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With a Bachelor’s degree in hand, you can choose to enroll in a related Master’s programme or take your first steps on the national and international job market. As a graduate of this Bachelor's, you will have the skills and knowledge required for a great range of intellectual, research, textual, creative, and critical careers. You will have broad knowledge of cultural phenomena and processes, and you will be able to write clear, informative, well-argued, and well-structured texts. These are all vital skills for the cultural sector, education, journalism, and the commercial sector. Learn more about your opportunities below.

A related Master's programme

Most students enrol in a Master’s programme to acquire broader or more specialised academic knowledge. The UvA offers over 220 one-, one and a half- and two-year Master’s programmes. If you are looking to acquire broader or more specialised academic knowledge following your Bachelor's, apply for one of the UvA's Master's programmes. 

With a bachelor's degree in Literary and Cultural Analysis you can, for example, be admitted to the one-year (60 EC) Master's programmes:

You can also enroll in a Dual Master's programme: a one and a half-year (90EC) professional programme that incorporates an internship placement. With a Bachelor's in Literary and Cultural Analysis, you meet the entry requirements for the following Dual Master's programmes:

If you have a strong interest in and affinity with research, you can enrol in a two-year (120 ECTS credits) Research Master's programme. A selection procedure applies to all Research Master's students. With a Bachelor's in Literary and Cultural Analysis you can apply, for example, for the following Research Master's:

Your diploma is not a farewell

After graduating, you don't have to say goodbye to the University of Amsterdam! We are happy to help you develop your career. You can join the young alumni programme, which will assist you in mapping out your career. And as an alumnus, you can also still use the Student Careers Centre.  

Professions for LCA graduates

Students with a BA degree in Literary and Cultural Analysis have found employment in the following sectors, in the Netherlands and abroad: 

  • Cultural sectors: as curators, artists, programmers, producers, or administrators; 
  • Journalism and media sector: as editors, writers, producers, and researchers for newspapers, magazines, broadcasters, and production companies;
  • Commercial sector: as writers,copy editors, market; 
  • Publishing sector: as authors and editors – one of our alumni even started their own publishing house and several of our alumni are published novelists and poets; 
  • Education sector: as teachers at all levels, from primary school to higher education. 
  • Government and NGO sector: as policymakers, researchers, and administrators at local, provincial, national and international levels.