster presented at JURE, Munchen, Germany.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (10-6-2013). Writing: design principles for effective writing lessons, Paper presented at IAIMTE Conference 'Literacies and effective learning and teaching for all', Paris (F).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (speaker) (28-2-2013). Onderzoek naar schrijfprocessen en tekstkwaliteit. Demonstratieles V5 Lorentz- Casimir Lyceum, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (2-2-2013). Schreiben-Erheben-Fördern, Workshop des Nachwuchsnetzwerkers Deutschdidaktik im SPD zur Schulung und Qualifizierung von DoktorandInnen und PostdoktoranInnen im empirischer Methodik, Göttingen (D).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (21-12-2012). Instructional models of writing-teacher and students feedback processes, Workshop, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Ramat Rachel Conference Center, Jerusalem, Israel.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (20-12-2012). Learning to write and writing to learn. From practice to theory to practice, Keynote at Symposium, Writing Skills and their development in different age groups, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Bible Lands Museum, Jerusalem, Israel.
    • Sienders, M. (speaker), van den Bongaardt, J. A. C. (speaker), Schellings, G. L. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (21-6-2012). Gedifferentieerd leren differentiëren. Een case-study naar het effect van professionaliseren in de school, Poster presentatie, ORD 2012 (Onderwijs Research Dagen), Wageningen.
    • van de Kamp, M. T. A. (speaker), Admiraal, W. F. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van Drie, J. P. (speaker) (21-6-2012). Metacognitie en divergent denken bij creatieve beeldende processen, Presentatie in symposium: Betekenisvol leren in erfgoed-, media- en kunsteducatie. Onderzoek in cultuureducatie, 2012. Cultuurnetwerk Nederland, Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, NL.
    • Bekker, R. (speaker), Niewold, S. (speaker), Schellings, G. L. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (20-6-2012). Daltonwerk in uitvoering: een kwalitatief onderzoek naar het geven van verantwoordelijkheid aan leerlingen, Paperpresentatie in het symposium “Leeromgevingen gericht op het bevorderen van zelfgereguleerd leren”, ORD 2012 (Onderwijs Research Dagen), Wageningen, NL.
    • van Duijne, N. A. (speaker), van den Tempel, A. (speaker), ter Welle, A. (speaker), Schellings, G. L. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (20-6-2012). Het is toch af? De relatie tussen de leeromgeving en een ‘calculerende’ houding van leerlingen, Round table presentatie, ORD 2012 (Onderwijs Research Dagen), Wageningen.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (7-6-2012). Onderzoek in context: met kleine en grote c, Conferentie Academische scholen in keten van onderzoek, VO-Raad, HBO-raad &VSNU, Nieuwegein, NL.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (22-3-2012). Creating effective learning to write and writing to learn. Creating learning communities in classrooms, Keynote presentation at Conference Faglighed og Skriftlighed, Odense, Denmark.
    • van de Guchte, M. (invited speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (28-1-2012). Increasing Speaking and Writing Abililty, Lecture Academy Gooise Scholenfederatie, Hilversum.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (8-12-2011). Onderzoek als basis en uitkomst van onderwijsverandering, Inleidende keynote op de Implementatieconferentie Nederlandse Taalunie, Hoeven (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (25-11-2011). Academisch schrijven in voortgezet en hoger onderwijs: effectieve didactiek. Plenaire lezing at the conference, Vijfentwintigste conferentie ‘Het schoolvak Nederlands’, Den Haag (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (7-9-2011). Publicing strategies for Writing researchers, Presentation at the Training school COST programme Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Antwerpen (B).
    • Tillema, M. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sanders, T. (speaker) (2-9-2011). Explaining process differences between L1 and L2 writing, Paper presented at EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction), Exeter (UK).
    • van Weijen, D. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Tillema, M. (speaker) (2-9-2011). L1 use during L2 writing: relations between writing skill, language proficiency and text quality, Paper presented at the EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction), Exeter (UK).
    • Fidalgo, R. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Torrance, M. (speaker), Robledo, P. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (1-9-2011). Analysis of instructional components in the strategy instruction in writing, EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction), Exeter (UK).
    • van Steendam, E. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (1-9-2011). Collaborative revision: An investigation into how L2 language learners collaboratively revise, EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction), Exeter (UK).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (30-8-2011). Effects of observational learning in argumentative writing, Paper presented at EARLI (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction), Exeter (UK).
    • Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (30-8-2011). The effect of observational learning on artistic production, Paper presented at the 14th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Exeter (UK).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (15-6-2011). Inquiry learning, hypertext writing, and observational learning as supplementary teaching methods. Workshop presented at, Paper presented at IAIMTE 8th Bi-Annual Conference (International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education), Hildesheim (D).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (9-6-2011). Hypertext writing: Effects on writing processes and writing products, Paper presented at ORD (Onderwijs Research Dagen) 2011: Passie voor Leren, Maastricht (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Groenendijk, T. (speaker) & Janssen, T. M. (speaker) (23-2-2011). Observation as key process in writing process research and as key process in learning to write studies. Invited key note, Paper presented at the Strukturen und Verarbeitung,33. Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft furSprachwissenschaft (DGfS), Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen (D).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (17-2-2011). Honoring substantial and sustained contributions of three writing researchers in the cognitive tradition and one in the social cultural tradition all of whom facilitated communication among writing research across borders, Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Writing Research"Writing Research Across Borders II", George Mason Univerity at Washington DC, USA.
    • Verheyden, L. (speaker), van den Branden, K. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & De Maeyer, S. (speaker) (17-2-2011). Noise or music? Early writing development (8-11 year olds) in the perspective of dynamic systems theory, Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Writing Research "Writing Research Across Borders II", George Mason Univerity at Washington DC, USA.
    • van Steendam, E. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Sercu, L. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (17-2-2011). The effects of performance level and homogeneity in dyad composition in two learning conditions in learning to revise in L2, Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Writing Research"Writing Research Across Borders II", George Mason Univerity at Washington DC, USA.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (17-2-2011). Hypertext writing and observational learning: Effects on writing skills, Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Writing Research"Writing Research Across Borders II", George Mason Univerity at Washington DC, USA.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (29-1-2011). Onderzoeksklimaat op scholen: hoe bereik je dat en hoe houd je dat?, Keynote op de CARN conferentie (Collaborative Action Research Network)/APS (Algemeen Pedagogisch Studiecentrum), Utrecht (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (12-10-2010). Een brug te ver?, Lezing op de conferentie afscheid Mia Verhagen, Open Scholengemeenschap Bijlmer, Amsterdam, NL.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (8-10-2010). Hoe maken we goede toetsen?, Workshop op het Herman Jordan Lyceum, Zeist, NL.
    • Tillema, M. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sanders, T. (speaker) (8-9-2010). The effect of vocabulary knowledge on formulating activitities during the execution of L1 writing tasks, Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Heidelberg (D).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (8-9-2010). Hypertext writing versus linear writing: Effects on pause locations and production activities and its relation with text quality, Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Heidelberg (D).
    • Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (8-9-2010). The effect of peer observation in arts education: An experimental study on learning ot write poetry and making a collage by observing peers at work, Paper presented at the 12th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Heidelberg (D).
    • Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (28-6-2010). The effect of observational learning on students’ performance, processes, and motivation in two creative domains, Paper presented at the Vierde Conferentie Onderzoek in Cultuureducatie, Nijmegen, NL.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (invited speaker) (8-6-2010). Taal doet ertoe, Keynote op Conferentie 'Elkaars Taal Spreken', Rotterdams Onderwijsbeleid, Rotterdam (Albeda College).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (2-6-2010). Werken op een academische school voor vo. Wat moet het brengen?, Lezing op de Academische Opleidingsscholen Almere, Almere, NL.
    • Tillema, M. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sanders, T. (speaker) (26-5-2010). Online metacognitive activity during writing tasks related to self-reports and learning outcomes. The importance of modelling online metacognitive activity across the process of task execution, Paper presented at the 4th Biennial Meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Metacognition, Münster (D).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker), Tillema, M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (20-5-2010). L1-L2 Writing processes, text quality and learner characteristics: empirical studies. Keynote address, Symposium on second Language Writing 2010: Crossing Disciplinary boundaries, Murcia (E).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (31-3-2010). Referentiekader taal; en nu praktisch?, Lezing bij Onderwijsbegeleidingsdienst, Den Haag, NL.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (17-3-2010). Referentiekader taal, Lezing bij Onderwijsbegeleidingsdienst, Rotterdam, NL.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (3-2-2010). Referentiekader Taal, Workshop op scholen voor VO en BO De Lage Waard, Papendrecht, NL.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & Groenendijk, T. (speaker) (20-1-2010). Designing and testing effective writing instruction, Workshop at the Inservice Training Institute, Copenhagen (DK).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Kieft, M. H. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Raedts, M. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker), Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (20-1-2010). Når koden er knækket. Cracking the code. Inquiry activities to learn how text works: How classes create data and learn from these data, Keynote at Danish Writing conference, Copenhagen (DK).
    • Berden-Antonenko, T. A. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sercu, L. (speaker) (25-8-2009). The effects of hands-on and minds-on dialogic learning in teaching intercultural communication, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Verheyden, L. (speaker), van den Branden, K. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & De Maeyer, S. (speaker) (25-8-2009). Teacher beliefs meet learner variables in written narratives of young second language learners, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Verheyden, L. (speaker), van den Branden, K. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Tillema, M. (speaker) & De Maeyer, S. (speaker) (25-8-2009). Do Turkish girls outperform Flemish boys? What do their teachers expect? What do their texts tell?, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • van Steendam, E. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & De Maeyer, S. (speaker) (25-8-2009). The effects of performance level and homogeneity in dyad composition in two learning conditions on learning to revise in L2, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Witte, T. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Schram, D. (speaker) (25-8-2009). Teachers’ developmental model of reading and interpretation, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (25-8-2009). Hypertext writing: Effects on writing processes and writing products, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (25-8-2009). Fostering a community of learners in pre-vocational Dutch secondary education for language learning in the L1 classroom, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Kieft, M. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (25-8-2009). Inquiry learning in the language and literature classroom. Learning to write about research in secondary education, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (25-8-2009). Observational learning in Cultural and Arts Education; Supporting students’ processes in two artistic domains: poetry and visual arts, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Tillema, M. (speaker) (25-8-2009). Cognitive processes during writing processes and their relation with text quality, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Schuitema, J. A. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Veugelers, W. M. M. H. (speaker) & ten Dam, G. T. M. (speaker) (25-8-2009). Discussing moral values in history class: A dialogic approach to citizenship education, 13th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (3-7-2009). Readers’ feedback in Writing Education, School of Education, London University, London (UK).
    • Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (23-6-2009). Observational learning in Cultural and Arts Education; Supporting students’ processes in two artistic domains: poetry and visual arts, 7th IAIMTE-conference, June 23-26, 2009, Toronto (Can).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (23-6-2009). Hypertext writing, observational learning and inquiry learning as supplementary teaching methods (Workshop), 7th IAIMTE-conference, June 23-26, 2009, Toronto (Can).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (16-5-2009). Learning to write without writing (Workshop), National Teachers Association Australia at Edith Cowan University, Perth (AUS).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (14-5-2009). Readers feedback in writing education: an overview, Edith Cowan University, Perth (AUS).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (12-5-2009). Design Research in writing education research: theory and practice, Edith Cowan University, Perth (AUS).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (8-5-2009). Observational learning in writing education: an overview, Edith Cowan University, Perth (AUS).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (6-5-2009). Writing process research: an overview, Edith Cowan University, Perth (AUS).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (28-4-2009). Inquiry learning in writing education (Invited Keynote), University of Cyprus, Nicosia (CY).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (13-4-2009). Inquiry and observation of peers in learning to write: The Yummy Yummy case, 2009 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego (USA).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Raedts, M. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (17-11-2008). Inquiry as key activity in learning to write and writing to learn (Keynote), Norwegian Conference on Writing as fundamental skill in language education and other school subjects, Trondheim (NO).
    • van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (7-11-2008). Doorlopende leerlijnen, Studiedag Levende Talen, Zwolle.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (7-11-2008). Niveaubeschrijvingen Taalonderwijs zijn geen doorlopende leerlijnen, Studiedag Levende Talen, Zwolle.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (6-11-2008). Niveaubeschrijvingen Taalonderwijs basisonderwijs, Conferentie Taal en Rekenen SLO, Zwolle.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (30-10-2008). Niveaubeschrijvingen Taalonderwijs basisonderwijs en eerste fase van voortgezet onderwijs, Conferentie Doorlopende Leerlijnen KPC, Wageningen.
    • Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (19-6-2008). Creative processes in motion: Students’ different approaches to creating a computer animation, 2e conferentie Onderzoek in Cultuureducatie van Cultuurnetwerk, Groningen (NL).
    • van Steendam, E. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Sercu, L. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (11-6-2008). Modeling: An effective instructional strategy in collaborative revisions and its transfer effect to writing, EARLI, Special Interest Group (SIG) Writing, Lund (Sw).
    • Tillema, M. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sanders, T. (speaker) (11-6-2008). Intentional adaptation as a key feature of skilled writing, EARLI, Special Interest Group (SIG) Writing, Lund (Sw).
    • Verheijden, L. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & VandenBranden, K. (speaker) (11-6-2008). Teacher cognitions, and L2-writing classroom practices in primary schools in Flanders, EARLI, Special Interest Group (SIG) Writing, Lund (Sw).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (11-6-2008). Learning and writing processes during inquiry learning and hypertext and linear writing, EARLI, Special Interest Group (SIG) Writing, Lund (Sw).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (11-6-2008). Writing process during hypertext and linear writing, EARLI, Special Interest Group (SIG) Writing, Lund (Sw).
    • Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (11-6-2008). Fostering a writing community, EARLI, Special Interest Group (SIG) Writing, Lund (Sw).
    • van Weijen, D. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sanders, T. (speaker) (11-6-2008). Comparing the relationship between cognitive activities and text quality in L1 and L2 writing, EARLI, Special Interest Group (SIG) Writing, Lund (Sw).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Kieft, M. H. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Raedts, M. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker), Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (26-2-2008). What works in writing: writing processes and learning to write interventions, Presentation at University of Toronto, Toronto (Can).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (22-2-2008). Writing hypertexts: Effects on writing and knowing, Writing Research Across the Borders, 3rd International Santa Barbara Conference on Writing Research, Santa Barbara (Ca, USA).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Kieft, M. H. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Raedts, M. (speaker), van Steendam, E. (speaker), Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (22-2-2008). The yummy yummy case: Learning to write--Observing readers and writers (Keynote), Writing Research Across the Borders, 3rd International Santa Barbara Conference on Writing Research, Santa Barbara (Ca, USA).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (8-2-2008). Doorlopende leerlijnen Taal, Dag voor Kunst, Taal & Literatuur, Groningen.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (30-1-2008). Meer leerlingen op niveau, Conferentie Taalbeleid Amsterdam, De Meervaart.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (16-11-2007). Hypertekst schrijven en ontdekkend leren als aanvullende didactiek, Eenentwintigste conferentie Het Schoolvak Nederlands, Utrecht.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) (9-11-2007). Writing processes and the teaching of writing in 60 minutes, Opening address at the Annual conference of the British Psychological Society, Psychology of Education Section, Stoke-on-Trent (UK).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Janssen, T. M. (speaker) (1-9-2007). Writing hypertexts: Learning and transfer effects, 12th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Budapest (H).
    • Kieft, M. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (28-8-2007). Inquiry and learning to write expository texts, 12th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Budapest (H).
    • Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (28-8-2007). How do secondary school students write short stories? About the relation between writing process and the quality of the final text, 12th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Budapest (H).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (7-7-2007). Writing, Learning to write - Writing to learn, Keynote international Tagung des Forschungsverbunds Textproduction und Schreibcompetenz: Textqualitäten, literale Kompetenzen und Perspektiven der Intervention, Giessen (D).
    • Groenendijk, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (22-6-2007). How do secondary school students write poetry? About the relation between process and product, Conferentie Onderzoek in Cultuureducatie, Utrecht.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) (6-6-2007). Learning by observation of task processes to acquire writing skills. Exploring and testing interactions between learning conditions and student characteristics, Symposium Exemplary Learning, Utrecht.
    • Kieft, M. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (26-3-2007). Increasing the effects of writing-to-learn: Adapting a writing course to students’writing strategies, IAIMTE 2007. Crossing cultural boundaries, Exeter (UK).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Janssen, T. M. (speaker) (26-3-2007). Writing hypertexts versus linear texts: Learning and transfer effects, IAIMTE 2007. Crossing cultural boundaries, Exeter (UK).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) (14-3-2007). Hypertekst schrijven, Nascholingsbijeenkomst van de Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen (B).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Raedts, M. (speaker) & Vellekoop, H. (speaker) (24-11-2006). De kracht en beperkingen van observerend leren in taalonderwijs, Presentaties en workshops voor docenten en vakdidactici Nederlands, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen (B).
    • Kieft, M. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (17-11-2006). Daag ze uit. Een pleidooi om het onderwijs Nederlands in het vwo aantrekkelijker en zwaarder te maken, Het schoolvak Nederlands, Gent (B).
    • Kieft, M. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (17-11-2006). Onderzoekend leren bij Nederlands, Het schoolvak Nederlands, Gent (B).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Broekema, G. (speaker) & Janson, G. (speaker) (17-11-2006). Hypertekst schrijven als aanvullende didactiek, Het schoolvak Nederlands, Gent (B).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) (15-11-2006). Analyzing inputlog data. Simple factoranalysis, Inputlog Beta 2 workshop, Antwerpen (B).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (10-11-2006). Relations between writing processes and text quality: when and how, Discourse, Cognition & Communication, Utrecht (NL).
    • van den Bergh, H. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (9-11-2006). Writing processes and text quality, Discourse, cognition & communication. 25 Jaar Utrechtse taalbeheersing, Utrecht.
    • Kieft, M. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (20-9-2006). Increasing the effects of writing-to-learn. Adapting a writing course to students’ writing strategies, 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Antwerpen (B).
    • Wilkinson, R. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van Essen, A. (speaker) (20-9-2006). Student citations: reflection of increasing expertise, 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Antwerpen (B).
    • Tillema-Kortman, M. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (20-9-2006). The influence of vocabulary knowledge on task execution during L2 writing, 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Antwerpen (B).
    • van Steendam, E. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sercu, L. (speaker) (20-9-2006). Improving text coherence through peer revision. Do ESL-students revise more and better when being trained with peer revision?, 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Antwerpen (B).
    • van Weijen, D. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sanders, T. (speaker) (20-9-2006). Hierarchical analysis of think aloud protocols, 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Antwerpen (B).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (20-9-2006). Writing hypertexts versus linear texts: Learning and transfer effects, 10th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on Writing, Antwerpen (B).
    • Witte, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (22-6-2006). Literary competence and the literature curriculum. Two empirical studies to describe the variation in the literature curriculum and the development of literary competence in upper secondary education in the Netherlands, International Colloquium Mother Tongue Education in a Multicultural World: Case Studies and Networking for Change, Sinaia (RO).
    • Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (27-4-2006). Describing the Dutch literature curriculum; A theoretical and empirical approach, Council of Europe Conference ‘Towards a Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of School Education?'.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Raedts, M. (speaker) & Piena, I. (speaker) (21-4-2006). De kracht en beperkingen van observerend leren in taalonderwijs, Presentaties en workshops voor docenten en vakdidactici Nederlands, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen (B).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (3-2-2006). Leren communiceren, Dag van Taal, Kunsten & Cultuur, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Samihaian, F. (speaker) & Aase, L. (speaker) (21-11-2005). Elements for an L1 (Language of instruction) prototype/FramEwork to analyze, compare and validate curricula, Seminar on Languages of Education: Policies and standards, Strasbourg (FR).
    • Witte, T. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (21-11-2005). Literary competence in L1: What students can do with literary texts and what literature education entails, Seminar on Languages of Education: Policies and standards, Strasbourg (FR).
    • van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), van Weijen, D. (speaker) & Tillema, M. (speaker) (26-10-2005). Analyzing task processes, relating process to learner and task characteristics and to output quality. Statistical modeling, demonstrated for writing processes and reading literary texts in 60 minute, Gold Standard(s) of Quality Research in Science Literacy Conference, Dunsmuir Lodge (Univ of Victoria, British Columbia), Victoria (CA).
    • Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (23-8-2005). Redesigning mother-tongue education in pre-vocational education by fostering a community of learners, 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia (CY).
    • Quoc Lap, T. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (22-8-2005). Learning to learn by using the target language autonomously, 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia (CY).
    • van Weijen, D. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sanders, T. (speaker) (22-8-2005). Adaptivity: Transferring writing processes between tasks (in L1) and between languages (from L1 to FL English), 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia (CY).
    • van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Broekkamp, H. (speaker) (22-8-2005). Adaptivity: Interpreting task approaches in weak and strong learners in various domains of learning, 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia (CY).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (22-8-2005). Effective learning environments: Students as participants and observers while defining text quality criteria, 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia (CY).
    • Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (22-8-2005). Innovating Mother-Tongue Education in pre-vacational education: Fostering a community of learners, 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia (CY).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (22-8-2005). Differences in adaptivity between good and weak literature readers, 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia (CY).
    • Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (22-8-2005). Flexibility in reading literary texts; differences between weak and strong adolescent readers, 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia (CY).
    • Boersma, A. M. E. (speaker), Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker), Krol, K. (speaker), ten Dam, G. T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Volman, M. L. L. (speaker), Wardekker, W. L. (speaker) & Sleegers, P. J. C. (speaker) (22-8-2005). Communities of learners in pre-vocational education, 11th European Conference for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Nicosia (CY).
    • van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (4-7-2005). Analysing writing processes: Methodology course in 60 minutes, Ecole thématique: Analyses pluridisciplinaire de l'ecriture. Convergencess et Débats, Poitiers (FR).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Kieft, M. H. (speaker), Broekkamp, H. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (4-7-2005). Psychology and the teaching of writing in 60 minutes, Ecole thématique: Analyses pluridisciplinaire de l'ecriture. Convergencess et Débats, Poitiers (FR).
    • Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (2-6-2005). Lezen in de diepte; literatuur leren interpreteren door vragen stellen, Stichting Lezen-congres Lezen in de lengte en lezen in de breedte (VU), Amsterdam (NL).
    • Kieft, M. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (11-5-2005). Learning-to-write argumentative texts about literature, 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE), Albi (FR).
    • Toorenaar, J. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (10-5-2005). The classroom as community of learners for students for mother tongue education in pre-vocational education, 5th Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE), Albi (FR).
    • Vedder, S. C. (speaker), Kuiken, F. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (9-4-2005). Schrijven in het Frans: makkelijk of moeilijk?, Frans, een wereldtaal, Ede (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (28-1-2005). De Smikkelcasus: leren schrijven van argumentatieve teksten in de brugklas en verder, Good Practice Day, Leiden (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Kieft, M. H. (speaker) & Janssen, T. M. (speaker) (12-11-2004). Issues in the Teaching of Writing: creating purpose, audience, & communities of learners, Seminar Reconceptualizing Writing 5-16: Cross phase and cross disciplinary perspectives, Londen (GB).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (22-9-2004). Idea Generation during writing in a dynamic, compensatory process: An online study, 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing, Geneva (S).
    • Wilkinson, R. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van Essen, A. (speaker) (22-9-2004). Patterns of citation behavior in published psychology articles, 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing, Geneva (S).
    • van Weijen, D. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Sanders, T. (speaker) (22-9-2004). Writing Processes in L1 and in a Foreign Language: A first exploration, 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing, Geneva (S).
    • Raedts, M. (speaker), Dames, F. (speaker), van Waes, K. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (22-9-2004). Match or mismatch? Students' self-efficacy beliefs and their scores on a difficult writing task, 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing, Geneva (S).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) (22-9-2004). Students as researchers: Defining text quality criteria, 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing, Geneva (S).
    • Kieft, M. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (20-9-2004). Writing styles and writing tasks, 9th International Conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group of Writing, Geneva (S).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Kieft, M. H. (speaker), Broekkamp, H. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (9-9-2004). Psychology and the teaching of writing in 60 minutes (Invited Speaker), Seminar British Journal of Educational Psychology. `Pedagogy: Teaching for Learning'. University of Leeds, Leeds (GB).
    • Raedts, M. (speaker), Daems, F. (speaker), van Waes, L. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (9-6-2004). De invloed van zelfeffectiviteitsverwachtingen op de schrijfprestaties van eerstejaarsstudenten, Onderwijs Research Dagen 2004, Utrecht (NL).
    • Rymenans, R. (speaker), De Maeyer, S. (speaker), Van Petegem, P. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (9-6-2004). Schooleffectiviteit in het Vlaams technisch- en beroepsonderwijs. Een multivariate multilevelanalyse, Onderwijs Research Dagen 2004, Utrecht (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (20-5-2004). Writing to learn versus learning to write: An international perspective, 7th National Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, St. Louis, Missouri (USA).
    • Kieft, M. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (20-5-2004). Learning to write argumentative texts about literature, 7th National Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, St. Louis, Missouri (USA).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (16-4-2004). Schrijven in het Nederlands en in het Engels, Anéla Studiedag 'Kijk op schrijven in T1 en T2', Utrecht (NL), UU.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) (6-2-2004). Lessen uit onderzoek: De Smikkel Case, Conferentie Kunst, Taal & Cultuur, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen (NL).
    • van Batenburg, E. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Ides, J. C. P. (speaker) (29-1-2004). Leentjebuur: een programma engels in de bovenbouw, afgestemd op, en opgesteld met hulp van Nederlands, Workshop Jaarvergadering Vereniging voor Leraren in Levende Talen, Utrecht (NL), Domstad Academie.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (2004). The development and validation of the speaking apprehension measure, 25th international conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society, Amsterdam (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (6-10-2003). Observation as research and learning tool in methodology of writing, Studium Generale of the University of Olomouc, Olomouc (Cs).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (26-8-2003). Keynote: Studying processes in writing and reading literary fiction: outcomes for researchers & learners, 10th European Conference for Learning and Instruction, Padua (I).
    • Galbraith, D. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (26-8-2003). Psychological analysis of the processes of using language for learning, 10th European Conference for Learning and Instruction, Padua (I).
    • Broekkamp, H. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (26-8-2003). Task demands and test expectations: Theory and empirical research on students' self-regulated studying in preparation for teacher-made tests, 10th European Conference for Learning and Instruction, Padua (I).
    • Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (26-8-2003). Reading for points and problems. A study of students' literary interpretation processes, 10th European Conference for Learning and Instruction, Padua (I).
    • Kieft, M. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (28-7-2003). Learning to write argumentative texts about literature, 4th International Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education, Lissabon (P).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Witte, Th. (speaker) (28-7-2003). A heuristic model for evaluating L1 textbooks, 4th International Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education, Lissabon (P).
    • Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (28-7-2003). Reading for points and problems. A study of students' literary interpretation processes, 4th International Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education, Lissabon (P).
    • Janssen, T. M. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (28-7-2003). "The interview" by Primo L. A study of students' processes of interpretation, related to the quality of their post reading responses, 4th International Conference of the International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education, Lissabon (P).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (18-6-2003). Levende Talendidactiek, Landelijke Studiedag Talendidactici, Universiteit Leiden (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (12-5-2003). Vreemd Talenonderwijs. Twee lesvoorbeelden. Openingslezing Landelijke Studiedag Vakdidactiek Nederlands, Landelijke Studiedag Vakdidactiek Nederlands, Utrecht.
    • Rigo-Toh, R. (speaker), Ure, C. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (3-3-2003). Early literacy: what do preschool teachers think and do about it?, Conference on early literacy, University of Warwick (UK).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van Batenburg, E. (speaker) & Ides, J. C. P. (speaker) (14-2-2003). Making connections. Empowering content and Methodology of L1-L2 lessons in Upper Secondary Education in the Netherlands, Congres Engels, Woutschoten (NL).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (speaker) (16-12-2002). Observational learning and its effects on the orchestration of writing processes, VioT 2002, Antwerpen (B).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) & Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) (1-11-2002). Teaching composition in secondary education, Second International Conference on Literacy, Literacy in the New Millennium, Patras (Gr).
    • Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (12-9-2002). Learning about physics by explaining to peer students, Int Conf on Ontological, Epistemological, Linguistic and Pedagogical Considerations of Language and Science Literacy: Empowering Research and Informing Instruction, University of Victoria (Ca).
    • Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (10-7-2002). Writing in L1 and L2: does it make a difference?, 8 th International Conference of EARLI, Stafford (UK).
    • Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (10-7-2002). Writing about literature in modern text books: An analysis, EARLI, SIG Writing, Stafford (UK).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (speaker) (10-7-2002). Observational learning and its effects on the orchestration of writing processes, 8 th International Conference of EARLI, Stafford (UK).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (speaker) (29-5-2002). Observational learning and its effects on the orchestration of writing processes, Onderwijs Research Dagen, Antwerpen (B).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (27-5-2002). Examenbespreking HAVO-VWO, eerste tijdvak, Vereniging van Leraren in Levende Talen, Utrecht.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (22-5-2002). Examens. Motor van vernieuwing?, Vereniging voor funderend Onderwijs, Amersfoort.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (22-5-2002). Examens. Motor van vernieuwing?, Vereniging voor funderend Onderwijs, Amersfoort.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (29-4-2002). Teaching written composition in secondary education, CMI seminar Writing, University of Hong Kong.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (27-4-2002). Teaching L1 and L2 in future Europe. Making connections in bilingual education, Conference Advancing Mother Tongue Education: Local and International Experience, University of Hong Kong, org by CMI Support Centre.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (2-3-2002). Engels een vreemde taal?, Studie Engels Levende Talen, Utrecht.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (1-3-2002). Vreemd talenonderwijs, Talencentrum, Horizon College Hoorn.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (15-2-2002). Taaldidactisch onderzoeksprogramma, Amsterdam Centre of Language & Communication, University of Amsterdam.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) & Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) (9-12-2001). Creating learning environments in L1-education = Creating researching communities., Second International Symposium of the National Education Institute of Slovenia., Portoroz (Sl).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (15-11-2001). Vreemd Talenonderwijs., Languages: Promoting Good Practices., Rotterdam (NL).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (28-8-2001). Observational Learning and the Effects of Model-Observer Similarity., 9th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction., Fribourg (Ch).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (25-6-2001). Observational Learning and the Effects of Model-Observer Similarity., Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD), Amsterdam.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (14-6-2001). De universitaire lerarenopleiding aan de UvA., Studiedag inspecteurs Vreemde Talenonderwijs uit Vlaanderen en Nederland, Dordrecht (NL).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (10-4-2001). Global and local issues in European writing research: The richness of variety., Syposium AERA 2001, April 10-13, Seattle. International Research into Writing: An European-American Dialogue on Global and Local Issues., Seattle (USA).
    • Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (7-9-2000). Writing processes and text quality: effects of L1/L2., International Meeting of the EARLI SIG 'Writing'., Verona.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (1-8-2000). Learning to read and write by observation. Presentation at the Fourth International Conference for Global Conversations on Language and Literacy, August 1-5, 2000, Utrecht., Fourth International Conference for Global Conversations on Language and Literacy., Utrecht.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (24-5-2000). Argumentatieve teksten leren schrijven en lezen door observeren: focus op goede modellen of zwakke modellen., Onderwijs Research Dagen, Leiden.
    • Broekkamp, H. (speaker), van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (speaker), Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) & van den Bergh, H. (speaker) (3-3-2000). Studying text in a classroom context: task demands teachers set and students' test ex-pectations., Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)., New Orleans.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (8-10-1999). Kan er nog wat meer bij? Of twee vliegen in één klap., 13e Conferentie schoolvak Nederlands, utrecht.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (24-8-1999). Learning-by-task-Observation; Focus on Good Models or focus on Weak Models., 8th EARLI, Göteborg (Sw).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) (24-8-1999). Requirements for Composing Hypertext: learning to compose and decompose text., 8th EARLI, Göteborg (Sw).
    • Couzijn, M. J. (speaker), van den Bergh, H. (speaker), Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (24-8-1999). Learning to write and read argumentative text by task observation: effective learning activities in observation task., 8th EARLI Conference, Göteborg (Sw).
    • Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (14-7-1999). About the capacity to learn to write., 2nd IAIMTE, Amsterdam.
    • Broekkamp, H. (speaker), van Hout-Wolters, B. H. A. M. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (1999). Task demands of teachers and student's test expectations., 8th EARLI, Goteborg.
    • Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (17-12-1998). Document design as an educational tool in writing instruction, 1st International Conference on Document design, Tilburg.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (2-7-1998). Learning to write by observation: patterns of students' thinking activities, 1998 European Writing Conference, Poitiers.
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (2-6-1998). Trends in de Nederlandse en Vlaamse opleidingen voor leraren Moedertaal en Nederlands., Studie- en Netwerkdag voor Vlaamse en Nederlandse Lerarenopleiders, K.U. Brabant, Tilburg.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (13-5-1998). Argumentatieve teksten leren schrijven en lezen door observeren: welke instructiekenmerken leiden tot procesgeorienteerde observaties?, Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD), Enschede.
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (26-8-1997). Learning to write and read argumentative texts by observation: an explorative study on effective learning activities in observation tasks., 7th European Conference on Learning and Instruction, Athene (Gr).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (26-8-1997). Argumentation on argumentation: a post hoc analysis of argumentation strategies., 7th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Athene (Gr).
    • Bimmel, P. E. (speaker), Oostdam, R. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (26-8-1997). Training and transfer of strategies, EARLI Conference, Athene (GR).
    • Couzijn, M. J. (speaker) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (speaker) (2-6-1995). Lees- en schrijfstrategieen onderwijzen door middel van observaties, Studiedag VIA wisselwerking tussen Instructie- en leerstrategieen, Belgie.


    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (consultant) (19-4-2022). Wat is onze missie?, Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands (consultancy).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (consultant) (21-2-2022). Herziening leerplan Nederlands, Geuzencollege Vlaardingen (consultancy).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (consultant) (21-2-2022). Bevorderen van fomuleervaardgheid in het vmbo in zaakvakken, Geuzencollege Vlaardingen (consultancy).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (consultant) (8-2-2022). Na pisa de lente. Docenten in gesprek met docenten-ontwikkelaars., Werkgroep Onderzoek en Didactiek Nederlands van Levende Talen Nederlands (consultancy).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (participant) (31-10-2021). Didaktief Debat, Amersfoort (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (consultant) (1-1-2021 - 31-12-2021). Ad hoc consultancy Wetenschappelijke Curriculum Commissie, Wetenschappelijke Curriculum Commissie (consultancy).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (consultant) (9-11-2019). Analyse Schrijfvaardigheidsonderwijs Tweedegraadsopleidingen Nederlands, Bestuurlijk overleg HBO-lerarenopleidingen ADEF (consultancy).
    • van Ockenburg, L. (participant), van Weijen, D. (participant) & Rijlaarsdam, G. (participant) (28-6-2019). 12th conference of the International Association for Research in L1 Education (ARLE) 2019, Lisbon. A little glimpse into Synthesis Writing interventions from different nations: similarities and differences; Symposium organised at ARLE 2019Symposium (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (organiser) (3-6-2015 - 5-6-2015). 10th IAIMTE Conference 2015: Languages, Literatures, and Literacies, Odense, Denmark. Member of the Scientific committee (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (organiser) (27-8-2014 - 29-8-2014). Conference on Writing Research for EARLI SIG Writing, Amsterdam. Conference on Writing Research (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (organiser), Bouwer, R. (organiser), Koster, M. (organiser), Rietdijk, S. (organiser) & van den Bergh, H. H. (organiser) (25-8-2014 - 27-8-2014). Research School, Utrecht. Research School on Writing (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (participant) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (participant) (27-8-2013 - 31-8-2013). Organizers Symposium EARLI Conference, Munich, Germany. Intervention studies in writing-to-learn (part I): Effects on comprehension (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (participant) & Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (participant) (27-8-2013 - 31-8-2013). Organizers Symposium EARLI Conference, Munich, Germany. Intervention studies in writing-to-learn (part II): Effects on domain-specific learning outcomes (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (participant) (10-5-2012 - 11-5-2012). Better writing and better reading by writing, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. (participant) (2007 - 2009). Earli 2009, 13th Biennial Conference. Fostering Communities of Learners, Amsterdam. Conference Manager (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Boersma, A. (participant), Toorenaar, A. (participant), Krol, K. (participant), ten Dam, G. (participant), Rijlaarsdam, G. (participant), Volman, M. (participant), Wardekker, W. L. (participant) & Sleegers, P. J. C. (participant) (2005). 11th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Nicoisa, Cyprus. Communities of learning in pre-vocational education (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (other) (2000). Member Scientific Committee, SIG Writing Conference 2000 (other).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (other) (1999 - 2001). Chair, IAIMTE (other).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (participant) (1999). Taalbeheersing VIOT, Delft (Nl). Member Scientific Committee (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (participant) (1999). SIG Writing, Verona (It). Member Scientific Committee (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rijlaarsdam, G. C. W. (participant) (1999). Het Schoolvak Nederlands, Utrecht (Nl). Member Programmacommissie (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).






    • Luger, S. (2020). Lost in Latin translation: Teaching students to produce coherent target texts. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • Vandermeulen, N. (2020). Synthesis Writing in upper-secondary Education: From a baseline of texts and processes to process-oriented feedback. [Thesis, fully external, University of Antwerp, KU Leuven].



    • Kríz, M. (2014). Onderwijs Nederlands in Centraal-Europa: Zes gevalsbeschrijvingen van effectieve NVT-instellingen. [Thesis, fully external, Universiteit Utrecht].




    • van Weijen, D. (2009). Writing processes, text quality, and tasks effects. Empirical studies in first and second language writing. [Thesis, fully external, Universiteit Utrecht]. LOT.


    • Raedts, M. (2008). De invloed van zelfeffectiviteitsverwachtingen, taakkeniis en observerend leren bij een nieuw en complexe schrijftaak. The effect of self-efficacy expectations, task knowledge and observational learnig in a new and complex writing task. [Thesis, fully external, Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen].
    • Witte, T. (2008). Het oog van de meester : een onderzoek naar de literaire ontwikkeling van HAVO- en VWO-leerlingen in de tweede fase van het voortgezet onderwijs. Uitgeverij Eburon.
    • van Steendam, E. (2008). Effective instructional strategies in collaborative revision in ESL. The effects of two empirical studies.


    • Koet, A. G. M. (2007). Polder English in Dutch ears : empirical studies on the evaluation of the pronunciation of English as a foreign language. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Kieft, M. H. (2006). The effects of adapting writing instruction to students' writing strategies. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. ICO. [details]
    • Rigo-Toth, R. (2006). A study of the influences of home and preschool factors on young children's literacy achievement.


    • De Maeyer, S., & Rymenans, R. (2004). Onderzoek naar kenmerken van effectieve scholen. Kritische factoren in een onderzoek naar schooleffectiviteit in het technisch en beroepssecundair onderwijs in Vlaanderen.



    • Braaksma, M. A. H. (2002). Observational learning in argumentative writing. [Thesis, fully internal, Instituut voor de Lerarenopleiding / Fac Mens-Gedr]. [details]


    • Janssen, T. M. (1998). Literatuuronderwijs bij benadering: een empirisch onderzoek naar de vormgeving en opbrengsten van het literatuuronderwijs Nederlands in de bovenbouw van het havo en vwo. Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers. [details]


    • Overmaat, A. M. (1996). Schrijven en lezen met tekstschema's: Effectief onderwijs in schriftelijke taalvaardigheid in de bovenbouw van het voortgezet onderwijs. Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm Instituut/Fac. der POW. [details]


    • Couzijn, M. J. (1995). Observation of writing and reading activities: Effects on learning and transfer. [details]


    • van Gelderen, A. J. S. (1992). De evaluatie van spreekvaardigheid in communicatieve studies: globale beoordelingen en gedetailleerde analyse van 11- en 12-jarigen. Amsterdam: SCO-Kohnstamm. [details]


    • Schoonen, R. (1991). De evaluatie van schrijfvaardigheidsmetingen. Een empirische studie naar betrouwbaarheid, validiteit en bruikbaarheid van schrijfvaardigheidsmetingen in de achtste groep van het basisonderwijs. [details]
    • Van de Gein, J. (1991). The sense of sentences: a study into the effects of grammar instruction upon junior writing. [Thesis, fully external, Universiteit Utrecht].


    • Vandermeulen, N., Steendam, E., Rijlaarsdam, G., Leijten, M., Waes, L., Lesterhuis, M., Maeyer, S., Bergh, H. & Broek, B. (14-6-2020). DATASET - Baseline data LIFT Synthesis Writing project. Zenodo.
    • Vandermeulen, N., Steendam, E. & Rijlaarsdam, G. (14-6-2020). DATASET - Intervention: process-oriented feedback on synthesis writing. Zenodo.


    • Vandermeulen, N., van den Broek, B., Van Steendam, E. & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2019). DATASET - In search of an effective source use pattern for writing argumentative and informative synthesis texts. Zenodo.
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