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In this two-year track in the Master's programme Chemistry you are required to choose five courses from the following list of topics. As there are no restrictions on the choice of courses, you have the unique possibility of an in-depth specialisation in one particular area or a tailor-made programme in which various areas and methods are combined. Your whole second year is dedicated to your research project and literature study. It is also possible to follow this programme part-time.


For detailed information regarding the curriculum and courses, please see the UvA Course Catalogue.

  • Constrained choice (min 30 EC)
    • Physical Organic Chemistry       
    • Quantum Theory of Molecules and Matter        
    • Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanomaterials 
    • Organometallic Chemistry and Reactivity     
    • Enzymes in Organic Chemistry 
    • Statistical Theory of Complex Molecular Systems           
    • Understanding Quantum Chemistry      
    • Heterogeneous Catalysis           
    • Understanding Molecular Simulation    
    • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance   
    • Synthetic Organic Chemistry    
    • Homogeneous Catalysis            
    • Synthetic Strategies      
    • Advanced Computational Chemistry     
    • Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques
  • Elective courses
    • Biotechnology for molecular discovery 
    • Advanced Molecular Orbital Theory      
    • Relativistic Quantum Chemistry             
    • Scientific Computing and Programming
    • Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics   
    • Biomolecular Simulations          
    • Concepts in Chemical Biology   
    • Machine Learning in Chemistry
    • Molecular Modelling for Sustainability 
    • Molecular Photochemistry        
    • Second Quantization Techniques in Quantum Chemistry
    • All other courses from this track and from the MSc Chemistry
  • Majors and Minors

    At the UvA  you can choose to do your Master's programme with a society-/ business-oriented major or minor that focuses on other skills than doing research. In this case you will follow the programme of your chosen scientific discipline during the first year of your Master's (although slightly adjusted), and a society-/ business-oriented major or minor during the second year. You will graduate as a Master of Science. If you have the ambition to do a professional specialisation make sure to inform about conditions early in your Master's programme.

Research project

The programme's research training takes place in the form of a major research project, usually within one of the participating research groups. The project includes a written Master's thesis and an oral presentation.

Renowned research institutes

The programme is embedded in various leading national and international research institutes, such as the Research Priority Area Sustainable Chemistry of the University of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling (ACMM, part of  CECAM) and the  LaserLab Amsterdam (part of  LaserLab Europe). These collaborations provide you with direct access to  a broad pool of experts in relevant fields of study.

Literature study

In addition to the research project you also do a literature study on a subject of your own choosing. You will present your results in an oral presentation to the staff of the division or institute and your fellow students. 

Studying part-time

The Chemistry master can also be done part-time, however there is no separate part-time programme. Part-time in this case means that you do the same programme as the full-time programme, but at your own pace, for example one course per period instead of two. Therefore the schedule for part-time studying is a subset of the full-time schedule, which means that per period you choose which courses to follow, so you can spread out the workload. There are no evening classes and no separate courses for part-time students. You do the exact same programme as the full-time students, at the same moments, only it takes longer.

The tuition fee for the part-time programme is different from the one for the full-time programme. Also see the tuition fee overview.

Due to visa requirements, students with a nationality outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland cannot join the part-time programme.

Excellence programme

The HRSMC Class of Excellence is a two-year excellence Master's programme in all three areas of Sustainable Molecular Chemistry: synthesis, spectroscopy, and theory. This programme has been developed for talented chemistry students. It guides them to become an expert in synthesis, spectroscopy and chemistry theory.

Pre-Master's programme in Chemistry

Generally, candidates with a Bachelor's degree from a (Dutch) university of applied sciences (HBO) can be admitted to the MSc Chemistry only after completion of a pre-Master's programme ("schakelprogramma").

Bring your own device

All students enrolled in the Chemistry Master's programme are requested to bring their own laptop. More information on specific system requirements can be found here.

Joint degree programme with VU Amsterdam

Chemistry is a joint degree programme of the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Courses are taught at locations of both universities. UvA and VU jointly issue a degree certificate to graduates. As a Chemistry student in Amsterdam you benefit from expertise, networks and research projects at both universities and affiliated research institutes.

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