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The application process depends on where you have completed your prior education.

Students with Dutch prior education

1 May 2025

Application process

If you have obtained or will obtain a diploma or certificate from a Dutch educational institution (VWO-diploma ​including Wiskunde A or B or HBO-propaedeutic diploma ​and VWO-level Wiskunde A or B), you can follow the application procedure via the link below:

Students with international prior education


  • For non-EU/EEA students and EU/EEA students with an international degree who require services from the UvA (housing/visa): 1 April 2025
  • For EU/EEA students with an international degree who do not require services from the UvA (housing/visa):1 May 2025

Application process
If you have obtained or will obtain a diploma or degree certificate from an educational institution outside the Netherlands or at an international school in the Netherlands, you can follow the application procedure via the link below:

UvA Matching

After submitting your enrolment application in Studielink you will receive an email with your UvAnetID. You can use this to log in to the Enrolment Checklist, which is where you sign up for UvA Matching.