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The platform 'Citizens, Society and Artificial Intelligence (CiSAI)' unites social and behavioural science researchers who analyse the effects of AI on societal dynamics and on the lives of individual citizens. Find our experts per theme.

AI & Democracy, media and public opinion

Dr T. (Tom) Dobber

Political microtargeting and deepfake disinformation

M. (Marieke) van Hoof

AI-curated information on search engines and news

A. (Anna) Keuchenius

AI tools in social scientific research

Dr. D.C. (Damian) Trilling

Algorithmic feedback loops and the consumption of news

Prof. dr. J.L. (Justus) Uitermark

Opinion dynamics and cultural conflict

Prof. dr. C.H. (Claes) de Vreese

The impact of AI-mediated communication and systems on democratic processes

AI & Inequalitites

Dr. M. (Matthijs) Baas

The use of AI to improve the quality of psychological measurement and reduce bias

Prof. dr. T. (Thijs) Bol

The impact of automation and robotization on labour markets

Prof. L.J.F. (Frank) Cornelissen

Impact of AI use in education

Dr. R.P.P.P. (Raoul) Grasman

The use of AI to improve the quality of psychological measurement and reduce bias

Prof. dr. H.L.J. (Han) van der Maas

The use of AI to improve the quality of psychological measurement and reduce bias

Dr. J.A. (Jaap) Schuitema

Impact of AI use in education

Dr. C.E. (Claire) Stevenson

The use of AI to improve the quality of psychological measurement and reduce bias

Prof. dr. M.L.L. (Monique) Volman

Impact of AI use in education

Public policy and governance of AI

Prof. dr. T.B. (Theo) Araujo

Antecedents and consequences of public trust in AI

Prof. dr. M. (Marieke) de Goede

The use and abuse of big data and algorithmic analysis in financial security

Prof. dr. D.K. (Daniel) Mügge

The politics and institutions through with the European Union governs the development and deployment of AI

AI & Consumption

Prof. dr. M. (Marieke) de Goede

Digitization and the transformation of cultural practices

Dr. M.J. (Margot) van der Goot

Communication with AI-enabled conversational agents

Dr C. (Carolin) Ischen

New media technologies, communication partners and persuasive communication

Dr J. (Joanna) Strycharz

Persuasive communication and consumer vulnerabilities

Prof. dr. O.J.M. (Olav) Velthuis

Digitization and the transformation of cultural practices

Dr. H.A.M. (Hilde) Voorveld

New media technologies, communication partners and persuasive communication

R. (Rebecca) Wald

AI-driven virtual assistants and families

D. (Daisy/Dong) Zhang

Data and machine learning applied and communication with a persuasive intent

The reconfiguration of (public) space through AI

Prof. dr. M.C.G. (Marco) te Brömmelstroet

AI and the future of mobility

Dr. A.A. (Anna) Nikolaeva

AI and the future of mobility

Prof. dr. B. (Benjamin) van Rooij

AI to detect behavior in public space

Dr. A.R.T. (Andreas) Schuck

AI to detect behavior in public space

Prof. dr. C.G.M. (Cees) Snoek

AI to detect behavior in public space

Dr. K.P. (Petter) Törnberg

Cities and the experience of public space

Dr. D. (Don) Weenink

AI to detect behavior in public space

AI & the reorganization of the workplace

N.M.I.A. (Noon) Fatah Elrahman Abdulqadir

Algorithm bias in online employer communication

Dr. M. (Matthijs) Baas

AI-related knowledge and skills / Creative AI

E.S. (Ellis) Emanuel

AI-related knowledge and skills

Prof. dr. A.C. (Astrid) Homan

AI and leadership

Prof. dr. H.L.J. (Han) van der Maas

AI versus human intelligence

Dr. C.E. (Claire) Stevenson

AI versus human intelligence | Machine Learning Methods for Social & Behavioral Science

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