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Here's why you want to study Brain & Cognition in Society at the UvA

Latest insights from the field

Top researchers

Methodological, statistical and practical skills

You will be equipped with in-depth knowledge

Real-world challenges

You will apply the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to answer questions raised in cases from business, governmental and/or societal organisations

Bridge the gap between science and society

You will learn to report in a understandable way to non-experts

Is Brain & Cognition in Society right for you?

Yes, if you want to:

  • use your knowledge of what happens in our minds and in our brains for practical purposes
  • learn how to influence the way humans think, decide and act
  • apply knowledge about the brain and cognition to societal and business questions
  • create instead of taking a lot of exams
  • engage with science, but don't want to pursue an academic career

Discover other tracks in this Master's programme

Brain & Cognition in Society is one of the tracks in the Master's programme in Psychology

These are the other tracks:

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Facts & Figures
Degree programme
MSc Psychologie
60 ECTS, 12 months
Language of instruction
Starts in
CROHO code
Roeterseiland campus