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Choosing the degree programme that is a perfect fit for you will increase the chance of being successful in your academic studies. Therefore, UvA Matching is an essential and mandatory part of your enrolment in a Bachelor’s programme. The Matching activities will give you a preview of the programme. This will help you assess whether the programme of your choice matches your interests and capabilities and whether you have the motivation and study skills to start the programme in September. Matching will allow you to do this final check, before actually becoming a student of Computational Social Science.

If you have applied for our Computational Social Science programme and have received a positive admission decision, you are able to sign up for the course ‘Matching Computational Social Science’ via the ‘Checklist application’. You will receive an email with more information about the Matching procedure and activities in the course before the end of May 2025.

Matching for Computational Social Science will be offered in the period of May 31 up to and including June 13 2025. In this period, you assess whether the study of your choice matches your expectations and interests, your (study) skills and competences and your motivation and ambitions.

The Computational Social Science community and working in group projects form key elements of our programme. Therefore, some of the Matching components will also be offered on-site at Roeterseilandcampus such as the Meet and Match information session and the Group Exercise. During these on-site activities, you will get a real-life impression on what it would be like studying at Computational Social Science. Students living abroad will be offered to participate in an online setting.

The Matching procedure for Computational Social Science consists of three mandatory components and a Meet and Match session.

1. Completion of our online reflection form

2. Self-study of course materials + online assessment

3. Participation in a group exercise

You will be able to make these assignments at your own pace between May 30 and June 13, except for group exercise participation. 

Please note: UvA Matching is a mandatory study choice check. You are expected to participate with sufficient commitment in all parts of the Matching procedure if you want to start the programme in September 2025.

Meet & Match
If you are able to join us in Amsterdam, we would like to welcome you to a Meet and Match meeting at our Roeterseilandcampus in the city centre. You will be able to meet teaching staff and each other. Presence at this meeting is highly recommended. It is not mandatory if you, for instance, live abroad. We will share a recording of the information shared during the meeting via Canvas afterwards.


  • We will send a welcome letter to all who registered for ‘Matching Computational Social Science’ with detailed information.
  • Meet and Match meeting at Roeterseilandcampus Amsterdam
  • Participation group exercise. Either on-site or online.
  • Deadline online assessment + online reflection form
  • After completion of the Matching activities, you will receive feedback and an official personal advice letter on behalf of our programme team. This advice is non-binding. However, we strongly advise you to reconsider your choice of degree programme if the recommendation is negative. A positive match from both you and the programme will increase the chance of being successful in your academic studies.

Participation in UvA Matching is obligatory for all new Bachelor's students at the University of Amsterdam and other Dutch universities.

UvA students switching degree programmes and who wish to start Computational Social Science in September 2025 are strongly advised to participate in Matching. This will give you insights in whether the content, level and workload of the programme matches your expectations, learning style and study habits.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at Computational Social Science for Matching!

Frequently asked questions about UvA Matching

Any questions on the Matching can be addressed to the Education Desk Social Sciences through or +31 (0)20 525 3777.