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Want to check if the Master's in Identity and Integration is the right fit for you? Find out by participating in our upcoming events.
Recorded Meet & Ask session (feb 2021)
Watch the recording of the Meet & Ask

In case you have missed the Meet & Ask session, you can watch the recording of this session here.

UvA Alumnus - Sjors Roeters

Meet Sjors Roeters. He studied European Studies and Literary Studies at the UvA. After graduation he became a journalist and is now writing his own book. Check out his inspiring story about graduating and looking for a job.

UvA Alumna - Charley Spaan

Are you studying European Studies and do you want to get inspired about your career prospects? This is Charley Spaan. After graduation she worked for several organisations in the cultural sector. Check out her story and career path!

Copyright: onbekend
Our students particularly appreciate the study trip to one of the European Cultural Capitals like Matera, Rijeka and Novi Sad. This provides the unique opportunity to meet policy makers, artists and city administrators, and to study how culture in European cities intersects with issues of identity, social cohesion, sustainability and the economy. Dr Marleen Rensen