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The transition from secondary school to university can be a major step. For this reason, you will receive intensive academic counselling as a 1-year student. You can also count on individual support during the rest of your studies.

Academic student counselling

Our study advisers are here to help if you have questions or problems with your studies. They can give you tips and advice on the best way to study, or recommend an optional course to brush up on your weak spots.

The study advisers are available by appointment during office hours and you can also drop by during walk-in hours.

Find your way around with your mentor

The academic lifestyle can be demanding and take some getting used to. But you don’thave to worry about getting lost in this brave new world. On the contrary. During your first year you can join your Study Association and join a committee or sign up for a social mentor to show you around campus and Amsterdam’s hot spots.

Discuss progress with your academic tutor

Every student has his or her own academic tutor. You talk about your study goals and progress individually with this senior student, or in class with fellow students. Your tutor will also help you learn and apply helpful study skills to study more efficiently.

Prepare for your career

The Economics and Business Career Centre (EBCC) helps you explore, develop individual skills, gain experience and build connections. The team of career assistants, career coaches and internship advisors help you focus on your individual career journey.