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Final steps to complete your enrolment 

Now that you have been (un-)conditionally accepted to your programme there are some final steps to complete your enrolment. To help you, we have created an overview with all important information. You can find everything you need to arrange and know before you start your first day at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).  

Step by step guide - September 2024 intake

  • 1. Confirm your participation to reserve your place in the programme - ASAP


    • 23 May 2024 for students who need a Visa and/or Residence permit
    • 1 July 2024 for all other students

    How: Log in to your Embark application and answer the question in the tab ‘Confirm/Decline'. Make sure to click save after you’re done.

    You can confirm your participation from the moment you have been (un-)conditionally accepted to the programme. You reserve your place in the programme, and let the us know you would like to study with us. Doing this will also initiate further steps, e.g. your Visa and resident permit application (if applicable), and your timetable.
    Confirming your participation will not bind you to attend the programme.

    Deferring your application

    If you are accepted to one of our programmes starting in September 2024, you could defer your application until September 2025. This means that you have to re-apply to the programme from October 2024, we will waive your application fee and re-assess your application for the September 2025 intake.

    You can defer your application in your Embark account. You will receive more information regarding the defer process at the start of October 2024. The deadline for submitting a deferral request is 31 August 2024.

    Questions about confirming/deferring your application? Contact the Admissions Office

  • 2. Follow the Visa procedure (Non-EU/EEA students) - end of May

    If your nationality is other than EU/EEA, then you need a Visa and/or residence permit to study in The Netherlands. 

    Visa/Residence permit procedure:

    1. You confirm your participation (step 1) in Embark before the deadline
    2. The Admissions Office will forward your details to the UvA - Immigration office 
    3. The UvA - Immigration Office will send you all information, documents you need to upload, and deadlines
    4. You have to apply for a Visa and/or Residence permit before the given deadline

    Questions about the Visa procedure? In your Enrolment Checklist, you will find the status of your Visa application. If you can't find the answer there, contact the UvA Immigation Team.

  • 3. Apply for the UvA Short Stay Housing procedure (if applicable) - end of May

    The UvA does not offer student housing on our campuses. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the housing market in the Netherlands before you choose your study programme.  It can be difficult to find available housing in Amsterdam, so you will need to start looking for yourself as soon as possible via Dutch student housing websites. For international students, the UvA has limited number of rooms available throughout Amsterdam, which you can apply for via UvA Housing. Please note there are not enough rooms available via UvA Housing to accommodate all international students. As placement for UvA Housing is not guaranteed, we advise you to start your orientation for housing options early and to always explore the private housing market as well.

    When: As soon as you receive the application form from the UvA International Student Housing Office from the end of May until mid-June.

    The UvA provides some rooms for international Bachelor's and Master's students who will study in The Netherlands for the first time.

    Housing application procedure:

    1. The Admissions Office checks if you're eligible for Student housing and sends your details to the UvA - International Student Housing office
    2. The UvA - International Student Housing will invite you to apply 
    3. You fill out the form, pay the housing application fee to submit your application before the deadline
    4. After this, all applicants will be assigned a random place on the waiting list via a lottery.

    Please note, due to the severe housing shortage in Amsterdam the demand exceeds our supply, so unfortunately, not all students who apply for student housing can get a room.

    You can find all info about the eligibility, deadlines and the lottery on these pages:

    Questions about Housing? In your Enrolment Checklist, you will find the status of your Housing application. If you can't find the answer there, contact the International Student Housing Office

  • 4. Send the certified copies of your documents to receive an unconditional offer – asap after you graduate

    We need your certified documents because your application has been evaluated based on unofficial digital documents. Therefore, we need to verify the authenticity of your diploma and transcripts. After we've done this we can send you your unconditional offer. We do this on a rolling basis, the sooner you send the documents, the sooner you can receive your unconditional offer.

    What: After you have received a conditional offer, you need to send your certified copies of your official documents as soon as you are graduated. We recognize that most students will graduate in Summer and that you cannot provide these documents immediately after you have received your conditional acceptance email. 

    How: On this page you can find how to send the copies.


    If you need a visa and/or residence permit, please note that your deadline is 1 August.

    If you do not need assistance with a visa and/or residence permit your deadline is 31 August.

    Admissions process: Once we have received your certified documents, we aim to verify them within 3-4 weeks. Upon successful verification, you will promptly receive an email with your unconditional offer. Additionally, your Enrolment Checklist status will be updated to 'completed'.

    Questions about your certified documents? In your Enrolment Checklist, you can find the status of your admission. If you can't find the answer there, contact the Admissions Office

  • 5. Register for courses to receive your timetable

    Master's students

    We will invite you by email to participate in the course registration for the programme, as you need to register for courses yourself during the course registration period. Follow this step by step registration guide.

    Pre-Master's students

    The Admissions office will register you for all your courses of your Pre-master's and will send you your personal timetable for the first block via email in August. 

    Courses and Books

    In the Course Catalogue you will find your courses and the corresponding study materials. In June, the Course Catalogue for the upcoming Academic year will be published. There is no separate book list. You can order your books online with a membership from study association Sefa (for Economics and Business programmes) or with a membership from study association VSAE  (for MSc Actuarial Science and MSc Econometrics).

    Academic Calendar 

    The Academic Calendar provides an overview of all of the dates that will be important to you as a student, for example, the exam periods and holidays. 


    Canvas is the digital learning environment of the UvA. As soon as a teacher has published the page of the course (usually in the week before the course starts), you will find all teaching materials, the course manual, articles, assignments and messages here. Log in and take a look at Canvas

    Questions about your timetable, the Academic Calendar or Canvas? Please contact the Education Desk.

    Questions about ordering books? Please contact Sefa or VSAE.

  • 6. Arrange your insurance - before arrival

    When: Before arrival.

    Make sure you have proper insurance coverage for the duration of your studies. Health insurance, liability insurance and insurance against fire and theft are all required and/or recommended.

    Questions about insurance? Please contact the UvA Central Student Service Desk.

  • 7. Pay the tuition fee - before 31 August

    When: from the beginning of May and before 31 August 2024 (September intake).

    When you enrol at a university in the Netherlands, you must pay tuition fees each year. You cannot start your studies if you do not pay in time.

    If the UvA does not receive your tuition fee on time, you will not be enrolled and you will not be entitled to attend classes or receive financial assistance or reimbursement for public transport.

    Questions about the tuition fee payment? In your Enrolment Checklist, you can find the status of your tuition fee payment. If you can't find the answer there contact the UvA Student Service Desk

  • 8. Join the programme introduction - end of August

    Start your university life at the UvA with the programme introduction of your study programme. Where you can get to know your new study programme and prepare for your time as a student at the University of Amsterdam. You will receive an invititation via email. Find all the dates on this page (make sure to fill out the right programme at the top of the page).

    Questions about the programme introduction? For questions please contact the Education Desk.

Additional information:
