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All University of Amsterdam Economics and Business (UvA EB) Bachelor of Science and Master of Science programmes have been accredited by the Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie (NVAO, Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders). This means that the programmes meet the high quality standards required by Dutch law.

Furthermore, the UvA's Amsterdam Business School is very proud to be Triple Accreditated by AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS, 3 international accreditation organisations. Less than 1% of all business schools worldwide  have obtained Triple Crown Accreditation.
Finally, the UvA passed the NVAO Institutional Audit in 2018 with great success. This means all quality assurance processes at the UvA are in order.

  • NVAO accreditation

    In order to be eligible for NVAO accreditation, all UvA programmes are inspected once every 6 years. To enable such inspections, the programme is first required to write a self-assessment in which the following questions are addressed: What is the programme’s objective? How does the programme effectuate this? Are the objectives achieved?

    After drawing up the self-assessment, the programme is visited by an assessment panel. Based on the self-assessment and various interviews held with programme management, lecturers, instructors, students and alumni of the programme, the panel judges whether the programme meets all requirements. If the panel issues a positive recommendation, the programme is accredited by NVAO for a period of 6 years.

  • NVAO Institutional Audit University of Amsterdam

    The UvA itself is also assessed by the NVAO once every 6 years, by means of a review of the institution as a whole: the NVAO Institutional Audit. During this review, an assessment is carried out to ensure all quality assurance processes at the UvA are in order. The central question posed during the institution inspection reads as follows: Is the UvA Executive Board in control where education and the processes surrounding education are concerned? This is verified by the NVAO in the same manner as the review of a programme. The UvA is first asked to draft a self-assessment. The assessment panel subsequently makes a site visit to the UvA for the purpose of the audit. The UvA passed the NVAO Institutional Audit in 2018 with great success.

  • International accreditations

    Because of the internationalisation in higher education, international accreditations as AACSBAMBA and EQUIS, are very important. UvA Economics and Business holds the EQUIS accreditation since 2007 and the AACSB and AMBA accreditations since 2016. Due to these accrediations UvA Economics and Business is now the proud bearer of the Triple Crown Accreditation. The international accreditations give international students a better idea of the quality of the Economics and Business programmes at the UvA. They demonstrate that the quality standards are met to prospective international students. The accreditations enable UvA Economics and Business to attract excellent foreign students.

    Likewise, UvA Economics and Business can recruit and employ high-quality lecturers from abroad. International accreditations ensure that the quality of the education as well as that of the research and the organisation around them continually improves. Finally, international accreditations also act as a driver for innovation. After all, during the international accreditation inspections all aspects of UvA Economics and Business are critically reviewed. As a result, UvA Economics and Business is assumed to be in the process of continuously improving the quality of its education and research.