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Meet a few of the staff members of the Master's Public International Law at the Amsterdam Law School.

Programme Director

Prof. dr. S.W.B. (Stephan) Schill LLM

Faculty of Law

Public International Law

Programme Coordinator

Dr. R. (Rosanne) van Alebeek

Faculty of Law

Public International Law

Lecturers of Compulsory Courses

Prof. I. (Ingo) Venzke

Faculty of Law

Public International Law

Mr. dr. N. (Natasa) Nedeski

Faculty of Law

Public International Law

Lecturers of Elective Courses

Mr. dr. N. (Natasa) Nedeski

Faculty of Law

Public International Law

Dr. G. (Geraldo) Vidigal

Faculty of Law

Public International Law

Mr. L.C. (Lara) Talsma LLM

Faculty of Law

Public International Law

Prof. G.K. (Göran) Sluiter

Faculty of Law

Criminal Law

Prof. dr. S.W.B. (Stephan) Schill LLM

Faculty of Law

Public International Law

Prof. T.D. (Terry) Gill

Faculty of Law

Criminal Law