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A Master of Science degree in Quantum Computer Science gives you a strong foundation for working in key positions, in knowledge-intensive research centers or business. The distinction between research and industry is not always very strict, since part of the industry is also research oriented.

As a quantum expert, career prospects are quite unique. About half of the graduates pursue a PhD and contribute to academic research and education in quantum (related) topics, while the other half move on to a career outside academia.   


The MSc Quantum Computer Science (QuCS) programme will be an excellent stepping stone for a PhD position. This is particularly due to the programme’s focus on research rather than, for instance, the application of quantum technology in engineering.  


Several sectors and branches apply quantum computing to their everyday processes, or will do so in the near future. Consider, for instance:

  • Financial institutions (such as ABN AMRO)
  • Technology companies (such as Google, IBM, Amazon, Microsoft and KPN)
  • Pharmaceutical companies (such as AkzoNobel)
  • Multinational corporations (such as Ahold Delhaize)

After graduating from the Master’s in Quantum Computer Science, you might work in existing or newly established quantum research and development (R&D) groups, or as a quantum software developer.