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Information for students with International prior education (Including students who obtained their IB in the Netherlands).

What is UvA Matching?

UvA Matching is a mandatory part of your application procedure. It is an online introduction to the Bachelor’s programme you applied for. It is designed to assess whether your chosen programme is a good fit for you and if you are making the right study choice. By participating in UvA Matching you get to know your study programme and you experience studying at the University of Amsterdam. 

How does UvA Matching work? 

After you apply for this programme in Studielink, you will receive an email with your UvAnetID and information on how to complete your Enrolment Checklist. More information on how to apply for UvA Matching can be found on the Checklist. 

At UvA Economics and Business, we offer online matching 4 times a year. During the matching round of your choice, you have one week to study the provided online materials at your own pace.  

You complete UvA Matching by taking an online test. The results of this test will be used to compose a personal study advice. This advice aims to help you make the right choice for next year. 

During UvA Matching you will engage in several study activities that will give you an idea of what to expect from the Bachelor’s programme. This includes: 

  • Attending online lectures  
  • Reviewing course materials 
  • Finishing UvA Matching by taking 1 or 2 tests (depends on the programme) 
  • A personal study advice (based on the test outcome)   

When will you participate?

We offer UvA Matching online from March to June once every month. There are 4 assigned periods in which you can complete UvA Matching, which we call rounds. We recommend all students to participate as early as possible due to enrolment procedures (visa, housing etc.). You can choose 1 of the following UvA Matching rounds:

Enrolment deadline Round Date
25 February 2024 March 4 - 12 March 2024
24 March 2024 April 1 - 9 April 2024
23 April 2024 May 1 – 9 May 2024
28 May 2024 June 3 - 11 June 2024

Please note that:

  • If you apply for a scholarship at the UvA you must participate in the first or the second matching round. For scholarship applicants it’s not possible to participate in the matching round in May or June.
  • From the end of April you can register for the last round in June. Round June is not available for students who have to follow Visa procedures.

You will receive detailed login and practical information approximately 1 week before the start of your UvA Matching round.

Student experiences UvA Matching

What is it like to participate in UvA Matching? Bachelor's student Wouter Hekking shares his experiences in this short video.

Meet & Greet at the University (optional) 

Discover your future campus and meet your peers during the Meet & Greet on Thursday 20 June 2024. After you have confirmed your participation, you will receive an invitation by email to register for the event. We would like to welcome you, given that you have the opportunity to attend.

Questions about UvA Matching?

Fill in the form to contact our UvA Matching office.