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Determine whether you only need a VVR permit, or you need an MVV visa plus VVR permit. Also, find information on deadlines, conditions and costs.
Applying for a Dutch residence permit
Watch the video on how to apply for a Dutch residence permit (2:47 mins).

When do you need a residence permit?

As a non-EU student, you will need a Dutch residence permit based on your study. In addition, depending on your nationality, you may also need an entry visa (MVV) to enter the Netherlands. The UvA Immigration team will send your application to the IND, the Immigration and Naturalisation Service of the Netherlands. The IND will decide on your application. When an MVV is required, we'll simultaneously apply for your residence permit and your MVV.

We will be sending the invitations to apply for residence permits in the first week of May 2024 to MVV students (which are always required to have an entry visa), and in the last week of May 2024 to VVR only students.

Please follow the instructions under the “Already have a Dutch permit?” tile on the main page of our website if you already have a valid Dutch residence permit.

Nationalities Procedure

Deadlines September 2024


European Union / European Economic Area or Switzerland

No immigration procedure (but please submit emergency contact info) None None

Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, South Korea,
UK, USA, Vatican City, or a valid Schengen residence permit

Residence permit (VVR) 1 July 2024 €228*

Other nationalities

Residence permit & entry visa (MVV) 1 June 2024 €228*

* Please note that the application fee is non-refundable.

Are you a student from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan, Uruguay, or South Korea? You may be eligible for a WHS permit. Check the IND website for more information.

  • When can I start the application for a residence permit?

    The Immigration procedure will start in the first few weeks of May. If and when your programme provisionally accepts you, we will send you an invitation to begin the immigration process. You'll be linked to MyInfo, where you can upload the required documents.

    This year invitations to the immigration process are being spread out depending on nationality. The invitations to apply for residence permits will be sent to MVV students (which are always required to have an entry visa) starting in the first week of May 2024, and to VVR only students starting in the last week of May 2024. If you are an MVV student and have not yet received an invitation, it is highly likely that your faculty has not forwarded your information to us yet. We will continue inviting students every Tuesday and Thursday until the deadlines.

  • Conditions

    To be eligible for the permit, you need to be registered in a full-time degree or exchange programme at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) for at least 90 days. Also, you are required to be (at least) provisionally accepted to the programme. If you do not meet all of these conditions, you will not be invited to the immigration procedure. Please note that it is also not possible to start the procedure yourself.

    The UvA retains the right to refuse to apply for a student visa/residence permit if there are significant concerns about the applicant's intended purpose of stay in the Netherlands. The Dutch immigration authority (IND) may impose additional requirements for visa/residence permit applications, which may result in a longer processing time. The UvA cannot be held responsible for delays of this nature.

  • Deadline

    Please ensure you apply to your desired study programme before the admissions deadlines. If you can't apply before the faculty’s deadline, you won't be able to start the immigration process.

    The IND must approve your application for a residence permit prior to the programme's start to enrol fully. This is why the admissions and immigration deadlines are so strict.

  • Validity of the residence permit

    Your residence permit will be valid for the duration of your degree or exchange programme plus 3 months if you successfully complete your programme. However, if you decide not to continue your programme, we have to inform the IND. This means you no longer have the right to legal residence in the Netherlands.

    For more information about the validity of your residence permit, please check the information on Graduation or completing an exchange programme, the Orientation year residence permit, or the Discontinued study programme and residence status.

    Important: Make sure to have your housing accommodation arranged to avoid losing your residence permit. You must register in the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP) through the municipality of Amsterdam, which requires a valid address. Failure to do so may result in difficulties with banking, health insurance, and eventually the revocation of your residence permit on the basis of study.

  • Study Progress Monitoring

    To keep your permit you need to attain at least 50% of the credits of your study programme each academic year. This is part of the so-called ‘Study Progress Monitoring’. Please visit the page for more info on Study Progress Monitoring.

    Please note that the Study Progress Monitoring (SPM) and, therefore, the requirement to obtain at least 50% of the required ECTS during each academic year, does not apply to you anymore for your current academic year if you decide to unenroll from the UvA before 1 May. This will allow you to re-enroll in a new study programme from 1 September. If you choose to unenroll before 1 May, your residence permit will be revoked and you will need to apply for a new one in order to be allowed to start your studies from 1 September. In order to receive a new invitation to the immigration process, please ensure to get in touch with the Immigration Office in May when we start inviting students again.